RE: Guerini has warned that the growth of the artificial reproduction industry threatens to lead to what she calls “a world without mothers”.
Indeed. Feminists have been fighting the wrong battle. Paradoxically (or not), feminism is anti-feminine. Feminists have been fighting to become men. And in so doing have been blind to…
RE: Guerini has warned that the growth of the artificial reproduction industry threatens to lead to what she calls “a world without mothers”.
Indeed. Feminists have been fighting the wrong battle. Paradoxically (or not), feminism is anti-feminine. Feminists have been fighting to become men. And in so doing have been blind to the ruling class forces guiding them to placidly go along with their own emasculation (yes, I know it's the wrong word, but interestingly, there does not seem to be an equivalent term for depriving women of their femininity), the amazing ability to generate new life.
RE: That's like saying black slaves were fighting to become WHITE.
Huh? You don't see the ideological warfare used to erase biological differences? Women in combat, women fighting men (and losing) in boxing, wrestling and martial arts? To say that women are different from men is not degrading. I agree with your concept of "mutual endeavor" but one has to have your head in the sand to not notice that it is being systematically erased. Just like gays and lesbians have been complicit with the rise of DEI ideology, so have feminists been complicit in the erasure of womanhood via trans ideology - both are AstroTurf liberation struggles in the service of ruling elites.
RE: Should women beat the hell out of each other in a boxing ring?
I am not talking about that. I am talking about woman and a man in a boxing ring. Incidentally, it doesn't matter what you think, this is already happening.
Great article!
RE: Guerini has warned that the growth of the artificial reproduction industry threatens to lead to what she calls “a world without mothers”.
Indeed. Feminists have been fighting the wrong battle. Paradoxically (or not), feminism is anti-feminine. Feminists have been fighting to become men. And in so doing have been blind to the ruling class forces guiding them to placidly go along with their own emasculation (yes, I know it's the wrong word, but interestingly, there does not seem to be an equivalent term for depriving women of their femininity), the amazing ability to generate new life.
RE: That's like saying black slaves were fighting to become WHITE.
Huh? You don't see the ideological warfare used to erase biological differences? Women in combat, women fighting men (and losing) in boxing, wrestling and martial arts? To say that women are different from men is not degrading. I agree with your concept of "mutual endeavor" but one has to have your head in the sand to not notice that it is being systematically erased. Just like gays and lesbians have been complicit with the rise of DEI ideology, so have feminists been complicit in the erasure of womanhood via trans ideology - both are AstroTurf liberation struggles in the service of ruling elites.
I agree that equal work should mean equal pay. But outside of that what does that mean? You want the opportunity to be a heavyweight boxer?
RE: Should women beat the hell out of each other in a boxing ring?
I am not talking about that. I am talking about woman and a man in a boxing ring. Incidentally, it doesn't matter what you think, this is already happening.