^^^ “How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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Here is the circus theme for the Technocratic clown car, which imo is smoking and sputtering:


which btw among a lot of great insights contains a perfect description of Substack, although it isn't called out by name:

"Offer 'freedom of speech' via platforms that censor or amplify based on hidden oligarchic algorithms, trapping users in an illusion of agency."

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For those who may not know, Peter Hotez — all-round asshat of the highest order and supreme vaccine evangelist — has a daughter (Rachel) who was diagnosed as autistic at 19 months. The possibility that vaccination was the cause of said autism, is a notion he will never entertain, much less accept. It would not be unreasonable to suspect that denial and guilt (however repressed) may be factors in this fiend's twisted psyche.

Well said: “But there was also an increasing sense of clarity, a feeling that certain long-held hunches were being confirmed, certain long-identified pieces in the jigsaw fitting together to provide an illuminating overview, that the fog was finally lifting on the sordid reality of the contemporary world”.

Talk about on target; the “Ten Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup” are absolute bullseyes!

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Covid was certainly masterminded by someone or some group. And anyone or any organization or cabal that can shut down 190 countries in unison over a fake virus and pandemic is a very powerful player. It was a gold medal psyop. It also seemed to be crafted as a prequel to the coming Spielbergesque Ukraine operation. Who is the producer behind that? Even Putin seems to be following a script.

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The same ‘producer’ as always i.e. the global Zionist banking mafia a.k.a. the BanksterZ.

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While I agree with Iain and Yet ... Tommy, I rather lay it on the fact that we know very little to nothing about our immune system, Gaia (James Lovelock and his chief collaborator Dr. Lynn Margulis both deceased) and the environment generally.

Knowing that the Earth has been managed for 3.5 billion years as Dr. Margulis wrote "by the micro-cosmos" it would be blazingly apparent that the whole thing was fraud.

While I came to that conclusion in 2020 because our immune system was never mentioned, it became even clearer as I reflecting on the work of Lovelock and Margulis.

Our Education needs to stay planted on fundamentals, that are grounded in the Earth

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"Any “dissident” voice you have ever heard of through corporate media is probably a fake.*

Yes. Both Assange/WikiLeaks and Snowden didn't say shit against the 911 official story.

They also were silent about con-vid.

There's others like Chris Hedges and Cornell West that are equally shifty/cowardly/ignorant.


COVID was a failure. Below the video the transcript explains what they intended to happen.


And it seems like we are finally starting to understand that the word, whether in books, studies, or from our so called heroes is not gospel and leads us to ignore reality.


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In the cancer industry, progress means the disease has gained more toxic power over the human it has invaded.

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Unless the pitchforks come out and a few of these rotten globalists are poked a bit, nothing will change.

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They are maybe 8,000 compared to our 8,000,000,000.

That's one in a million. The rest are employees whose allegiance is fickle.

So all it takes is a change in awareness.

One by one the nodes change direction. Some when one neighbor changes, some only when all neighbors change.

All spring you look at a frozen river, but the water is warming underneath, until one day the thing melts.

A phase change.

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Until governments start printing their own money, instead of borrowing it from private banksters + interest, nothing will change.

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yes. 100% accurate. there, for, here, to, for, we each, as the purest innocent express-i-on-s, of love sweet love, must true up with the light we are, and share IT, as you are doing/being Paul. thank you precious angel/angle of love 'n' light.

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