
A comment from Mofwoofoo that for some reason it has been impossible to post here: "Thanks for the article! You make it very clear how impossible it is to trust almost anything and anyone. I believe that we need to unify real activist more clandestinely and carefully through apps like Briar to begin with. We can invite trusted activists to join so that we can collaborate and come up with viable strategies to defeat the Leviathan. We have no choice but to resist effectively or we will be given a life not worth living. We can't wait for everyone to 'wake-up'. I have offered one very difficult strategy to achieve, that is, restructuring all governments from vertical to horizontal to escape the grip of the controllers who can so easily corrupt, subvert, and control governments when vertical. The problem is to do this, constitutions must be rewritten or amended. Nations need to be confederated if cities and villages are to have autonomy within the confines of the agreed upon new constitutions. And finally and firstly, most people have never even conceived of the option of horizontal governance, so they need to be educated (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). But it's necessary if we ever are going to escape the grip of the criminal controllers. How can we dismantle their control of the mainstream media, their control of the military apparatus, the spy organizations, the

institutions, and their vast finances? We need to be exceptionally clever and original to have a chance for success. What do you think? In Solidarity, Mofwoofoo

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Good piece!

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What a thorough and timely unpacking of the real issues around climate, trans, war, and everything else pushed by the globalist agenda, masquerading in wokespeak and "progressive" cliches. Impeccable logic and research, as usual, along with authentic human heart and vision.

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Top shelf essay. Keep up the good work.

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One thing you don't develop here to my first reading is that this also serves a divide and conquer strategy

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Please remember these words when they come for me:

Ours is a society built entirely from artifice and illusion, and so in this labyrinth of lies, this demonic hall of mirrors, it has become extraordinarily difficult to distinguish fact from fake, reality from spin.

Indeed, we have pretty much now arrived at a stage of complete inversion.

The best indication of something or somebody’s integrity is that they are denounced as criminals by the system and the strongest warning sign of misinformation is when a certain proposition is presented as sacred truth, protected from contradiction by a special taboo status."

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"The best indication of something or somebody’s integrity is that they are denounced as criminals by the system and the strongest warning sign of misinformation is when a certain proposition is presented as sacred truth, protected from contradiction by a special taboo status."

The above is a principle which can even be followed by the intellectually lethargic, or for those who lost their critical thinking skills during the scamdemic.

Having said that, when the pyschopathic ruling elite tell you their intentions believe it.

They say you'll own nothing and be happy. 😊 So how will that happen?

The plan is to commodify every aspect of the natural environment under the benevolent term "sustainability." And as that occurs billions will become immiserated. But don't worry, the indigent will be physically herded into smart cities offering numerous pharmacological concoctions transitioning the "smiling useless" permanently into the Metaverse.😵‍💫

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It is the term that is incorrect.....it isn't climate change....it is POLLUTION! When we use improper terms...we confuse the situation and never know how to correct what situation is going on. Pollution is what got crapitalism to control the narrative post 1970's pollution problem. confusionism is our biggest problem as I see it today. Folks...did it dawn on everyone to consider the reduction of carbon would mean a reduction of humans as well? we ARE carbon.

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This is totally rightful, this article has all sense. We need close all old files, because we know his steps and procedure, but never forget.

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Piers Corbyn is not alright - in the Norfolk sense of it. Jeremy is okay. Slagging off the left wing is old hat.

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galactic cosmic ray (CR) flux...


Such a better option than CO2! But not easily taxable so...

source: https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.14920

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

Of course global capitalism has subverted/eaten its way into the climate crisis narrative, what else is new? Amidst all the denial on the health freedom/radical side, I find myself standing nearly alone in accepting that without needing to personify the planet, we altogether -- all of us "citizens" worldwide -- are caught up in an orgy of materialism, over-consumption, perfection of trash culture regardless of the consequences, and that that orgy has led to the destruction of life on the planet. If you refuse to accept there's a climate crisis, surely there's an ecocide going on, the disappearance of numerous plant and animal species is accelerating and undeniable. The air and water and land are already poisoned, there's scarcely a river or stream outside of the wilderness with drinkable water. Who is causing all this? Us again -- because whether we're pro or con, we live in the cultural forward momentum that corporate capitalist greed has created . Look how billions alive on this planet now live their lives and what it takes for them to do so in such a heedless manner compared to how hunter/gatherers or nomads lived. We have gone off the rails, lost our minds since the first Empires and especially since the Industrial Revolution. This is not a romantic statement, it's real. What it means is we humans from time immemorial have always been exactly the same in every way except for what's gong on inside our heads. We now embrace, are swept along, by a toxic no-exit trash culture. And what does the word "heedless" mean? It means we are all collectively hypnotized and paralyzed by our destructive habits, unable to put on the brakes regardless of our "stance" on issues. Regardless of taking sides and congratulating ourselves on how "conscious" we are. So arguing about whether the climate crisis is real or not amounts to no more than taking sides on who started the fire while we watch Rome burn to the ground. No matter how much data we have assembled, no matter how good we feel about our position.

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