As usual, excellent analysis.

Council Estate Media: “Israel is going to provoke trouble, probably at sporting events, and when there is an inevitable reaction, it will be used as an excuse to ban pro-Palestinian protests and silence criticism of Israel.” — BINGO!

“Indeed, one of the aims of “anti-semitism” scares is to frighten Jewish people into running for protection to Zionist institutions and even to emigrate to Israel, where they will be “safe” from the bogeyman.” — Exactly right. This has now been the case for over a hundred years (since the Balfour Declaration). It's hardly a secret that Zionists have always been in the business of conjuring “anti-semitism” in furtherance of, among other things, immigration to their terrorist/genocidal ethno-state. The irony of course, is that of ALL countries on earth, in none are Jews less safe than in Israel.

The Grayzone (Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed): “Ironically, a Kristallnacht commemoration which was slated to take place in Amsterdam on November 9 had to be canceled following the eruption of Israeli-led violence, with Jewish organizers citing the “large presence of Zionist Israelis in the city who are planning to commit acts of violence.””

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I wonder when the greater population will wake up and see this Zionist evil propaganda for what it really is?

Every so called “non” Jew has a target on their back … this is biblical.

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When they're no longer afraid, fear is what keeps them in line.

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You’re right. Fear is so debilitating, I saw what it did to people during the Plandemic.

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In more way's than we care to imagine - I'm in Australia to give an idea of the illogical narrative by self proclaimed authorities forcing people to comply, so even before I properly understood the fraud behind it all I simply refused to go along with it because that's in my nature however I understand that many people went along from selfish reasons to needing to earn money in order to feed their families all the way to actually trusting government narrative.

Now the chickens have come home to roost it appears that the politici are fearing retribution with the local misinformation bill [but look how they're going after truthtellers all over the place]

Excess death's in NZ are up a whopping 3000% !

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This wording is very precise, and I appreciate it: "Having always succeeded in hiding their nefarious activities with endless fakery, the criminocrats have arrogantly gone too far.

They thought they could deploy their puppet politicians and controlled media to propagate a version of events in Amsterdam based on obvious and demonstrable lies, without anyone noticing!

Perceiving themselves as all-powerful, they have dropped their guard and exposed themselves to view.

The fog of deceit has cleared and the horrible truth about their corrupt and violent global domination is now there for all to see."

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Great article, thanks Paul!

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Maccabi athletes and their Mossad handlers along with psycho supporters ran rougshod through the streets of Amsterdam armed with metal rods, rocks, and glass bottles arbitrarily attacking Dutch citizens. In addition, if a Palestinian flag was flying from a building it was ripped down and set ablaze.

As expected, mainstream media news misrepresented the events describing it as a Kristallnacht reaffirming the victimization of Jews during the Holocaust, while neglecting to discuss "Zionist barbarism."

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Jesus wept. Insane.

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Many good points

I thought that the attack on the tram was suspicious - why would anyone try so hard to reveal their identity unless the real intent was to shift the blame on someone else.

All this plays into the hand of Herr Wilders and his deportation agenda - aka the white knight who tried so hard to look like he's blond when his real hair color is black.

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Although I don’t believe “the Jews” run/control everything, the Rothschild’s version of Zionism sure does control the thinking of a helluva lot of politicians and journalists and lawmakers. This “thinking” is what falsely justifies the logic that to be rightly critical of Zionism is the equivalent of being antisemitic. It’s another example of the poisoning of the mind, much like wokeness. It’s a terminal mental illness.

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All their psyops look & feel the same, once you see the pattern it leads you in the direction of the truth. The "plane rescue" was dramatic, but also a tell, it's the ridiculous lie of a child with the obvious questions never asked nor answered. There is obviously a information dissemination network working behind the scenes, I remember reading that 3,000 jews received an email on 9/11 to avoid the world trade centers, to watch both mainstream & alternative media regurgitate the same talking points is proof. I also believe, like covid, there is a financial incentive network also working behind the scenes- its doubtful the blue check accounts promote the propoganda out of the goodness of their zionist hearts. It also seems the younger generations are not affected by rants of antisemitism & hitlerism that blind the boomer/ gen X 'ers, which I view as a positive.

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Those ((people)) are storytellers and that’s as kind a spin as I will ever give them.

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While there is no excuse for the actions by the Maccabi hooligans, I think you're missing some important aspects particular to the Netherlands. For one, Dutch authorities are badly equipped to deal with riots in general and football matches in the Netherlands tend to be flashpoints in general, even between Dutch clubs. For a large part, the riots of november 7 were largely the result from the way Dutch politics works, which has little - if anything - to do with Israel, antisemitism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Muslims etc. It just so happens that Israelis were involved with it, as were those sympathetic to the Palestinians, so this has affected how commentators have approached the matter.

Most of the Pro-Palestinian rioters weren't ethnic Dutch people, but mostly of Arab, Berber and Turkish descent and very often attacked Israelis who had nothing to do with the actions of the Maccabi hooligans. They even attacked Eastern European migrants whom they misidentified as Israeli Jews. Moreover, some of them planned this in advance, even if the Maccabi hooligans did provoke them further. That allegations of antisemitism are parroted too often by the establishment, does not mean it does not exist. It does: The Netherlands is not a particularly antisemitic country, but insofar it does have an antisemitism problem, it mainly comes from Arabs, Berbers and Turks.

Not that all Dutch people of Arab, Berber or Turkish descent are antisemites though, and mentioned, the Netherlands is a country which likes to riot. See, Dutch student societies often feature instigation of riots as a rite of passage or as a way to terrorise locals, but student societies are also a breeding ground for the Dutch political elite. If Dutch police adopts a zero-tolerance stance against riots, the country's political elite would basically end up cannibalising itself. So there is a very lax attitude towards football- and race-related riots as well, simply because many of the Dutch politicians complaining about antisemitism have been involved in such riots in their youth as well.

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Don’t believe your lying eyes!!!

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One issue that is being successfully used is that we are supposed to take sides. You either support Israel or the Palestinians. But an actual thinking human would reject both world views. The Zionist regime is evil but so is Islam. Both are tools of the evil one. Reject both.

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Of course we "take sides" when men, women, and children are being slaughtered by what you correctly describe as an evil regime. This is not about religious belief, it's about murderous ethnic cleansing and apparent impunity. There is no moral ambiguity about what is happening.

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I agree with your point re: genocide. However, I think it is dangerous to make it about choosing sides.

We need to stand up against unacceptable actions without being trapped in a fixed us versus them conflict.

It is a fundamental strategy of the criminocracy to keep us divided and antagonistic towards those we disagree with.

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