We are living in an environment like the late 60’s TV show “The Prisoner”. An English production which pits an unnamed Spy called number 6, who was kidnapped and held in a village that is under control of an unnamed person called number 2. This show was an early version of “The Truman Show” starring Jim Carey.

The two-way mirror is a great allegory regarding what happened in the movie and TV show and what we are experiencing today. Pull back the curtains and this nonsense will stop. Expose who is pulling the strings and it will go away as the Puppeteers requires others to do the work.

Great article!

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Valuable distinction between two way and double ONE WAY ‘mirrors’. Of course, that actually is the case.

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Good analogy/metaphor.

"...doubly one-way..." — Choice!

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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Thanks for the link to the Acorn article which was a great read.

I've been meaning to ask how should an anarchist respond to bullying and intimidation tactics by members of the public?

As a rule Anarchist are opposed to authority [which reminded me of a little booklet about Marxism and Anarchy by Noam Chomsky - the point here that there's good authority and then there's bad authority.

How might anarchist respond to bullies threatening them as I imagine that anarchist do not call the authorities plus I'm not allowed to carry weapons in Australia.

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This is multi-level. Every gradation of the managerial-bureaucratic edifice has this ‘mirror’. Towers of people looking down on others

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Very good metaphore. Reread another one by Corbett, on what I interpret as the same. How to play 3D-chess.

Both helps to remain sane when they throw wars between fictious nations at us.

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It boils down to the question of whether or not your existence as a person on this planet conflicts with the agenda of the psycho-anti-humans. These are the cretins who cannot look at themselves in the mirror and not scream.

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It's actually a three-way mirror, as state-run mainstream media news commentators are designated handmaidens for global gangsters, contriving narratives producing a "funhouse or carnival mirror" reflecting a fantasy reality.

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