Much of what animates ‘indigenous’ cultures is precisely on the same wavelength as the forgotten understandings of ‘civilized’ peoples.

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exactly. Monotheism was the triumph of Spiritual Isolation and Darkness. All for the sake of power. Hence the repeated bloodshed. It could happen again, you know. Non believers make great scapegoats for your suffering, if you do not want the responsibility.

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“Martin describes Jones’ “condemnation of the anti-sophiology that rules modernity, a modernity that can no longer recognize what a human person is, what gender is, what marriage is or what is real”. — So evident, yet rarely if ever do we permit it to fully sink in … no doubt as a means of psychic self-protection. It's really quite something.

“This vile entity “hath long had his Time, to impose strange Laws, and Injunctions and hath been in Universally obeyed”. “ — Yes, as familiar as it gets, unfortunately.

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The materialisation of nature through secular humanism, of which 'science' has been pivotal, has attempted to separate us from our divine connection to the universe and each other. The myopia of the current tyranny only reignites that connection daily.

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This was very good.

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Great read. The new translation of Metropolis' novel I've been working on touches on a lot of the same themes ideas, and its proving a pleasure to go through. An incredibly relevant topic, for sure!

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This is awesome dude.

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You Do know, that Pagan writers where having this same idea about depersonalizing the natural world, and making the sacred , profane, at the onslaught of Christianity, do you not? There is a real easy read called "the darkening age" by Nixey. This is why Monotheism was such a crime. One can only fight Moloch is you know he is Real. You have not even a fighting chance is you do not. Thus Evil gains the upper hand in all areas of life. I am not saying it was perfect, but , you had a fighting chance. Not like now, where people are literally conditioned to LOVE evil, to find evil exciting, enthralling. You have to have an imagination for evil, t recognize it, or you will always become a victim. That is where we are. We do not believe in Magic, but are steeped in it up to our eyeballs. most cannot tell good magic from evil. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F8X6eXIZ7K4hDjNTUuAwOJiJhmg3K1zx/view

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Sophia was erased from the bible, therefore we are not allowed to consider her. this is against the dogma of the faith.

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For a while now I've found it the height of irony that these anti-trans ideologues try to claim some kind of sophiology in their condemnation of transgender people - that's to say they are focussed solely on the material, not the inner essence (hence their adherence to the utterly materialistic and shallow 'bioessentialism' idea). To focus on the inner essence is, after all, Sophia. What trans people do or do not do to their own bodies (which belong to them, by the way, not to others to dictate about what an individual may or may not do) is always an attempt to make their outer appearance more closely resemble their inner essence. Dysphoria is simply a result of a disconnect or dissonance between the inner essence and the external. The great irony, lost on these anti-trans ideologues, is that this disconnect is very, very deeply experienced. And that deep experience is itself an essence of self-knowing on the spiritual level. And so, from a fate point of view, having to be born in a body which doesn't fit one's deep-level sense of self has clearly created an acute and intense awareness of how one's 'essence' or soul, even, is simply not rooted in the physical, but transcendent. Most people, under normal circumstances, would not be prompted to meditate on such things.

And so for these anti-trans ideologues, whilst claiming some kind of spiritual superiority, to be so fixated on the external, material appearance is deeply ironic. One might also suggest that fixating on other people's genitalia is, well, let's just call it perverted, shall we?

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As long as we remain focused on the objects that appear to our senses as outside ourselves, real and solid, we will hold ourselves in delusion. We are so deeply entranced that we ignore and misunderstand the evidence of quantum physics that our world comprises a mere 0.000001% of the energies in the space wherein it manifests. So, ‘science’ attempts to replicate this ‘light show’ in total ignorance of the nature of the 99.99999%; the Sacred Mind of Consciousness Its Self.

There is no ‘secret’, only ignorance due to the twisting of ‘education’ into indoctrination from its true purpose of ‘bringing out from within’. The outcome of desperate need and narcissism from entrapment in the unconscious terror of separation from the Real. Indeed, mankind is entrapped in ignorance of its own ignorance and so we churn out imbalance and disharmony into the Sacred Screen of space-time. So, we remain in continual breach of the One Divine Law of Balanced, Rhythmic Interchange (Walter Russell, ‘The Secret of Light’)

Our key to liberation from this delusion demands a complete review of its causal factors founded on profound awareness and acceptance of Divine Science. In other words, we must learn to understand that the Universe is the Contents of Consciousness; Divine Mind as The Actor in Its Play, loving the exploration-investigation-discovery of Its infinite possibilities in action. To progress, we must become aware of the 99.99999% energy of space; of this intense framework for manifestation that we take for granted. Only then can we re-member the Oneness of Divine Singularity so long sought by ‘science-in-delusion’, seeking to replicate What-Is-Here-Now.

Quite simply our sense of presence animates the Universe; that is to say, conscious awareness of existence is the causal factor of living; a state that we know subsides, along with all perception, in deep sleep. In effect, imaginary interactions within One Divine Mind create waves that disturb the peace and stillness of Complete Oneness. Movement that generates the electromagnetic structure of space-time, wherein volume and duration enable the manifest world to be perceived – actual omniscience-omnipresence-omnipotence.

Indeed, we are the imagination of One Conscious Presence, which animates unknowable potential into actuality. Pure awareness, with no-thing to know is disturbed in waves of Consciousness moving into manifestation; Unicity into duality; Subjectivity into objectivity, Wholeness into separation, Reality into illusion. Divine Mind is the Reflection of Perfection in rhythmic balanced interchange; perfect peace and stillness transformed into apparent inter-related opposites. Whilst our individual ego-minds have ‘fallen’ into delusion; ‘prodigal sons’ wandering in ignorance and seeking the Self that we are always; as Nisargadatta Maharaj told us ”the seeker is the sought” (‘I Am That’).

We need only the Real Education of Divine Science to understand the inner ‘Stateless State’ of Eternal Oneness in which our ‘bodies’ appear. Knowing that ”we are in Love and Love is in us” reconnects us to Love of Life in One Self ; a State of Awe and Gratitude for That-That-We-Are in This-Here-Now; the knowing ”I Am That I”. This is the essential ‘Conversation That Is Not Had’; the opportunity to represent our return path to Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

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