What a magnificently concise and comprehensive overview of where things currently stand!

“Behind all of these lies the same entity, whose private wing hopes to profit from the “development” imposed “lawfully” by its public wing – the governments it controls.” — Or, as Zappa famously said, “Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.”

THIS: “...a bright and shiny future of “inclusive prosperity” – this is Zisglom’s sugar-coated global slavery project.”

And THIS: “The environmentalist movement, originally in opposition to Zisglom’s ongoing industrial devastation, has now been largely transformed into the marketing wing of its “climate” scam.”

AND THIS: “Zisglom’s domination depends on people working for it without knowing that they are working for it, advancing its toxic agenda while thinking they are doing some kind of good in the world.”

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Au contraire, thank YOU!

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Giving this 'thing' a specific name is vital.

I have long been confused about what to call the force (it is a single force) ranged against all life in this world.

Globalists? The cabal? The elite? The military-industrial complex? The Matrix? These don't suggest a specific organisation, but a range of vague disparate forces.

Whereas it is in truth one entity with one leadership & one purpose. So we should name it. It is important to name it. To have one name in common usage.

If you can't name it then you don't know what it is & therefore you can't deal with it.

Zisglom is a bit of a tongue twister. It's too obscure.

What do we call its members & supporters?


I prefer Glafia. Easily identified with the word mafia.

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That's what exorcists strive for. Make the demon tell us it's name.

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Paul you've excelled again!

Must say I prefer Zisglom, it is more precise than Glafia which sounds like a flower to me! Any bets on which is more likely to be adopted by TikTok?

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Cheers Jenny. Zisglom is an ugly word to describe a ugly reality...

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I just call them by their name: Black Rock.

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Your best yet, overview and dissection of what we the people everywhere are up against!

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Thanks Nowick.

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I do get a small measure of satisfaction from the knowledge that this parasitic lot of cowards lives in constant fear, loathing, and suspicion. Yes, they hate us ordinary humans but they intensely hate each other as well IMO, they must lead a truly miserable, horrific life.

What good it is for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul? I have no doubt that this lot could tell us and I don't think any real human would like it.

I suspect that this is all part of a larger cycle, the zissy's get their few decades or centuries of dominance and then, after some time, they are driven back into the shadows to be forgotten for some very long time, only to return again as the cycle inevitably grinds around again.

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The zissies. I like that!

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But not them, obviously.

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Thank you for organising my disparate thoughts into one dissertation.

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An excellent summary of how , what and where we are and why we must resist. Thank you

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The essential truth, by any name: "one massive world-spanning public-private criminal enterprise."

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"Like a practitioner of the martial arts, Zisglom is expert at turning the momentum of attacks on its control to its own advantage."

Likewise: 'The great epic diabolical irony accordingly is that the elite, that many conspiracy theorists expose and fight against, have cognitively infiltrated the truth movements.. to such an extent that they have been weaponized against themselves and others in the underground - the weaponization of conspiracy theory..

An unconscious compartmentalization takes place in activist environments, which is used against one's own flock; the 'conspiracy theorists' (the most dangerous enemies of the elite) who are unwittingly recruited by the disinfo agents' PSYOPS divisions and their meme 'magic' as useful idiots for the Deep State empire's PSYOPS. While many truth-seekers are hi-jacked by mind control (like in Total Recall fx), they falsely believe that they are fighting against the empire.


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Important to know the difference between white magic(service to others) and it's opposite, the black magik(service to self)...we all must heed this in order to avoid slip-ups in action!

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Goes without saying, a truism - but what's the point beyond such truism?

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I apologise, I made an assumption, forgive me.

Please enjoy this little aphorism from Henry Miller: "Life consists of what a man thinks of all day"...or a woman for that matter!

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The politicians are simply puppets in Brioni suits. They do as the cabal tells them. The wealth is private; the debt is public.

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“the fracking industry and the UK government are simply different branches of one massive world-spanning public-private criminal enterprise, which has nothing but contempt for the people of England, its land and its culture.” 100% truth right there, very apparent here in Australia, thanks for writing this article

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Totally excellent overview of the state of affairs - I agree with everything.

The answer? I may have posted Percy Redfern's quote from 1920before, but never mind - here it is again:

“In our common everyday needs the great industries of the world take their rise. We – the mass of common men and women in all countries - also compose the world’s markets. To sell to us is the ultimate aim of the world’s business. Hence it is ourselves as consumers who stand in a central relation to all the economies of the world, like the king in his kingdom. As producers we go unto a particular factory, farm or mine, but as consumers we are set by nature thus to give leadership, aim and purpose to the whole economic world. That we are not kings, but serfs in the mass, is due to our failure to think and act together as consumers and so to realise our true position and power.”

Percy Redfern’s quote on the power of the consumer, (Issue:1, The Ethical Consumer Magazine, 1989) — {original may have been quoted from Redfern’s book “The Consumer’s Place in Society”, 1920].

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Yes, we do need to ignore their toxic gaslighting and realise our true position and power, as the vast majority of humankind.

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I too thought about this gangster global technocracy and came to the conclusion the ultimate plan is turn humanity into obedient "animals," while international elites anticipate technology will morph them into powerful immortal "Gods."

The use of advancements in AI technology along with biomedicine manipulating human DNA, as well as biometrics are some of the tools the ghouls believe will accomplish this goal.

Deploying insidious pharmaceuticals

en masse on the world's population could sadly modify the human species, but will never transform creepos into Gods. 😁

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Brilliant analysis! Thanks Paul :))

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Please read "The Nameless War" by Archibald Maul Ramsey MP. It is a short but highly revealing read, filled with many little known facts that reveal the historical progress of an ancient highly organized agenda for world domination. After reading this reliable and informative book, the reader can easily ascertain what is happening today.

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Thanks for the tip ...

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We are all complicit in creating this monster and feeding it every day. All fiat money is debt and keeps the slave system going and keeps wars going. There is a way out. People like Jeff Booth, Simon Dixon, Saifedean Ammous, Lyn Alden, Stacy Herbert, Matthew Kratter and many others will explain.

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The only way to win the game is to refuse to play it!

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule.

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.


YouTube:The Mind Mosaic:

The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity

that Rule the World.

I hope this helps. :)

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