You shall know them by the company they keep. Outstanding … keep it coming!

Lord Acton: “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”

Paul Cudenec: “It is nothing more than money and power, which are the same thing in our society. What is being ‘developed’ in all these various life-destroying ways is, in fact, the money and power of those who initiated and imposed the process.” — Bull's-eye!

James Perloff: “It was supplying cabinet-level personnel to both Democratic and Republican administrations, which explained why war policies, trade policies, financial policies, etc., changed so little when the White House shifted from one party to the other.” — Hence the Uniparty / War Party / two cheeks of the same ass.

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I always maintain hope but I feel like the Rothschilds are like the Amazon river. The water (money) that flows to them is now hugely entrenched in a system that is - through debt - a tragedy of the commons. Yet I still persist and resist. May we continue as weeds to non stop appear in the field of endeavour no matter how much they try to remove nature from the system, nature has other plans. thanks Paul you are a real blessing.

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She has the perfect Princess Evil resume

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Do you think there is some way to overthrow them, or to turn aside and make them redundant, that doesn't involve solar flashes of love or the Great Year turning from the Kali Yuga to a golden age?

I absolutely hope we are at that point in the Great Year cycle, or the precession of the equinoxes, the 26,000 year process of the earth's rotation on its axis which (Wikipedia doesn't have this bit) leads earth through a photon belt, bringing light upon the earth and waking us up into harmony and sense and a beautiful time for a few thousand years and cleaning out the detritus. It remains a tenet of Hinduism that the Great Year ends with the Kali Yuga, where things go darker and control freaks like the Rothschilds can arise and take control and steal away our centres

I really really want this to be the way we "great reset", it would be beautiful for the natural world to have the last say.

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Yes, I think we can shake off their dead hand. Although they have a vast empire at their disposal, these crooks are just a tiny psychopathic gang, with zero respect or admiration from the majority of humankind. They gain their loyalty by proxy - people feel loyal towards a state they control, a politician they own, or a royal family they have captured. Once those people see through the lies and realise who is really pulling the strings, and with what agenda in mind, they will no longer feel that loyalty and will, I hope, turn against the unveiled global mafia.

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That would be delightful. I fall into the trap of feeling like it's all too much but they're shoving themselves in our faces. It would be wonderful to see us taking back our lives 🌼🌲🌼

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susie, we are not on a spinning globe through space, space is fake. just more tactics to enslave and minimize our existence and our individual power/majick. we are on a plane with a non pierceable firmament, well non pierceable until our creator/mother decides it is time for a reset, which this demon class know all about and know how to survive them, hence their long term and possible eternal reign, they live on lands past the icewall, PRISTINE places we don't know - well i know - exist because we are "not allowed to fly over them 🙄🙄🙄" there is MUCH MORE to this realm and to our existence than nasa's LIES 🤍✨

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FYI… “Dead Hand” is the code name of the Russian nuclear protocol that fires the whole arsenal automatically if the Command Control structure is taken out at the top and “non responsive” to attack preemptive warnings.

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Hah. Nuclear weapons? Really? I doubt it.

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Doubt what? I’m simply reporting a fact. Idiot.

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You make a very compelling case, Paul.

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Not even a little surprised.

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"A worldwide military-industrial-financial dictatorship" is a succinct, but perfect description of the current international crime syndicate controlling the planet.🤑

Like every well-organized crime family there's a boss, underboss, capo, and consiglier. Each member operates to sustain the organization, however, every now and then there's internecine battles for additional money and power.

That being said, the relationship between the Rockefeller's and the Rothschilds is quite fascinating in that Rockefeller's agenda was to advance "global governance." In fact, the Rockefeller's even donated the land for the UN, a dubious organization currently advancing a series of nefarious global initiatives, such as the Pandemic Treaty and the 2030 sustainability "scam" agenda.

Not to mention, the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller in 1973. The Trilateral Commission members dominated the Executive branch of the Carter Presidency.

"Jimmy Carter was a member since its inception; so was Walter Mondale, Carter's Vice-President. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's National Security Advisor, was its Director, and Cyrus Vance, the Secretary of State, Harold Brown, the Secretary of Defence and W Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of Trasury were all members.

In any event, during the 20th Century it was the Rockefeller family who influenced foreign policy, financial institutions, energy resources, and even Western medicine.

As a side note, there's a peculiar relationship between the Rockefeller Foundation and racial hygiene practices in Nazi Germany. This is sort of an interesting contradiction to the Rothschild connection.🤔


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I don't think it's a contradiction, given that the Rothschilds' Morgan front funded Hitler... It's a mistake to think they have any political loyalties or ethics - they are just psychopaths who will stop at nothing to pursue their agenda. I think that if you read the whole booklet you will see that the Rockefeller Foundation is not distinct from the Rothschilds' empire.

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And don't forget Hansjurgen Koehler's revelation, published in the British press at the time and subsequently in his book, that he was the Gestapo officer responsible for covering up Hitler's likely illegitimate decsent via his paternal grandmother from the Austrian branch of the Rothschild family.

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You surprise me.

I find it very odd that you terminate your exploration up the pyramid of power at the Rothschilds who make no secret that they work for the European aristocracy and the Vatican.

How did you miss those obvious facts?

Allow me to help:


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Sorry Frances, but the evidence I have come across during my research simply does not point in that direction. The now-obvious control of our governments by pro-Israel interests only confirms the long-concealed Rothschildian supremacy. The reality, it seems to me, is that the European aristocracy/royalty and the Vatican have been captured and are now controlled by the global Zionist mafia (via debt, Epstein-related blackmail etc etc).

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OK. I totally dispute your strange theory that the nobility and Vatican have been 'captured' and indebted. There is a large thorn in the side of that theory.

It is evident that you have overlooked one of the links included in the compendium I sent you.

The plan that the modern Roman Empire has for the Jews is far more evil than most people dare to imagine. It is a global deception and the goal is more diabolical than anything Hitler could have dreamed up.

The objective is the full eradication of Israel. I explained it in full here:


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Maybe you're right. But the "eradication of Israel" is not exactly what we are currently witnessing!

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Not yet…. the scenario is building up for the grand finale.... or should I say 'the final solution'?

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I still find it very hard to believe that the world is controlled by a small group of Jewish bankers - this seems to get close to Protocols of the Elders of Zion territory, and look what that led to.

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Try reading the whole booklet, which comes complete with more than 400 footnotes, and then come back and tell me which bits you don't believe, and why.

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Done it. Will read.

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1. What did that lead to exactly? I don't believe World War 2 is anything like what you have been led to believe it was (inferring your belief from the way you stated your position here)..

2. Read the protocols. It is clear today that it is a plan which someone has been implementing. If it's not the Rothschilds then who is implementing them?

3. I was at university with a Rothschild. He led Satanic worship ceremonies which friends of mine attended - this I know for a fact. At the time my friends who attended (we lost touch so no longer really friends) thought it was all rather amusing. I no longer think it is or was amusing.

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Also worth noting that Rockefeller got his start in oil with financing from the Cleveland bank which was generally acknowledged to be a Rothschild operation. So it seems likely to me that the Rockefellers were Rothschild agents from the start rather than forming an alliance at a later date.

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Just like NetZero, SDGs are scams used by the Rockefellers to pay lipservice to what, surely we all want, an end to poverty and inequality etc but which allow them and the fossil fuel and animal ag industries to procrastinate indefinitely on actually scoring any goals and let them carry with business and profits as usual.

Has equality got any better? Have emissions of Co2 decreased? Has Rockefellers fortune decreased in a fairer world?

No, no and no.

The genocide in Gaza has revealed the UN as a toothless pawn of Imperialism.

A threat from equality and sustainability- really?

The threat is the manipulative MIC Zionist US led explotative extractive murderous cartels who have convinced many that the equality, climate and environmental crisis are hoaxes to control us.

What a joke.

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Industrial zio-imperialists are killing us and the living world of which we are part. I long for their system to collapse. But climate change is nothing but a diversion - a pretext under which they can commodify nature and herd us all off the land and into "resilient" smart cities where we can be farmed for our digital data. The climate changes all the time in a quite natural fashion as we come in and out of little "ice ages". It's not the real issue facing us. Loads of links here: https://winteroak.org.uk/the-climate-scam/

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Hiya Paul, I’ve written a post for you. Hope this clears up the confusion. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/neither-covid-nor-conspiracy-exist

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And they have ALREADY commodified nature, they don’t need fake climate change as an excuse, they ALREADY control resources and the food supply. Why would big fossil fuel and animal ag want to herd us into dairy free 15 minute electric cities? Why would they self-confessedly want to get Africa addicted to oil? Has anyone actally tried to do this to you? Or are you still driving and flying around the world and eating government subsidised animal products?

You have fallen for a con.

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You are regurgitating the links you’ve been deliberately fed about climate always changing in a natural fashion etc etc. Yes, we know. We study the climate! We know this is not ‘natural’. If you cared to look beyond the narrative you’ve been fed by the likes of industry funded Jordan Peterson et al, you will see how you’ve been manipulated. I look forward to your comments on my post. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/climate-change-hasnt-been-debunked?utm_source=publication-search

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Oh god. They’ve done well with you.

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Don't say fossil fuel. That's a Rockefeller lie - a story they enshrined in our modern lexicon via bribery. Oil does not come from fossils. I'm actually skeptical of fossils in general - but I'm darn sure that oil has nothing to do with fossils even if fossils are a thing.

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It’s just short hand for oil, gas and coal. You don’t think their are millions of years worth of animals and plants on the plant rotting away underneath us? How long do you think life on earth has existed for?

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1. I don't know how long life has existed for on earth.

2. Are there millions of years worth of animals and plants rotting away beneath us?

No. Rotting happens quickly and it's over with. Leave an apple outside, or a dead mouse and look back in 1 year and see what's left. In a century or two even the bones have turned to dust. We are not spending a million years turning into oil, coal and gas.

3. The whole idea of "fossil" fuels emerged from a Rockefeller funded NGO last century (can't remember the exact date - might have been the 1960s). And there was no evidence for it, but the Rockefellers steamrolled the debate - winning it in the press rather than in the halls of academia as usual. As far as I am aware there is exactly zero evidence for "fossil" fuels being formed from dead plant and/or animal life.

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as a ch🧿sen one, i will survive the next plasma apocalypse, find the emperor, and BEHEAD HIM AND HIS FAMILY/CLAN!!!! although he is probably only part human and has the capability of regrowing his head and will continue his reign 👹 just a little humor, maybe true, who knows, but the demon class/predator class, they know how to survive the cyclical cataclysms hence their power and i do fear/believe they will always reign because of it 😞😞😞 i never want to come back here, ever.

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This is very compelling, but the question that arises is this:

If the Rottenchilds are so protective of Israel, why did they allow it to be used as a giant petri dish for "Covid" "vaccine" "experiments"?

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I did wonder about that at the time - perhaps that was the intention of all the publicity, to sow confusion? There is certainly no doubt that the Rothschilds are closely linked to Israel and certainly no doubt that they are closely linked to the global "vaccine" industry. Were all batches of the jabs identical?

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I also wonder if they really did. I mean I only "know" this because I read it in the newspapers. Hmmm......

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Good point, maybe there are credible studies comparing "vaccine" injuries and death in Israel compared to other countries.

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There are no "chosen" people for the Atheist Jew, all must be sacrificed. And also no chosen people for Christians regardless, as we are under the New Covenent. So, for Christians to support Zionism (based on a "Chosen" people) is maddening for me.

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Especially when any Jews who could possibly be considered "chosen" would be the ones who accepted Christ as the messiah and became the first Christians. The Jews who rejected Christ simultaneously rejected their God and have subsequently turned to idol worship. The old testament is full of examples of God's treatment of his people when they ignore or forget him and turn to idol worship.

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Yes. I refer my Zionist friends of Hebrews 8 which speaks of the New Covenent.

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Their empire is oil! When oil and fossil fuels is over, so are they! But there’s a lot of damage in between.

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fossil fuels are fake. the creator/mother has gifted us ENDLESS SUPPLIES OF NATURAL RESOURCES INCLUDING OIL AND GAS!!!!! dont believe the hype!!!!

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What will we use for transportation, electricity, cooking, heating, cooling and so forth? What will replace oil as the energy source that will sustain our population?

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Their empire is first occult, and then money. Control of energy is important - but follows from the other two more important planks. Take away their control of oil but leave them the occult society and their control of money and within a generation they will have gained control of oil again.

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Natural gas, too. Syria didn’t want the pipeline going through its country and look at what just happened. And Palestine stands in the way of constructing the Ben Gurion Canal through the Negev Desert so Israel and the US can screw Egypt and retain iron control over global shipping. And the US dollar hegemony as the world’s reserve currency.

No wonder there’s so much propaganda gaslighting us into believing there’s no climate change - even though the evidence is all around and we can see and experience it year over year for ourselves!

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To be honest, in all the research I have carried out, I haven't seen anything suggesting that the Jesuits are the core of the problem, though they may well have been instrumentalised to serve the globalist agenda. The evidence all points to the Rothschilds, again, again and yet again, as I have tried to set out. But they may have links to historical "Venetian" networks, as Mees Baaijen also suggests.

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In my view the Jesuits were a Jewish infiltration of the Roman church. We know Ignatius was a converso as were many other early Jesuits - and there is are evidence for links to the Alumbrados which appear to have been an earlier Portuguese (Spanish?) version of the Bavarian Illuminati.

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Could be.

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Dec 10
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Frances Leader is - I think - either knowingly or unknowingly, a misinformation agent. The Black nobility, or the Venetians, or the old Romans - whatever you want to call them - is a narrative that appears to me to be designed as a limited hangout whose purpose is to point the finger at anyone other than the Rothschilds.

There are a number of folks pushing this idea today. Another variants is "the British did it" - but ask the narrative spinner who the black nobility are. Ask them for names, dates, who did what, when and how and all you will get is silence. Ask them for evidence and there is nothing. You will probably get banned for asking the questions, but what you won't get it is answers. On the other hand the evidence against the Rothschilds is everywhere.

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Jan 2
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Onto which people exactly? Who are they then? When did they assume control? How did they stage revolutions and world wars? What groups did they found and organize to manage and control these events?

Give me three or four names and show what they did and when?

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Jan 2Edited
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I've read Frances Leader's substack - and been banned for some combination of pointing out her occult beliefs and signaling, and linking to videos of John O'Looney (one of her trusted sources) making devil horn signs (indicating that he is likely a freemason). Subsequent to banning me, she made false claims about the content of the John O'Looney video (which of course I could not correct).

There is zero evidence for most of what she says - she either makes claims with no evidence, or links to others who also make claims with no evidence.

You yourself cannot name anyone or point to any evidence but still insist "it's out there, believe me - I've just temporarily forgotten it"

I am willing to read one more Frances Leader article if you can point me to even a single one which supplies any actual evidence at all.

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Jan 3
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