"..tensions regarding Muslims have largely been stoked by Zionist-funded pseudo-nationalists.." Here https://thegrayzone.com/2024/10/25/israel-lobby-britains-anti-muslim-chaos-agent/ is a really excellent in-depth investigation into these neo-nazi zionist networks from israel and US operating in the UK and pushing (for the billionaires' benefit) the division of the 99%, by directing the justified anger of the downwardly mobile working class into religious-ethnic hatred of muslim immigrants and into support for zionist supremacist policies in west Asia.

The investigation also examines their mossad agents (such as the hired thug Stephen Yaxley-Lennon who was given the name "tommy robinson")

And one more, on the specific zionist networks that push the for hatred of muslims. https://english.almayadeen.net/articles/analysis/is-there-a-specifically-zionist-islamophobia

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“Perhaps that is why China is now considered a better bet as the foundation for a totalitarian New World Order?” — To “foundation”, you could rightly add “model”.

“Anything traditional or grassroots that speaks of social cohesion and cultural autonomy is despised by our overlords, who prefer rootless, disorientated and divided populations with no sense of history – the perfect prey for their propaganda and control.” — Spot on! From https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/wokeworld-take-4 … “effectively conditioned / to reflexively reject all that came before; / to erase the Four Olds and their stories / as if the mere demolition / of traditions were sufficient / to open the door / to a future full of glory”

“Eventually they will be identifiable tribes or nations, distinct cultural entities, and the grim grey years of global cultural levelling will be nothing but a half-forgotten nightmare.” — Now wouldn't that be something?!

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As a Brit who has lived in rural central Portugal for 16 years, I have seen this area grow significantly with influx of Northern European immigrants (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, U.K) and more recently loads of Israelites. The second language is becoming English, now taught in Portuguese schools in preference to French. The Portuguese people, and bureaucracy, are incredibly patient with accommodating 'foreigners' - at least in my experience.

Foreigners are attracted to come here because it's warmer, their money goes further, and many want to go 'back to the land' and grow food, live more simply and off-grid, etc. There are plenty of abandoned quintas (small-holdings) to buy and start a new life. Many Portuguese welcome the foreigners reviving abandoned quintas their grand-parents knew as working 'farms'.

But I am noting now the first tensions. Having Portuguese friends myself, they are beginning to feel it's a bit of an 'invasion'. However also, being a rural community, they have have great pride in their traditions, their communities (which are very resilient), and their village festas, etc.

The main problem is with certain types of foreigners who are either druggies (and generally disrespect all 'authority') and those types of foreigners who insist things should be done in the same way as in their home country (ie: people who "know what's what!" - a real pain in the neck anywhere in the world).

Having said all that, when I visit the U.K (once every two years or so) I am jolted by the number of 'foreigners'; England feels different every time I go there. Not necessarily bad, but certainly different. And of course, it's changing anyway due to a variety of factors, not least the level of surveillance, and regimentation of driving a car anywhere.

Humans are 'tribal' by nature, and I think that's a good thing. I hope we can grow in consciousness sufficiently, so that colourful tribalism (as opposed to bland globalism) will become the new norm. And that divide-and-rule, after many centuries, will at last fail.

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‘Recent tensions regarding Muslims have largely been stoked by Zionist-funded pseudo-nationalists.’ This is only partially true. The demonisation of the white working class is largely done by UK political parties (mainly Labour) and The Guardian reading metropolitan elite types that support Labour.

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I'd have said that the demonisation both of Muslims and of the white working class - aimed at different target groups, of course - is the work of the same globalist divide-and-rule merchants. The corollary of this is that we need to unite against their domination - which is what they fear more than anything...

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I agree that ultimately it is the same globalist forces trying to divide and rule, but on an immediate pragmatic level Raj Miah proves that the Labour party is actively covering up and blocking inquiries into the Asian rape gangs in order to hold on to power. This must be addressed and blown out of the water immediately and surely that can be done if enough people support Raja Miah’s work and draw attention to it.

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https://ourtube.co.uk/channel/Ceylon/video/75716 ...who are the sabbatean-frankists? From Mark Ceylon.

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The guardian reading Elie 😂 that cracked me up. Funny cos it's true.

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Thank you Paul.

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Nice and optimistic! Great!

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If we, the supposed resistance, start dancing to the racist tune of the divide & rule infiltrators, then we shall be no less fascist than the enemy.

Goes for any attack against any minority group, race-related or not. It's what they want. Blame that little group, not the ones who stoke up the hatred and the bigotry.

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Speaking as another English person living in France, who is no threat whatsoever to her host nation, I found every word of this little article both lovely and uplifting. Especially the ending.

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Cheers Evelyn.

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I should imagine most of us have friends who are partly or wholly of non-European immigrant descent.

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For me that is your best post that I have read. I too see the concentration of raw power now being down-stepped into less reliable and efficient products - showing the brittle system in full colour. I also see and feel a new 'indigenous' feeling of place here in central Victoria which is growing stronger as the cost of living drives us to grow and share our surpluses.

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Well said! A great resolution expressed here of the current controversies surrounding this issue, IMO.

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Racism is not a one-way street. There are large sections of the immigrant community who actively hate us whiteys, I have experienced this myself in what was my capital city.

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Strange that we have the same kind of tyrants in the old world and the new world.

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Dear Paul, I live in France and would like to talk with you. Check out this film called "Otley" from 1968 @ 30mins in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5CNk4Tr5KE

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Thanks. Enjoyed the film, though not sure exactly what you were pointing me towards. You can contact me direct via cudenec@riseup.net

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And you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to intuit that our friends the Rothschilds are a key element in the setting of the multicultural pro-immigration agenda. Divide and rule, as always. Money never sleeps. 😀

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