“We stand for gender equality, where all women have the opportunity to exercise power, agency, and leadership at all levels."

Interesting, how these same billionaire gangsters and their "benevolent sounding" organizations are complicit with intelligence agencies who fund al-Qaeda/ISIS as well as other ancillary terrorist groups with the objective of triggering sectarian violence and brutality towards women. 🤔

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The Times: “Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gives more than £2 billion a year to good causes, attended the Rockefeller summit.” — Note the word “good” … accurate I suppose, if some variant of “evil” is what is meant by “good”.

“The commodification of our lives, involving speculation on the outcomes of private financing affecting them, is of course presented by Co-Impact as “philanthropic giving”” — Necessarily so. After all, to call it what it resembles so much more (philanthropic taking) just wouldn't have the same ring of benevolence.

“I have pointed out before how the word “bold” often crops up in globalist verbiage, being favoured by both Tony Blair and his friends the Rothschilds.” — Bold is code for ruthless.

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Yes. "Bold" equals ruthless in the same way that "agile" governance indicates the anti-democratic variety and that "inclusive" really means totalitarian.

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Spot on!

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I commented earlier on the "incestuous nature of this cabal." This inbreeding continues to reveal itself as worse than most of us could ever imagine! Toxic and dangerous.....but apparently very effective.

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Well done Paul. I am beginning to see an absolutely necessary wakeup call to boycott (as if we need to even ask?) all Corporate entities wanting our death as their "final solution" to overpopulation. Their other issues all tie into culling population - bioweapon and cure first and foremost. Following bioweapon deployment is Net Zero (leads to starvation and death from cold), Chemtrails (deployment of Bioweapons), LGBTQ exhaltation (reducing births from reduced heterosexuals). That last item has little chance of success but they amazingly have made inroads with public school "gender" confusion.

I am either out of my mind crazy or just someone good at connecting dots. Judge for yourself and help if you can people like Paul and myself.


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Patty Stonesifer. Can’t help thinking of the character “Patsy Stone” from “Ab Fab” comedy (Joanna Lumley)

Of course they are the “good club” since the dictat is to “call evil good & good, evil” as declared by their Master & Commander” Lucifer, that’s why they were made rich.

We think they have got so much money they don’t know what to do with it all, but they know what they have to do with it all, no take backs either. It’s a big club, and they can’t get out of it.

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Pattern recognition

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Look at the burning of LA.

A C-40 Digital Prison.

Same playbook as Lahaina, plausible deniability with incompetence.

Yet both Governors are WEF.

I’m listening to your Delingpole interview. Well done.

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Paul, impact investment bank Legatum (Farage string-puller) is heavily funded by MacKenzie Scott too - see their suspiciously named ‘Freedom Fund’ that I wrote about here: https://open.substack.com/pub/informedheart/p/arc-legatum-and-fake-freedom-funds?r=q9aq0&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks Ursula.

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I don't trust any wealthy people with their so called charity.

Their money could be more effective by using it to change asshole policies and asshole companies that poison us physically and economically.

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Club murder any you you slice it.

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And yet they sleep like lambs. Human minds never cease to amaze with the agility of their morality. The sound of one of them laughing must be like a reverb plugin stuck in early reflections. Hollow and unhuman.

Never coming to our parties.

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