It’s very difficult to identify a weak spot in the defences of the multi-trillion-dollar global complex that has seized control of pretty much everything.
“...large-scale “Islamist” terror attacks like this were staged to advance the long-term Zionist agenda.” — For those who are unfamiliar with the Israeli/Mossad connections to the 9-11 false-flag op, I strongly recommend anything by Laurent Guyenot. The connections are beyond extensive.
I would suggest that what David Rovics was dealing with was in fact Hasbara trolls.
"So, after Covid showed us that the global entity existed and that it was a deeply unpleasant one – a criminocracy in fact – its reaction to the Gaza genocide has confirmed that it is also pro-Zionist." — Anyone who has been paying serious/close attention to deep politics, certainly this century, and possibly as far back as post WW2, has been aware that the actual "axis of evil" runs through DC (District of Criminals), London and Tel Aviv.
Possible typo: you wrote "Pax Americana" ... methinks the first "a" should be "o".
"That’s why it sends its employees on brainwashing courses, to dull their critical senses and indoctrinate them with its globalist dogma." — Enabling the master propagandist / to fashion beliefs in line with his devious plans / the persistent ignorance of the masses / is like finest clay in a mind sculptor's hands.
"Who could be happy about working for an entity that deliberately starts and prolongs world wars in order to increase its profits and its power, callously sacrificing the lives of millions of ordinary people for its own corrupt self-interest?" —
"And that -- that brings me to the second mode of civil disobedience. There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus -- and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it -- that unless you're free the machine will be prevented from working at all!!"
I accidentally discovered the other day that a guy called Charles Lane was involved in the creation of a component of MRNA tech. What led me to him was researching his mother Miriam Rothschild.
Do these things happen by accident I wonder?
This is an extremely good article. I’m past caring that people call me nuts, they still seem to like me so I’ll just continue to speak the truth. Although, what is their plan when the tipping point is reached and we have a critical mass on our side? Hide in their bunkers hoping their security staff will keep them safe?
I think you're on to something there with the bunker thing. although their network of superbunkers has two possible explanations, both of which are realistic - one, it's simply the last resort/contingency plan associated with the so-called Samson Option - they will only do this if their very survival as a group identity is threatened. Meaning they create a nuclear winter, which would reduce the human population by around 99% within a year, then they disperse the soot from the atmosphere, repair the ozone layer, end the nuclear winter and emerge from their lairs and take control over a devastated population. This, of course, can also be one option for their endgame. Drastic, for sure, but we're not dealing with human beings here, we're dealing with monsters in human form. It's a mistake to put anything past them, simply because it appears fantastical.
Oh I wouldn’t put anything past them and in theory their bunkers sound great but then they’d also be prisoners. Their only social life would be with their own families or their criminal fraternity. They’re all weirdos. How long before they turn on each other?
I see them as a predator class trying to take the little I have, immiserate me and quite possibly kill me. I take that seriously and will stop at nothing to defend my children. People are dangerous when they have nothing to lose. And if they create a nuclear winter then I’m not going to be around to suffer it, which is a good job as I’d rather be dead than live in the society they have planned.
It would, indeed, be nice to round them all up and put them on an island somewhere, with loads of hidden cameras and microphones, and watch them go all Lord of the Flies on each other.
Now that's one reality TV show I would definitely watch. I think it would be the most highly-rated TV show in history, actually. Hmm, I feel an ironic Truman Show type screenplay coming on...
Obviously I'm in total agreement with you about the necessity of exposing the monsters. I've said as much before I think. This would provoke the innate 'self-defence' reaction. If people cannot avoid acknowledging the existence of evil then they will put all other priorities aside and not rest until the evil has been eliminated. This is the obvious, underlying reason for 'conspiracies' and 'concealment', and it must take up at least half of the monsters' time and energy. Most of what they do is simply a group survival strategy, in that sense.
So, what it requires is some catalysing event, like a new Pearl Harbour, where the masses can no longer deny the existence of evil. Pearl Harbour is a good example actually, because that 'event' (whether LIHOP or faked amounts to the same thing) fundamentally changed public opinion in America. Prior to it, some 80% were against involvement in ww2. Afterwards, the numbers flipped and millions of young men volunteered to join up, thinking they were doing 'self-defence' (when actually they were simply furthering the colonialism - America wanted control over the Pacific, which meant eliminating their rival, Japan).
However, short of some clandestine group of good guy vigilantes with the resources and skills required to carry out such a large scale exposure, we would have to rely on the monsters making some catastrophic error and being caught red-handed. Or divine or extraterrestrial intervention is another option, of course.
I think those are the only options. The problem is that all those unwitting minions (the managerial class, let's call them) who facilitate the system are simply unwilling to believe they are serving monsters. It's not psychologically tolerable for them, so they actively resist these 'conspiracy theories'.
Having said that, even if it is a Herculean task, that in no way means we should give up trying. Continuing to try is a noble endeavour, and even if we fail, it's profoundly beneficial for our souls on our long, evolutionary journey through a long sequence of incarnations. On this world, and many others.
This too shall pass really must be one of the most wise things ever said...
I misread 'evil empire' as evil vampire. Funny what the mind does. Also, the documentary on R. Crumb is quite good, just watched that the other day.
Nobody would be happy working for the 'criminocracy', but everybody is born into it.
For me, it's the money system that is the self-regulating machine that keeps everyone in place. The formative years of the vast majority of people is focused on the path to money making, aka: "career" (fun fact: in the Spanish language, "career" is "carrera", which literally translates to: "race" 🏁 as in: "run, run, run!" ⌚).
Time without resources is hunger and discomfort, and resources are behind a pay wall - so the trade becomes time for money: "Time Is Money". That's the hack of all hacks. People are not born into an environment that satisfies their basic needs 🏞 - they're born into debt.
Time is also required to sit down and learn about the nature of the machine, but most people can't stop running - the clock is always ticking. ♻ ⚰ 💵 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️ 💨
The real wealth and resources are kept outside the system and "loaned" in the form of worthless paper and sparkling digital numbers with "interest", aka: the certified 📜 assurance that people will keep on running and provide more fuel for the machine, while expending their (life)time in ways that stand no threat to the 'criminocracy' (in their own "interest").
To wrap the perfect package of enslavement up, cultural indoctrination identifies "the winners" and "the losers" so that people's tribal need of belonging kicks in, and they unknowingly become cogs in the machine when they genuinely desire their loved ones to be happy and "well off". That's when you get the soft police that comes in the form of 'in your face' advice and concern from your very own loved ones when you're straying off the pre-established "road to success" or the "correct stance" regarding "the current thing". 🎖🏆
Then of course, you have the people that do flirt with 'the power' that comes from playing the money game, and you get some real wacky psychos that actually come to love it, and become living advertisements of the "do what thou wilt" type of life, which can be easily mistaken for a life of freedom and mislead some good hearted runners.
The 'criminocracy' also appear to be avid bible readers, so here's one verse that is surely close to the wicked heart of these ruthless sorcerers:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." -Timothy 6:10
I misread 'murderous hypocrisy' as 'marvelous hypocrisy.' Funny how the brain twists things. The article's critique of Western policies reminds me of how media can shape perspectives.
I have my deep suspicions about this 'Maud dib' fellow. I believe his ripple effect was the first of the 7/7 (rather, 7-7-7) 'conspiracy theories'. It's usually the case that the very first to emerge is the controlled opposition version, designed to hook in the genuine independent researchers and insert a load of misinformation and red herrings as well as straw men for the debunkers to use to discredit independent research. In the case of 777 there was stuff like the controlled demolition van, for example. In the case of 9-11 I think it was the 'loose change' film by Dylan Avery et al. that was the first. Thus, we need to take these two with a serious pinch of salt.
Having said that, I was not aware he'd done an updated version, so I'll try and make time to at least check it out at some point. As usual, though, I shall keep an open mind.
You're right about the intelligence agencies all being simply subsections of the same entity, though. No terrorist attack can happen on a foreign territory without the permission/complicity of the domestic intelligence agency. So 'blaming it all on Mossad' is a misdirection, designed to enable accusations of anti-semitism, obviously.
I've also begun to have my suspicions about OffGuardian to be honest. I think it may well be a nest of spooks (especially in the comments). If Kit Knightly and Catte Black isn't the same name then I've never seen a Batman movie. The spooks often deploy in-jokes which only they and their colleagues recognise.
And by attacking the Great Reset (not that I'm saying it's necessarily a good thing, mind), if we see this as the 'pleasant Brave New World' version of dystopia (own nothing be happy etc.) then this only leaves the seriously violent and fascist 1984 version (which have at the present). So they are provoking people into resisting the wrong enemy. Or rather, the bad guys have set up two genuine enemies, the GR Brave New World faction, and the violent, (as you say) colonialist 1984 stomping on your face version. It's the latter that should be resisted the most. I also sometimes think that whilst it's monsters doing the 1984 stuff, it's humans (but weak-minded, bad guy humans) doing the GR version. The monsters get off on hurting people, after all. The GR people just enjoy being in control. If we had a BNW version then this could be infiltrated and turned to benevolence at some point.
The BNW version is far, far easier to control and maintain, because people don't want to resist. There are also some glaring absences in conspiracy hypotheses at OffG - it's often the stuff the powers-that-shouldn't-be (and the spooks) don't talk about which are revealing. Or the stuff that is 'off limits' (and gets moderated). I think they also set up and reinforce some obvious straw men and ideas designed to enable a label of 'far right patriarchal fascist bigot' being foisted onto 'conspiracy theorists' (the 'trans issue' being the most obvious). They thus turn away genuine socialists (not Marxists - Marxism was another Establishment honeypot), who are the real people who need to embrace the conspiracy theory view of history, then they'll know who the real enemy is.
Still, it's an amusing little test to delve in now and again and play the 'spot the cognitive infiltrator spook' game. Maybe that's what OffG really is - the training platform for new spook recruits. They're told there are other spooks in the comments section (and some of the people writing articles for them - that 'Todd Hayen' is a good example, imho), but not told who they are - their first task is to identify them. That's a fun game. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on one's point of view - I can't play that game openly because it doesn't recognise my login details, which is suspicious. But I think that's good, as it happens, or I'll end up getting myself into trouble, lol.
Thus, I'm seriously not going to threaten them. As long as they feel safe and in control, they don't need to resort to violence...
Another Zionist troll shows his face, but not his real name. Are you willing to admit that Hamas has been funded all along by the war criminal Israeli regime? That the 'justification' for full scale genocide against Palestinian civilians provided these rocket attacks - which do very little damage in general - by their infiltrated and funded 'terrorist' organization are precisely the reason they have funded them in the first place? No, of course not, you loyal Zionist apologists are unable to manifest such honesty.
Profoundly important piece. How I wish every person on the planet could be aware of this. Immense value in your work. A deep thank you 🙏
“...large-scale “Islamist” terror attacks like this were staged to advance the long-term Zionist agenda.” — For those who are unfamiliar with the Israeli/Mossad connections to the 9-11 false-flag op, I strongly recommend anything by Laurent Guyenot. The connections are beyond extensive.
I would suggest that what David Rovics was dealing with was in fact Hasbara trolls.
"So, after Covid showed us that the global entity existed and that it was a deeply unpleasant one – a criminocracy in fact – its reaction to the Gaza genocide has confirmed that it is also pro-Zionist." — Anyone who has been paying serious/close attention to deep politics, certainly this century, and possibly as far back as post WW2, has been aware that the actual "axis of evil" runs through DC (District of Criminals), London and Tel Aviv.
Possible typo: you wrote "Pax Americana" ... methinks the first "a" should be "o".
"That’s why it sends its employees on brainwashing courses, to dull their critical senses and indoctrinate them with its globalist dogma." — Enabling the master propagandist / to fashion beliefs in line with his devious plans / the persistent ignorance of the masses / is like finest clay in a mind sculptor's hands.
"Who could be happy about working for an entity that deliberately starts and prolongs world wars in order to increase its profits and its power, callously sacrificing the lives of millions of ordinary people for its own corrupt self-interest?" —
"And that -- that brings me to the second mode of civil disobedience. There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus -- and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it -- that unless you're free the machine will be prevented from working at all!!"
That was a brilliant speech! Thanks
I accidentally discovered the other day that a guy called Charles Lane was involved in the creation of a component of MRNA tech. What led me to him was researching his mother Miriam Rothschild.
Do these things happen by accident I wonder?
This is an extremely good article. I’m past caring that people call me nuts, they still seem to like me so I’ll just continue to speak the truth. Although, what is their plan when the tipping point is reached and we have a critical mass on our side? Hide in their bunkers hoping their security staff will keep them safe?
I think you're on to something there with the bunker thing. although their network of superbunkers has two possible explanations, both of which are realistic - one, it's simply the last resort/contingency plan associated with the so-called Samson Option - they will only do this if their very survival as a group identity is threatened. Meaning they create a nuclear winter, which would reduce the human population by around 99% within a year, then they disperse the soot from the atmosphere, repair the ozone layer, end the nuclear winter and emerge from their lairs and take control over a devastated population. This, of course, can also be one option for their endgame. Drastic, for sure, but we're not dealing with human beings here, we're dealing with monsters in human form. It's a mistake to put anything past them, simply because it appears fantastical.
Oh I wouldn’t put anything past them and in theory their bunkers sound great but then they’d also be prisoners. Their only social life would be with their own families or their criminal fraternity. They’re all weirdos. How long before they turn on each other?
I see them as a predator class trying to take the little I have, immiserate me and quite possibly kill me. I take that seriously and will stop at nothing to defend my children. People are dangerous when they have nothing to lose. And if they create a nuclear winter then I’m not going to be around to suffer it, which is a good job as I’d rather be dead than live in the society they have planned.
It would, indeed, be nice to round them all up and put them on an island somewhere, with loads of hidden cameras and microphones, and watch them go all Lord of the Flies on each other.
Now that's one reality TV show I would definitely watch. I think it would be the most highly-rated TV show in history, actually. Hmm, I feel an ironic Truman Show type screenplay coming on...
SPOT ON, mate! You have nailed my take on these issues 100% on every single point.
Obviously I'm in total agreement with you about the necessity of exposing the monsters. I've said as much before I think. This would provoke the innate 'self-defence' reaction. If people cannot avoid acknowledging the existence of evil then they will put all other priorities aside and not rest until the evil has been eliminated. This is the obvious, underlying reason for 'conspiracies' and 'concealment', and it must take up at least half of the monsters' time and energy. Most of what they do is simply a group survival strategy, in that sense.
So, what it requires is some catalysing event, like a new Pearl Harbour, where the masses can no longer deny the existence of evil. Pearl Harbour is a good example actually, because that 'event' (whether LIHOP or faked amounts to the same thing) fundamentally changed public opinion in America. Prior to it, some 80% were against involvement in ww2. Afterwards, the numbers flipped and millions of young men volunteered to join up, thinking they were doing 'self-defence' (when actually they were simply furthering the colonialism - America wanted control over the Pacific, which meant eliminating their rival, Japan).
However, short of some clandestine group of good guy vigilantes with the resources and skills required to carry out such a large scale exposure, we would have to rely on the monsters making some catastrophic error and being caught red-handed. Or divine or extraterrestrial intervention is another option, of course.
I think those are the only options. The problem is that all those unwitting minions (the managerial class, let's call them) who facilitate the system are simply unwilling to believe they are serving monsters. It's not psychologically tolerable for them, so they actively resist these 'conspiracy theories'.
Having said that, even if it is a Herculean task, that in no way means we should give up trying. Continuing to try is a noble endeavour, and even if we fail, it's profoundly beneficial for our souls on our long, evolutionary journey through a long sequence of incarnations. On this world, and many others.
This too shall pass really must be one of the most wise things ever said...
But another brilliant article - thank you.
I misread 'evil empire' as evil vampire. Funny what the mind does. Also, the documentary on R. Crumb is quite good, just watched that the other day.
Nobody would be happy working for the 'criminocracy', but everybody is born into it.
For me, it's the money system that is the self-regulating machine that keeps everyone in place. The formative years of the vast majority of people is focused on the path to money making, aka: "career" (fun fact: in the Spanish language, "career" is "carrera", which literally translates to: "race" 🏁 as in: "run, run, run!" ⌚).
Time without resources is hunger and discomfort, and resources are behind a pay wall - so the trade becomes time for money: "Time Is Money". That's the hack of all hacks. People are not born into an environment that satisfies their basic needs 🏞 - they're born into debt.
Time is also required to sit down and learn about the nature of the machine, but most people can't stop running - the clock is always ticking. ♻ ⚰ 💵 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️ 💨
The real wealth and resources are kept outside the system and "loaned" in the form of worthless paper and sparkling digital numbers with "interest", aka: the certified 📜 assurance that people will keep on running and provide more fuel for the machine, while expending their (life)time in ways that stand no threat to the 'criminocracy' (in their own "interest").
To wrap the perfect package of enslavement up, cultural indoctrination identifies "the winners" and "the losers" so that people's tribal need of belonging kicks in, and they unknowingly become cogs in the machine when they genuinely desire their loved ones to be happy and "well off". That's when you get the soft police that comes in the form of 'in your face' advice and concern from your very own loved ones when you're straying off the pre-established "road to success" or the "correct stance" regarding "the current thing". 🎖🏆
Then of course, you have the people that do flirt with 'the power' that comes from playing the money game, and you get some real wacky psychos that actually come to love it, and become living advertisements of the "do what thou wilt" type of life, which can be easily mistaken for a life of freedom and mislead some good hearted runners.
The 'criminocracy' also appear to be avid bible readers, so here's one verse that is surely close to the wicked heart of these ruthless sorcerers:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." -Timothy 6:10
I misread 'murderous hypocrisy' as 'marvelous hypocrisy.' Funny how the brain twists things. The article's critique of Western policies reminds me of how media can shape perspectives.
I have my deep suspicions about this 'Maud dib' fellow. I believe his ripple effect was the first of the 7/7 (rather, 7-7-7) 'conspiracy theories'. It's usually the case that the very first to emerge is the controlled opposition version, designed to hook in the genuine independent researchers and insert a load of misinformation and red herrings as well as straw men for the debunkers to use to discredit independent research. In the case of 777 there was stuff like the controlled demolition van, for example. In the case of 9-11 I think it was the 'loose change' film by Dylan Avery et al. that was the first. Thus, we need to take these two with a serious pinch of salt.
Having said that, I was not aware he'd done an updated version, so I'll try and make time to at least check it out at some point. As usual, though, I shall keep an open mind.
You're right about the intelligence agencies all being simply subsections of the same entity, though. No terrorist attack can happen on a foreign territory without the permission/complicity of the domestic intelligence agency. So 'blaming it all on Mossad' is a misdirection, designed to enable accusations of anti-semitism, obviously.
I've also begun to have my suspicions about OffGuardian to be honest. I think it may well be a nest of spooks (especially in the comments). If Kit Knightly and Catte Black isn't the same name then I've never seen a Batman movie. The spooks often deploy in-jokes which only they and their colleagues recognise.
And by attacking the Great Reset (not that I'm saying it's necessarily a good thing, mind), if we see this as the 'pleasant Brave New World' version of dystopia (own nothing be happy etc.) then this only leaves the seriously violent and fascist 1984 version (which have at the present). So they are provoking people into resisting the wrong enemy. Or rather, the bad guys have set up two genuine enemies, the GR Brave New World faction, and the violent, (as you say) colonialist 1984 stomping on your face version. It's the latter that should be resisted the most. I also sometimes think that whilst it's monsters doing the 1984 stuff, it's humans (but weak-minded, bad guy humans) doing the GR version. The monsters get off on hurting people, after all. The GR people just enjoy being in control. If we had a BNW version then this could be infiltrated and turned to benevolence at some point.
The BNW version is far, far easier to control and maintain, because people don't want to resist. There are also some glaring absences in conspiracy hypotheses at OffG - it's often the stuff the powers-that-shouldn't-be (and the spooks) don't talk about which are revealing. Or the stuff that is 'off limits' (and gets moderated). I think they also set up and reinforce some obvious straw men and ideas designed to enable a label of 'far right patriarchal fascist bigot' being foisted onto 'conspiracy theorists' (the 'trans issue' being the most obvious). They thus turn away genuine socialists (not Marxists - Marxism was another Establishment honeypot), who are the real people who need to embrace the conspiracy theory view of history, then they'll know who the real enemy is.
Still, it's an amusing little test to delve in now and again and play the 'spot the cognitive infiltrator spook' game. Maybe that's what OffG really is - the training platform for new spook recruits. They're told there are other spooks in the comments section (and some of the people writing articles for them - that 'Todd Hayen' is a good example, imho), but not told who they are - their first task is to identify them. That's a fun game. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on one's point of view - I can't play that game openly because it doesn't recognise my login details, which is suspicious. But I think that's good, as it happens, or I'll end up getting myself into trouble, lol.
Thus, I'm seriously not going to threaten them. As long as they feel safe and in control, they don't need to resort to violence...
I think you'll find that the phrase was "totally disproportionate". Which it was and is.
Another Zionist troll shows his face, but not his real name. Are you willing to admit that Hamas has been funded all along by the war criminal Israeli regime? That the 'justification' for full scale genocide against Palestinian civilians provided these rocket attacks - which do very little damage in general - by their infiltrated and funded 'terrorist' organization are precisely the reason they have funded them in the first place? No, of course not, you loyal Zionist apologists are unable to manifest such honesty.