"He explains how protesters are now deemed to be committing a crime if they cause “unease”, “annoyance” or “disruption” and can be punished by up to ten years in prison."

Any organized political movement which disagrees with the official agenda is viewed as a threat, hence violent behavior.

Ironically, this is the same reaction AOC had to those who spoke out at Town Hall Meetings, as she accused them of verbal assault.

Collectivism is now blind compliance of the absurb.

You must just say "it" even if you don't believe "it" as long "it" advances the agenda. However, if you reflected upon the actual details surrounding the agenda you'd find nothing more than rebranded economic exploitation cleverly shrouded under the guise of sustainability. And on further inspection, you'd see that this heightened exploitation requires the commodification of all human labor and natural resources. And if you kept delving further you'd realize that this extraction of wealth leading to neofeudalism can only be accomplished by brutal authoritarianism which will "equitably mandate" dubious biogenetic pharmaceuticals attached to digital ID'S that hold each person's personal assets in a central bank digital currency.

And so in the end everyone becomes a captured Wintson in the 2023 technocratic transhumanist version of 1984:

"Do you remember," he went on, "writing in your diary Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four?" "Yes", replied Winston. O'Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended. "How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?" "Four." "And if The Party says it is not four, but five? Then how many?" "Four - " The word ended in a gasp of pain. "How many fingers, Winston?" "FIVE! FIVE! FIVE!" "No Winston, that is no use, you are lying. You still think there are four." "How can I help it," he blubbered, "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four!" "Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes, there are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder, it is not easy to become sane."

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As a forever male, transgendered humans frighten me to death. They cause me unease, annoyance and disruption. I cannot gather my wits and fail to process daily life which is becoming so painful. Is there a pill for me?

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There might be a booster.😁

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I'd add, digital currencies are fascist, in that the move away from cash coincides with a surge of homeless, not a scamdemic, but a Harmacide of ill will nonetheless.

Digital currencies make it easier to steal.

They are busy stealing everyone's homes in America, since you can find cardboard without much trouble to sleep upon....

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Wokeness is impossible because the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of a human can never be trans-gendered. None of this silly nonsense happens in nature nor is it agreeable with the natural universe.

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Been saying this from the beginning of the "Direct" psychological/physical attack.

Knew all were being treated as the Jews HERDED into ghettos before and during WW2 with Typhoid Fever due to unsanitary conditions amid starvation and exposure to the elements. The Parasites perpetrating such insanity then accused the poor Jews of being all kinds of horrible designations resulting from the abuse...Jews NOW REFERRED TO AS KHAZARIANS; allegedly from Babylonia who worshiped Moloch and settled in the Ukraine and then spread throughout Europe who sacrificed/ate their children.

It's said this people were forced to choose to become Jewish or Christian to remain in the Eurasian territory and chose Judaism and refused REAL JUDAISM. According to many today, those Jews settling in Europe, of Ashkenazi descent, ARE NOT REALLY JEWISH and DESERVE ALL KINDS OF HORROR AND ISOLATION ACTED-OUT UPON THEM. This PROPAGANDA is supposed to be justification for the Holocaust and it's all wholly B.S. It's an old HATRED and though the child eaters/sacrificers of Moloch do INHABIT more human bodies in this time than ever before; the evil infects those of all races, creeds and colors; NOT just Jews as is commonly stated more and more in these horrible times when it seems people search for a group of people to act-out against in RAGE. It's an old HATRED, EVIL BEHAVIOR PATTERN which must stop.

It is fact; the EUGENICISTS ORIGINATING OUT OF The Fabian Society at Oxford in the U.K. IS THE ACTUAL EVIL developing all the horror 'ISM'S'; Socialism, Communism, Fascism and THAT IS THE REAL EVIL PERPETRATED UPON THE WHOLE GLOBE. All the LUCIFERIAN EVIL of all the various groups now united MUST BE STOPPED AND ERADICATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

"You will own nothing and will be happy." is the philosophy FORCED onto the world's population by evil rulers throughout all time. NOW, the Ideological descendants of those Demons wearing human being suits AGAIN SEEK TO FORCE THAT EVIL ONTO humanity with impunity yet again.


Anybody having ANY knowledge of history KNOWS THIS SAME GAME FROM ALL THE 20th Century's heinous "Wars For Profit' DEMANDED by the Central Banker Family Cartel leading the International Mafia Death Cult...

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I would like to point you to what I believe is a unique but valid discussion of the words "Fascism" and "Fascist." It's title is 'Us vs. Them: On the Meaning of Fascism' and the URL is


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