A fine profile of a worthy criminocrat...

An apt caption for the sly-grinning pic of Santos holding his Nobel Peace (o'shit) Prize would be “Duper's delight!”. Still, said pic is less revolting than the positively demonic aura emanating from the image of Bliar.

“Various globalist organisations have reinforced the Santos narrative, as we can read in his profile on the Rockefeller Foundation site – not least his old friends at the WEF, who “presented him with an exceptional Global Statesman Award in recognition of his leadership and contribution to peace”.” — Cue Carlin: “ It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy.”

“He obligingly told the 2012 ceremony in Bogota, which was attended by World Jewish Congress president Ronald S. Lauder, that any “peace deal” with the Palestinians “had to include the recognition of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people”.” — No show of fealty it seems, is ever complete, without a public display of kissing the Zio-ring.

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I’m going to take a wild guess - I bet like Blair he’s worth a few coffee beans🤑

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Very well said....

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Here's an excerpt from an article written in 2003: “I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis,” in his chapter-long account of his Israel experiences.

Castao’s right-wing Phalange-like AUC force is now by far the worst human rights violator in all of the Americas, and ties between that organization and Israel are continually surfacing in the press.

The AUC paramilitaries are a fighting force that originally grew out of killers hired to protect drug-running operations and large landowners."

There's an ongoing theme worldwide in the continual "War Against Humanity" that a number one priority is to protect drug-runners and oligarchs. 🤑

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and child abusers...

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Excellent post. Seriously, one can only stand in wonder at the many slimy tentacles and demonic machinations of the global mafia and the propaganda matrix aka 'corporate media'. The rot goes all the way! From governments, banks, many major institutions, NGOs, 'charities', heck even to the Noble committee, academia, you name it... the level of corruption is almost laughable, if it weren't killing us.

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Yes, it is astonishing. Every stone you turn over reveals yet another putrid pile of deceit. And the stench is the same in each instance.

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Excellent research and analysis

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Thanks Ibraar

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Another invaluable compilation of history and insights from PAUL CUDENEC ... on the One Big Network of Criminals with Rothschilds' Families at its Center. This Network can be defeated. We just have to see it, call it out, and act against it. WEF Annual Meeting, coming right up! https://donpaul.substack.com/p/shut-down-the-wef-if-you-want-peace

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"His advocacy of a merger of socialism and capitalism, “using markets where possible and state where necessary” is in the fine tradition of public-private corporatism pioneered by Benito Mussolini. [270]"

And who exactly was the Nazi in the 2023 election? Hint. It wasnt the Republican party (sort of). The modern Democrat party is the definition of Fascism. Actually this type of totalitarian one world Govt is no better or worse than Naziism or Benito's Fascism because it is based on absolute power of the few holier than thou egomaniacs over the many lesser beings. Don't believe me? Just look at #12.

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