"Sufficient numbers will have to have realised what this world has turned into..." "We can help win them over by exposing the corruption of the system..."
Agreed ... and this explains why the criminocracy's current, avowed number one priority, is fighting "disinformation", "misinformation" and "malinformation" ... all three being but euphemisms for what any honest broker would call "the truth".
"Sufficient numbers will have to have realised what this world has turned into..." "We can help win them over by exposing the corruption of the system..."
Agreed ... and this explains why the criminocracy's current, avowed number one priority, is fighting "disinformation", "misinformation" and "malinformation" ... all three being but euphemisms for what any honest broker would call "the truth".
"Sufficient numbers will have to have realised what this world has turned into..." "We can help win them over by exposing the corruption of the system..."
Agreed ... and this explains why the criminocracy's current, avowed number one priority, is fighting "disinformation", "misinformation" and "malinformation" ... all three being but euphemisms for what any honest broker would call "the truth".
Divide et Impera