I just subscribed Paul!

Thank you for your commitment to exposing the corruption.

We may have hit a tipping point?

People are waking up!

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Yes, something is definitely shifting! Cheers

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Ditto Doug and Paul

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What an excellent little vid!

Old ground for us regs, but bears repeating and demands propagation.

A few telling images ... note: 1) in the the mountain image immediately before the Davos billboard, how the mountain is utterly covered in what I presume are snow fences … such a perfect symbol for the artificiality and subjugation of nature the Davos gang represent in fact (as opposed to their PR), and 2) mega-phony Paul “Bono” Hewson next to arch-war-criminal Tony Bliar, and 3) arch-war-criminal Tony Bliar sharing smiles with Jimmy SickPhuk Saville.

BTW, in regards to Sam's husband, for those not familiar with it, I recommend the “A Farewell to Virology” video (Steve Falconer and Mark Bailey).

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Thanks to Sam Bailey I found you on Substack. Beautiful writing. ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you

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Would you be interested in talking to the Bernician if I arranged it?

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Yes, of course. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Absolutely brilliant - this needs to go viral.

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The irony!

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Excellent to hear our our New Zealander Samantha in action and of course Mark. Samantha Bailey was the first voice I heard [ in Thailand from New Zealand in year 2000 when our suspiscions went immediately on to full alert . I think Mark Bailey is the son of my colleague retired Veterinarian Roy Bailey in Christchuch

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