I had a strange experience while going through all the back issues of The Acorn for my ten-year retrospective, to be serialised here very soon.
Armed with what I know today, I found I was seeing past events on which we had reported in a different light.
For instance, I always found it difficult to understand how there was any possibility of the fracking industry being allowed to devastate what was left of England’s countryside, not just in the face of massive public opposition but also because of the obvious undesirability of the plan for anyone living in the country.
Although I, along with others, was muttering darkly about corruption and collusion between the industry and the UK government, I did not see or express a truth that is now plain to me.
This is that the fracking industry and the UK government are simply different branches of one massive world-spanning public-private criminal enterprise, which has nothing but contempt for the people of England, its land and its culture.
The same is true of all the other destructive industrial “infrastructure” projects being pushed through everywhere, against the wishes of those living there, whether the building of new motorways in France, high-speed rail lines in England or Italy, pipelines in the USA, copper mining in Latin America, cobalt mining in Africa or the massive industrialisation of China.
Behind all of these lies the same entity, whose private wing hopes to profit from the “development” imposed “lawfully” by its public wing – the governments it controls.
I think it is helpful to be able to understand that the thing in question is not some mysterious, shadowy, otherworldly spectre, but a real organisation, a kind of giant holding company whose sheer size and scope makes it very difficult for us little people to see.
It is called by various names – I tend to refer to it as the system, the criminocracy or the single global mafia.
I also like Mees Baaijen’s term “Glafia” (global mafia), but for the purposes of this piece I am going to use the label Zisglom, being an abbreviation of “single global mafia” with an added prefix to indicate the ever-more evident Zionist aspect of its identity.
Zisglom has been built up into its current über-dominant form over a couple of centuries, although on the foundations of pre-existing power structures and networks.
It was constructed with money gained by usury, sharp practice and outright criminality and used this money to buy power, thus enabling it to engineer further means of increasing its financial wealth at the expense of society as a whole.
The euphemisms it uses to describe this parasitical self-enrichment, the bleeding-dry of nature and people for its own interests, are “progress”, “growth” and “development”.
Zisglom’s favoured “public” instruments for its global agenda were once European colonial states, such as Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium, but the USA later took prime place and a new switch is currently being made to China and the other “BRICS” states.
It has also manufactured a set of global institutions – the World Bank, IMF, Bank for International Settlements, United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and so on – which it hopes will form the basis of a new Zisglom-controlled world state.
It aims to rip us all completely from the land and any sort of free and natural existence and lock us down in “smart” concentration camps where we will be permanently plugged into the digital matrix, every aspect of our lives commodified for its sustainable profiteering, using the financial infrastructure of its global “development goals”.
As a callous corporate entity, Zisglom has no emotional attachment to the various nation-state proxies it has long been using for its own purposes – it regards them merely as sources of human and natural capital to fuel its own expansion.
But it does like to use the language of national pride to motivate those working (unknowingly, in the main) for its global goals.
From British imperialist-nationalists proud that their country ruled the waves and was bringing “civilisation” to backward natives, to US patriots buoyed up by the notion that theirs was the “land of the free” and was protecting “democracy” across the world, millions have been duped into dedicating their lives to working for Zisglom.
The same, by the way, is true of those internationalists whose vision today is of lifting billions of Africans, Asians and Latin Americans “out of poverty” and into a bright and shiny future of “inclusive prosperity” – this is Zisglom’s sugar-coated global slavery project.
Like a practitioner of the martial arts, Zisglom is expert at turning the momentum of attacks on its control to its own advantage.
For example, it managed to convert the original 19th century movements defending working people from predatory industrial capitalism into a 20th and 21st century “socialist” or “communist” phenomenon that enthusiastically cheers on the relentless march of its industrial “progress” and angrily condemns those who question it as “reactionary”.
The environmentalist movement, originally in opposition to Zisglom’s ongoing industrial devastation, has now been largely transformed into the marketing wing of its “climate” scam.
When Zisglom does not manage to co-opt and control opposition, it will use unlimited violence to destroy it.
I am thinking here of the massacring of the Paris Commune, the crushing of anarchists and other freedom fighters in Bolshevik Russia, the murder by Zisglom sock-puppet Adolf Hitler of not only regime opponents but even non-controlled members of his own party, the attacks on anarchist revolutionaries in Spain by both Zisglom’s Franco regime and its “communist” Moscow branch and, needless to say, the regular ruthless repression of popular uprisings and resistance everywhere by Zisglom’s public-private uniformed security division, armed with batons, tear gas, guns and grenades.
When the police turn up to evict a protest camp defending nature, they are coming on behalf of Zisglom, which stands to profit from the destruction in question and has also manufactured the “planning” legislation that declares it necessary and legitimate.
Terror is a key feature of the Zisglom corporate playbook. Sometimes it carries out “false flag” massacres that it blames on its enemies in order to justify further acts of terror or repression on its part.
Zisglom has long been involved in every conceivable criminal activity – in bribery and corruption, in racketeering, in the trafficking of drugs, arms, women and children.
The use of blackmail is one of its specialities. In particular it likes to groom and control politicians and other significant individuals by facilitating their involvement in pedocriminality of the worst imaginable kind.
It also deliberately engineers and prolongs vast and bloody wars, in which millions of people lose their lives.
Zisglom benefits from these in countless ways – there are immediate profits for its weaponry, oil and transport divisions, its black market operations make hay from trade embargoes, it rakes it in from pseudo-humanitarian “foreign aid” schemes and, of course, all wars provide field days for money-laundering on a vast scale.
Zisglom-controlled governments borrow huge amounts of money from Zisglom’s banking division to spend on war-related products produced by Zisglom and take out further Zisglom loans after the war to pay Zisglom’s construction division to build back better in a “modern” style conducive to Zisglom’s long-term agenda.
Sometimes, there are additional benefits to a war, such as atrocities which can be used to rally world opinion behind an illegitimate new Zisglom settler-colony and to disallow any criticism of that colony and its own subsequent atrocities, as well as of the Zisglom networks associated with that colony.
Zisglom’s corporate mission is one of total control. It wants to know what everyone is saying and doing, all the time, and it wants to be able to censor, police and direct every detail of our lives.
For Zisglom, we are its workforce and its customer base, and in each context it wants to extract maximum profit from us. It likes young people with decades of exploitation ahead of them and would rather send older folk to the knacker’s yard when they are no longer a source of profit.
The existence of troublesome “extremists”, unruly peasants who refuse to the toe the line of cowed obedience it has drawn for us, is a source of endless frustration for Zisglom.
It has done all it can to ensure that we think the way it wants us to think, behave the way it wants us to behave.
It has gained control of nearly every media outlet, publishing house, school curriculum and academic institution.
Its truths are presented as the only truths, its prejudices are treated as facts, its corporate programme as the only possible future ahead of us.
Zisglom’s domination depends on people working for it without knowing that they are working for it, advancing its toxic agenda while thinking they are doing some kind of good in the world.
For this reason, what Zisglom fears most of all is that people will see through the masks, screens and fronts it has so carefully and cleverly arranged to hide its ubiquitous presence.
It knows that the toppling of even a single domino of deceit risks bringing the whole arrangement crashing down.
Finally revealed for what it is – a criminal conspiracy that has grabbed control of our world through usury, cheating, robbery, lies, blackmail and mass murder – Zisglom would no longer be able to maintain its improbable domination of eight billion human beings.
What a magnificently concise and comprehensive overview of where things currently stand!
“Behind all of these lies the same entity, whose private wing hopes to profit from the “development” imposed “lawfully” by its public wing – the governments it controls.” — Or, as Zappa famously said, “Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.”
THIS: “...a bright and shiny future of “inclusive prosperity” – this is Zisglom’s sugar-coated global slavery project.”
And THIS: “The environmentalist movement, originally in opposition to Zisglom’s ongoing industrial devastation, has now been largely transformed into the marketing wing of its “climate” scam.”
AND THIS: “Zisglom’s domination depends on people working for it without knowing that they are working for it, advancing its toxic agenda while thinking they are doing some kind of good in the world.”
Giving this 'thing' a specific name is vital.
I have long been confused about what to call the force (it is a single force) ranged against all life in this world.
Globalists? The cabal? The elite? The military-industrial complex? The Matrix? These don't suggest a specific organisation, but a range of vague disparate forces.
Whereas it is in truth one entity with one leadership & one purpose. So we should name it. It is important to name it. To have one name in common usage.
If you can't name it then you don't know what it is & therefore you can't deal with it.
Zisglom is a bit of a tongue twister. It's too obscure.
What do we call its members & supporters?
I prefer Glafia. Easily identified with the word mafia.