You have lighted the way to where all rabbit holes lead, the world-den at the center.

Fascinating how with your bedrock conclusion--"Even if it is true that good will always ultimately defeat evil, our active participation is a necessary ingredient in the self-realisation of that apparent inevitability!"--you echo both Krishna to Arjuna, and Milton's Gabriel to Adam: "Your voluntary service He requires."

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You so often write from my own heart. I am a fan and you are a friend.

What you don't mention here is the fear of these evil scum.

Way, way back they took their fear of death, of openness, of women, of vulnerability, of loneliness, of self-regard and found ways to 'protect' themselves from these things.

It seems to me the majority of people are still to weak to overcome these fears, so we live in a world where the weak and vile rule over the weak, and the weak are too weak to admit that the vile are vile.

Fear is humanity's worst enemy.

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Very interesting take on what’s “really goin on”....Creative writing for sure. I kept thinking TWITTER and the Obuma cabal

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