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Very good! But, I think many of us in this audience would agree this necessary paradigm shift isn't ever likely to happen on any mass scale. Many who've become aware of these truths in recent years and decades have already moved off grid, started families au naturel on a homestead, worked diligently to set up small, planned communities, or started afresh and independently, away from most or all nonsense tech and dependence on any centralized authority, etc. They know, perhaps, the world at large can't be saved from itself.

In my younger years, there was always the impetus to "awaken the masses" which, looking back, was rather ignorant, and even arrogant. Who was I, and what the hell did I really know? All that energy that went into writing articles or essays, my "uplifting and spiritual" music, and the rest of it, is somewhat amusing at this point, even if it was quite satisfying to have an outlet for all that angst, anger, anxiety, and love for my fellow apparently sleepy humans. As I've learned and discovered (remembered) much about the nature of this reality in the ensuing decades, and especially these past 5 years, my message, motives, and meanings have changed, as it would for anyone bent on knowing what is real and true.

Many in this fantastic dissident community of errants are now coming to the fore, sharing their extensive research and astonishing evidence that our societies and civilizations are "reset" almost like clockwork. Could it be, therefore, that repeated and inevitable (perhaps forced) returns to pre-industrial (and/or post-industrial) living standards are part of the Grand Script, depending on the locale and extent of said reset?

Evidence is all around us of previous truly advanced societies, buried time and again and erased from history, while the controlling, parasitic aspects among us revise historical record, invent (in)famous historical characters, and fabricate or reshape paradigm-shifting events... even devising calendars and chronologies ex post facto to suit their needs.

We, the common, caring, loving, just-let-us-be man and woman, unconsciously carry forward in blissful ignorance these fabricated narratives, and variations on repeating themes, but there are always a few that never really buy into it... these well-read heretics and erudite rebels that are routinely ostracized, imprisoned, or executed. I think that modern worldwide censorship agendas represent the macro of this collective mirror, wherein the zeitgeist says "Hey assholes, stop shaking the snow globe! Leave us to our grand illusions."

Inevitably, somewhere down the road in perhaps a century or two, another newly powered-up and tapped-in "internet" generation of "truth seekers" unite to expose these massive lies, as another reset, controlled demolition, and forced relocation occurs... Rinse and repeat.

Perhaps too many ideas for one short comment... I guess the point to this rambling is this: don't take this all too seriously. We're just passing through.

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Certainly too many ideas to reply to here! Yes, we're all just passing through but also, hopefully, also playing our small role in the shaping of history... a positive role that is, as even doing nothing is a low-level (negative) participation.

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Agreed. Many courageous authors here on Substack are generating ripples and waves.

Or, we could be 'crazy' like the late Vichai Sureeyut https://enna.substack.com/p/and-another-tree-story

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