A parasitic criminal mafia whose sadistic pyschopathy is unable to hinder the stupidity of killing its host. 😁

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I can prove your “Criminocratic Predators” are indeed criminals. They condemn themselves by their own words, which provide first-hand evidence of deliberate accounting fraud [my words, not a legal opinion].

I've publicly analysed this damning evidence of accounting fraud, taken directly from bank loan accounts statements [i.e., their own words] provided by three individual bank customers (who, understandably, wish to remain anonymous). As I haven't yet published a book on this subject, my Substack [https://patcusack.substack.com/] will have to do for now.

Fair warning: be prepared to learn 6 basic rules of accounting, so you can see through the deceptive "wording" printed in these bank statements. Banks use a deceitful “word overlay” to distract from correct accounting numbers, and this explains why government regulators have yet to even detect this crime. The crime [deception] is not in their numbers; it’s in their words. And bank regulators only ever see consolidated bank Balance Sheets or Profit & Loss Statements - which truthfully aggregate the NUMBERS from these “loan account statements”; the false WORDS are only ever seen by the deceived customer, who is as likely to be unaware of the rules of accounting as you or I.

My entire Substack consists of just 6 articles, 3 of which [#2, 3 & 5] explore the evidence from three different Australian banks. If you only have 5 minutes, my “Welcome” article should give you incentive to follow where the evidence leads.

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Another thing to add to my ever growing reading list. No rest for the resistance against the wicked, eh.

One thing I would say - I was reminded of that great line in the Matrix, where Morpheus (speaking to Neo) says something like 'It's not enough to be told about the matrix - you have to see it for yourself'.

This is the deeper psychological truth about 'exposure' - it really doesn't matter how many times or how much one tells or explains the predator/parasite/criminocracy phenomenon to anyone - unless they actually experience it personally, they are going to reject it. This is partly for psychological reasons of course, mainly due to it not being psychologically tolerable for them to accept it, and partly because they would be scared of what we might call 'learned helplessness' - the feeling that one is powerless to do anything about it. That feeling too is of course encouraged by the monsters (that's my word for them - but we're talking the same thing). And naturally it's yet another lie - one of the greatest and most beautiful aspects of human beings is simply 'solidarity' - as social creatures, humans are evolutionarily programmed to work together - this is perhaps one of the aspects the monsters hate the most. They, after all, have a pathology of paranoia - they are even paranoid about each other - which is why they can only hold together their grand conspiracy by the threat of mutual assured destruction - like 'if you expose me then you go down with me' - which, of course, is the true weak point in their armour. Expose just one of them, or one of their serious machinations, and the world's eyes open, and the rest comes crashing down like the precarious house of cards it always and only ever was.

Their 'awesome power' in other words, has always only ever been a necessary illusion. They are the epsilons, not the alphas...

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"But how can people be expected to fight against something which they don’t even know exists and whose suggested existence they have been brainwashed into regarding as a figment of deluded or ill-intentioned thinking?" — Exactly!

Similarly, how can people who've been brainwashed, by the criminocracy/Glafia's ubiquitous agents, to believe that doing as directed to "save the planet" is the greatest and most pressing thing they can do, be made to realize that in fact, "saving the planet" is the means by which they are enabling their own immiseration, dispossession and enslavement?

Changing gears, with all due respect to yourself and “Mees” something does not add up. Mees claims that The Predators versus The People is “an initiative to raise awareness on the dire situation we’re in”. It seems to me that charging $ for access to this awareness is likely to scuttle said initiative before its maiden voyage. But that's just me. Perhaps Mees has a deeper understanding of human nature than I do.

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Yes, it's shame that the author has to charge for the book, due to large debts hanging over him. I don't have that issue and so happily can make my own books free online. But then The Predators is the product of ten years of detailed research, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to seek to be paid for his efforts. Having read it, I would say it is defintely worthwhile, for those can afford to chip in. Hopefully it will be later become free to read. In the meantime Mees has made various sections of the book freely available - see here: https://thepredatorsversusthepeople.substack.com/s/book-overview

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"...due to large debts hanging over him." Unless he targets this issue as the core issue of what is wrong with the world it would be just another "description of the minutiae of all the symptoms" and not really helpful.

All behavior is elicited. The money/debt system elicits the most Negative and destructive behavior the human species is capable of. Until we change how money works we will never be able to change anything.

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Marketing tip for the author of this book-

Thousands of people have done thousands of hours of research into the global predators and share their information for free.

Anyone who says they did this so you don't have to is either naive or " pay me $25 for the download" possibly a predator themselves.

Even Google Play books gives readers a significant sample of the book to see if it is of interest before a commitment to purchase.

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Yes, and I read the book overview and whoopdeedoo...

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