"President de Gaulle, as well as being a French nationalist rather than a Europeanist, was not particularly interested in economics and so, although his personal popularity was a useful battering ram in switching power from parliament to the president, he was not the ideal leader for the modernisation camp."
"President de Gaulle, as well as being a French nationalist rather than a Europeanist, was not particularly interested in economics and so, although his personal popularity was a useful battering ram in switching power from parliament to the president, he was not the ideal leader for the modernisation camp."
"De Gaulle was convinced that the French military coup attempt against him in spring 1961 was instigated by the CIA. President Kennedy, already grappling with the CIA's Bay of Pigs disaster in Cuba, was forced to confess to the French ambassador that he was not in full control of his own intelligence agency."
"President de Gaulle, as well as being a French nationalist rather than a Europeanist, was not particularly interested in economics and so, although his personal popularity was a useful battering ram in switching power from parliament to the president, he was not the ideal leader for the modernisation camp."
"De Gaulle was convinced that the French military coup attempt against him in spring 1961 was instigated by the CIA. President Kennedy, already grappling with the CIA's Bay of Pigs disaster in Cuba, was forced to confess to the French ambassador that he was not in full control of his own intelligence agency."