Nobody cares.
Nobody is on your side.
Nobody tells the truth.
Nobody will defend your freedom.
Nobody is truly independent.
Nobody will end the wars.
Nobody will stop arming Israel.
Nobody will restore power to the people.
Nobody will challenge the power of the central banks.
Nobody will stop the systematic theft of your collective wealth.
Nobody will defy the evil global criminocracy.
Vote for Nobody!
Vote Rick Astley!
He is NEVER gonna:
1. Give you up;
2. Let you down;
3. Run around and desert you;
4. Make you cry;
5. Say goodbye; or
6. Tell a lie and hurt you
Everyone everywhere in all elections should only ever vote Rick!
Actually, presidents are only figure heads. What the electorate really needs to see is which billionaires, techno/fascists, and trillion dollar asset management firms are "equally funding" both candidates fooling those voting into thinking elections are a democratic activity resulting in a goverment representing the will of the people.
In fact, elections are decided by propagandized dupes, or election shenanigans
designed to ensure that the proles needs are "always disregarded" by the ruling elite.