Rockefeller Foundation trustee Patty Stonesifer is a “technology multimillionaire and philanthropist”. [306]
Having “moved up the ranks pretty quickly at Microsoft” to the level of senior vice president, she became the founding CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [307][308][309]
She has much in common with fellow Rockefeller Foundation trustee Afsaneh Beschloss, including past or present membership of the board of the Gates’ GAVI “vaccine alliance”, of the Gates-funded Center for Global Development and of the Rothschild-manufactured Council on Foreign Relations. [310][311][312][313][314]
Stonesifer is or was also a member of “The Good Club”, a deep state milieu formed in 2009. [315]
The Times wrote of the launch: “Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.
“The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.
“Described as the Good Club by one insider, it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.
“Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gives more than £2 billion a year to good causes, attended the Rockefeller summit.
“The issues debated included reforming the supervision of overseas aid spending to setting up rural schools and water systems in developing countries. Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority”. [316]
Hang on, wasn’t that supposed to just be a conspiracy theory?
Comments WikiSpooks: “Interestingly, a decade later, virtually the same group of billionaires were involved in shaping the global COVID-19 deep event including the mandating of mRNA vaccines as a precursor to the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset'”. [317]
Stonesifer is probably best known to the US public for her time as president and CEO of Martha’s Table, a much-hyped “charity” whose story is that it began in 1980 as a safe place for children to receive free sandwiches after school and went on to develop early childhood education programmes and expanded food distribution schemes. [318]
Martha’s Table has an extensive list of corporate partners on its website, including the likes of Amazon, Bank of America, Bloomberg, Ernst & Young, General Motors, JPMorgan Chase, Mastercard Impact Fund, McKinsey & Co, PepsiCo, RBC Wealth Management and Select Equity Group, L.P. [319]
And this is not just a question of gratefully receiving donations from these famously kind-hearted entities.
Martha’s Table even boasts a Business Advisory Council, whose members have included Anastasia Dellaccio, senior manager for “Community Impact and Philanthropy” at Booz Allen Hamilton; Lisa Fitzpatrick, president of Bloomberg Tax & Accounting; Isaac Wolf, qualitative field analyst with Select Equity Group and Meena Nankani, vice president at the Rothschilds’ JPMorgan Chase. [320]
To ram the point home, Ellis Carr, until recently chair of the Martha’s Table board, is CEO of the financial institution Capital Impact Partners, part of the Momentus Capital “branded family of organizations”. [321][322][323][324]
Momentus Capital’s investors, partners and donors include Amazon, Bank of America, CITI Foundation, City National Bank, Ford Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, Mastercard, Morgan Stanley, Santander Bank, Goldman Sachs, Google, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and the Federal Reserve Bank. [325]
Anyone else seeing a pattern emerging here?
Stonesifer herself is the chairman of the board at Co-Impact, “a global philanthropic collaborative supporting locally-rooted coalitions working to achieve impact at scale in Africa, Asia, and Latin America”. [326][327]
This entity boasts of its achievements in a report entitled 5 Years of Collaboration for Just and Inclusive Systems. [328]
The report is stuffed full of all the usual nauseating and hypocritical globalist spin, such as the claim that “we envision a world where all people can live fulfilling lives, where systems and societies are just and inclusive”.
But, as its name alone reveals, it is really at the forefront of pushing worldwide impact slavery.
The commodification of our lives, involving speculation on the outcomes of private financing affecting them, is of course presented by Co-Impact as “philanthropic giving” – this phrase appears next to a photo of a host of smiling women, including Stonesifer’s long-time collaborator Melinda Gates.
As I have said, the framework for “impact capitalism” is the UNSDGs – Stonesifer’s Co-Impact states: “We are part of the Global Goals Week partners community that advances the Sustainable Development Goals”.
It seems it is focusing its activities particularly on goal number 5, “gender equality”.
It declares: “We stand for gender equality, where all women have the opportunity to exercise power, agency, and leadership at all levels”.
It brags that it has “mobilized” $685 million overall and is aiming to “mobilize” at least $50 million over ten years for “gender equality in Africa”.
Co-Impact is involved in 13 countries in Africa, five in Latin America and four in Asia, with a further 31 countries targeted by its “global/multiregional” schemes.
Needless to say, “Learning, Measurement and Evaluation (LME) are essential to our approach”.
The impact speculation game works on statistics and algorithms.
Of course, part of the aim of “gender equality” in Africa, Asia or Latin America is to get women out of their homes and villages and working in urban sweatshops for the profit of the global crooks.
Co-Impact complains: “Women’s participation in the labor force globally is just under 47% compared to 72% for men, with some regions facing a gap of more than 50%”.
So it is “addressing the barriers to women’s economic empowerment and labour force participation”.
Because “equitable systems cannot be achieved without gender equality”, Stonesifer’s organisation is dishing out “Our Women in Leadership” grants for those “advocating for institutional and systemic change”.
Co-Impact states that “the scale and complexity of present-day challenges, requires a new and bold type of philanthropy”. [329]
I have pointed out before how the word “bold” often crops up in globalist verbiage, being favoured by both Tony Blair and his friends the Rothschilds. [330]
For Co-Impact, this boldness involves “ensuring that every dollar invested goes further and does more”.
It states: “By joining our collaborative, funding partners pool their resources to accelerate their impact, and benefit from multiple opportunities to convene through virtual and in-person gatherings, share experiences, and deepen understanding of what it takes to achieve inclusive impact at scale”.
It adds, confirming that this is not really about “philanthropic giving”: “Pooled funding creates a diversified portfolio that decreases individual risk”. [331]
Two of the three “lead donors” to Stonesifer’s Co-Impact are, predictably enough, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation.
The third is MacKenzie Scott (listed there alongside her second husband Dan Jewett), who was first married to Jeff Bezos, founder of multinational tech and e-commerce company Amazon.
Stonesifer herself is close to Bezos.
Not only is she on the board at Amazon, but from June 2023 until January 2024 she was the interim CEO of the Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos. [332][333]
She is variously described as “a longtime Bezos confidante” and “his friend” by US media and the billionaire is clearly on the same political-impact wavelength as Stonesifer, initiating the introduction of the newspaper’s “first gender columnist”. [334][335]
Not only has Bezos been experiencing difficulties with newsroom morale at the Post, but over in his Amazon empire there has been a staff rebellion over its contracts with the Israeli government, in particular involving cloud computing. [336]
Those attending a pro-Palestinian solidarity event in December 2023 “felt like they were being intimidated,” according to “an employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect his job”. [337]
And many others have rightly taken exception to Bezos and Stonesifer’s closeness to Israel – for instance, that same month, protesters in Oregon and Washington shut down two Amazon warehouses and a construction site “in order to impose consequences for Amazon’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza”. [338]
The above article is an extract from my new 100-page booklet, The Single Global Mafia: The Rockefeller Foundation’s multiple links to Zionism and military-industrial-financial neo-imperialism, which can be downloaded free here for reading, safekeeping and the widest possible sharing.
[310] Ibid.
[320] Ibid.
[329] Ibid.
[337] Ibid.
“We stand for gender equality, where all women have the opportunity to exercise power, agency, and leadership at all levels."
Interesting, how these same billionaire gangsters and their "benevolent sounding" organizations are complicit with intelligence agencies who fund al-Qaeda/ISIS as well as other ancillary terrorist groups with the objective of triggering sectarian violence and brutality towards women. 🤔
The Times: “Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which gives more than £2 billion a year to good causes, attended the Rockefeller summit.” — Note the word “good” … accurate I suppose, if some variant of “evil” is what is meant by “good”.
“The commodification of our lives, involving speculation on the outcomes of private financing affecting them, is of course presented by Co-Impact as “philanthropic giving”” — Necessarily so. After all, to call it what it resembles so much more (philanthropic taking) just wouldn't have the same ring of benevolence.
“I have pointed out before how the word “bold” often crops up in globalist verbiage, being favoured by both Tony Blair and his friends the Rothschilds.” — Bold is code for ruthless.