In other words: "Accuse the other of that you are guilty."

Joseph Goebbels

So if you're sickened by the systematic slaughter of indigenous populations, view the sustainability agenda as a scam, and are "for" bodily autonomy then you must be a right-wing antisemitic fascist.

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I think you've nailed it right on down.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Paul Cudenec

Double bull's-eye!

“The “anti-semitic” smears have become increasingly far-fetched in recent years.” — Indeed. They were already ridiculous BEFORE the latest Gaza hyper-mowing atrocities. And of course, reductio ad hitlerum has been a thing since forever (the 1950's). Currently, the “anti-semitic”, “Nazi” and “Hitler” smears, have ALL been reduced to meaningless, ludicrous absurdities. The only thing they now signal is the utter intellectual bankruptcy of anyone using them.

“And any challenging of general official agendas is now likely to be met with the same hysterical response,” — Precisely … when no logical cogent response is possible, all one's left with is hysteria and ad hominem attacks.

“Given that the authors of the document would no doubt argue that this assumption is anti-semitic, why do they themselves make it?” — BINGO! Hoisted on their own projection petard.

“The louder the propagandists shout that talking about the global criminocracy is anti-semitic, the clearer the reality becomes.” — Key insight.

Jordan's oil painting is a perfect encapsulation.

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Well said, except there was no place for the cross of the Knights Templars for the Crusade by the freemasons.

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Jul 3Liked by Paul Cudenec

The global criminocracy sure seems thoroughly Zionist to me. To be logically critical of Zionism must be (so-called) “antisemitism”. Therefore, in order to support the global criminocracy, one must be pro-Zionism and pro-semitic. Did I figure that out correctly?

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No, you were deflected by Marxist propaganda. You know they always have a scapegoat. The global criminocracy is very close, it's the global monarchies (all of them connected by the incestual relationships) who run the criminocracy. Destroy that and you destroy the NWO, the UN and its tentacles in one swoop. The global monarchies have been the root of mankind's misery.

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You’re saying that the Zionists are the scapegoats of the monarchies?

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If you would like I can explain.

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Sure. What’s your explanation?

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Zionism was a British Creation. See "How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed it on the Jews)" - Richard Poe searchable.

Neo-Marxists have successfully recreated and sullied the term Zionism and weaponised it. It is their SOP to stop patriotism in any form. The Neo-Marxists do this to enable the wealth of countries to be extracted and asset stripped and passed onto the parasite class who are the old Monarchies, Bankers, and Billionaires of the NWO. It was the freemasons who also lied about the blood libel. A Jew became the scapegoat. Zionism purpose was initially the movement for the return of the Jewish people to — and their sovereignty in portions of — what they consider the historic and religious Land of Israel.

You will see below the did the same about Afrikaners

Her Majesty’s Government helped to build, and long supported the apartheid government in South Africa. At the same time, it helped to create the anti-apartheid black Marxist overthrow of the government.

It was a British Marxist freemason creation to prevent patriotism and nationalism as being the founding of separate nations. It would complicate the domination by the British Monarchy that Cecil John Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner created for them. (The Round Table Group), The freemasons were already Established in South Africa before 1903. South Africa only became a republic in 1960. (see The Anglo-American Establishment by Quigley)

The Afrikaners were not guilty of Apartheid. It is the result of colonialism by the British (Monarchy) in particular, but also the French, Belgians, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, and Dutch and Germans who were all guilty. Think of so-called “nobility” of London, Venice, and Genoa. (Black nobility)

The Afrikaner because he spoke a form of Dutch was the convenient scapegoat. It was retribution (Extract Counties Wealth as punishment) for the 4th Anglo-Dutch War and the Huguenots and the Dutch Flemish who tried to escape the persecution of them and their religious beliefs by no other than monarchies who feared religions a threat.

It must also be remembered that the British subjected the Afrikaners women and children to be separated from their fathers and Husbands and brothers and put them in concentration camps during the Boer Wars. That was early retribution.

People need to understand that the Afrikaners were no different from any other group of people in history who wanted to be self-governed and believe in self-determination. The same applies to Israel. It is no different from the Amish belief system, of religion, culture vales and value systems, aspirations, like-thinking, and life-style or being “like-minded.” It originates from Alsatian Anabaptistism. Just like the Hutterites in Canada. Many Afrikaners were Calvinists, Baptists and are Christians. Huguenots who were devout Protestants from France and Southern Netherlands following the teaching of John Calvin, fleeing religious persecution in France, after King Louis XIV invoked the Edict of Nantes and declared Protestantism to be illegal in 1685.

The British created segregation in South Africa, Here are some facts and until 1960 the British had a hand in governing the Territories that made up South Africa. You will see I refer to Verwoerd not being born for a reason which becomes evident later.

In 1809 the 'Native Pass Law' of the BRITISH government compelled blacks to carry a pass book. The Hottentot Proclamation, also known as the Hottentot Code, the Caledon Proclamation, or the Caledon Code, was a decree issued by governor of the Cape Colony the Earl of Caledon on 1 November 1809 to restrict the mobility of Khoikhoi (frequently referred to as "Hottentots", hence the name) in the Cape Colony. Established to assist Dutch land owners in controlling their mobility of their enslaved workforce (which mostly consisted of Khoikhoi labourers), the decree was a first in a series of colonial laws designed to curtail the rights of a minority. (Verwoerd not born yet).

In 1865 Sir Theophilis Shepstone prohibited blacks in the province of Natalia (Natal) to have any voting power. (Verwoerd still not born).

In 1894 Cecil Rhodes prevented Krom Hendriks, a coloured, from joining the national cricket team to England. (Verwoerd 1year old)

In 1905 Rhodes compelled schools in the Cape Province to separate white British and Black pupils. ( Verwoerd 12 years old )

In 1913 the BRITISH 'Native Law Act' prohibited black people from owning land (Verwoerd 20, and still a student).

In 1925 BRITISH Minister, HW Sampson, promulgated the act on Labour Demarcation to divide whites and blacks. (Verwoerd not a politician yet).

In 1927 the 'immorality Act', in BRITISH controlled Natal, prohibited intimacy between whites and blacks. (Verwoerd still not in Government.) The National Party only came into power in 1948 Verwoerd was Minister of Native Affairs (1950–1958) South Africa only became a republic in 1960. Verwoerd was the Union of South Africa's last prime minister, from 1958 to 1961. and then as prime minister (1958–1966).

The word “apartheid” is a word in a language called Afrikaans, it was a term coined by Prime Minister Dr DF Malan. BTW it had nothing to do with Verwoerd as is often called father of Apartheid. That was a lie created. In South Africa there was an attempt to create subdivided states under a policy of self-determination (see above) where each group would have self-rule in a territory/canton within in a federation of states or a union of partially self-governing provinces, cantons states, or regions. Cantons as in Swiss cantons- confederation.

The issue that created a the problem was deliberate misinterpretation of the act proclaiming and understanding self-development for each group of people. Essentially where each "group/canton/territory" allocated to different indigenous tribes for self-rule, meant that others in their (group/canton/territory) did not have a right to vote in each other’s territories. That is where it started again by the British media conflation of facts and then the freemasons stepped in with the term calling separate development 'apartheid'. Those may be unpalatable fact to the indoctrinated by the Media. The Afrikaners were a threat to the British establishments dream.

Both terms Zionism and Apartheid terms were and are used to ostracise groups of people. The word apartheid is a neo-liberal Marxist politically correct construct. It was a word that was weaponised to demonise a particular individual group of people.

No different from how Jews were ostracised and labelled with a yellow star and called “Juden”.

It is no different to the neo-liberal Marxist communist label of “white supremacist” or colonialist or imperialist transferred to all whites and Europeans.

It was and is a pretext to use and enable legal plunder to be used against the group to give it the appearance of being just.

It was a creation of Marxist freemasons neo-liberal NGO activists in the Human Right establishment.

Hope it clarifies some facts.

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Excellent historical analysis and information. Thanks.

You might enjoy this article: https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/07/30/china-from-real-tao-to-mao-and-then-to-multipolar-fake-tao/

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A pretty good one. But, thought experiment: calling the Jewish Controlled Jewish Raped Murdered Stolen Poisoned Starved Maimed Occupied Palestine a Jewish state, now that's a 76 year old song and dance.

Now now, Mossad mother fuckers are brought up Jewish and congregate in synagogues. And, darn, when Emoff and Rob Meathead Reiner and other Jews watched and cried about Joe 'I Have Jewish Grandchildren and Jew Son in law Doctor ' Biden just being Biden during the Trump fiasco, are we allowed to say these Jews are Jews who support Israel hands down, from day be, post '67, post Oct. 7?

Two-way street: if there's a Forbes list of billionaire Jews and Times of Israel article on all the Jews in any administration, can Goyim cite those factoids and still not get that scarlet letter A for antisemite?

Oh, darn. Calling Jews Zionists is code for Jews who support all things Israel and all things Jewish.

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I'm not an expert, but my understanding of the (relatively) tiny little cabal of psychopathic muffo globalist satanic slime that is behind this CULL of Humanity, and behind most things nefarious, is that the Rothschilds are MINIONS of that gang of demonic slime that's been ruling the world from behind a curtain for ... thousands of years! I feel strongly, in my gut, and in my everything, every minute of every day, that these people must be taken OUT and never allowed to re-assemble. This is as harsh as I have ever felt about anything. I feel they should all be put down... Lethal Injection seems appropriate.

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Oh, yeah, I meant to share this: I think you'll love this, too, PC.

I'm just giving you MY postie, so you get two for one, ha harf! But LISTEN TO HIM!!! It's not that long and it's FREAKIN BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!


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