"Her conclusion, after years of detailed research, is that “transgender” is not a type of person but a conglomerate of political and corporate pressure, grooming the next generation for industrial body dissociation."

100% and so good to read that in black and white. Exactly. This is preparation for transhumans. As Icke puts it confusion precedes fusion.

Thank you, Paul.

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I second that praise of the conclusion.

I do think these people, these "Globalists" or the Pathologically and Insanely Too Rich .001% are so disconnected, from themselves, their families, their peers, in a profound way, in a sad and extremely lacking-in-any-normal-social way that they FEEL like outsiders so much, their jealousy of us creates a desire to break us, change us, make us FAKE, so they'll feel better. I'm putting it in VERY simple terms, on purpose. They are the Bully Class, and as such, they are not consciously aware of how inferior they feel. That's my analysis anyway.

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What a super, super-timely piece ... so much said and so well said!

The mentality behind the truly insane push towards transhumanism is, it seems to me, animated by a fear of nature and a fear of death; by a desire for immortality and becoming gods; by an almost-inconceivable hubris. This attitude is explored in the following poem — one of my faves — which you might like as much as I enjoyed this post … https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/headline-act

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Thanks. Yes, that's another great poem from you. Our rulers do seem entirely unaware of their own hubris and the inevitable nemesis that awaits them.

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The saying "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" comes to mind.

Hopefully the gods are in the process of destroying our would-be god rulers. The "make mad" part would seem to be largely accomplished.

Hopefully, we survive their madness.

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And don't leave out the fear of "normal" people... This globalist daydream aka nightmare to me smacks of a nagging feeling of inferiority and jealousy of those who are so blithely unaware of how un-psychopathic they are.

That said, well said. :)

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"...the fear of "normal" people.." —Agreed.

"...feeling of inferiority and jealousy..." — Yes, and one which is usually masked, paradoxically, by a show of "superiority".

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Aug 5Liked by Paul Cudenec


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The next exploration is no longer about humans exploring other humans, but about the machine that supports the financialization of consumption, no longer through the production/consumption binary, but through the profitability created by the new physical body of the consumer, who ceases to be a consumer of products and starts "consuming" their own body at the pace of the upgradings inherent in biotechnological and biomechanical cycles, in a constant exponential acceleration of financial logic. More is better, better is progress, progress is evolution, and evolution is unquestionable.


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Excellent article, I think she's RIGHT ON. And I'm of the same thinking.

If we consider these Globalists types, the Extra-Extra Filthy Rich, to be not feeling "superior" to the rest of us, but INFERIOR, it explains a lot about their need to wipe us off the face of the Earth. Because like their wealth, everything about them is blown WAY out of proportion, because they are all about just that... Out of Proportion with everything. Psychopaths with nothing better to do than destroy Humanity... The Ultimate Power Trip.

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Who needs a political home? All politics is nothing but endless demonology where nothing ever gets solved.

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