For most people, breaking away from government and authority will be extremely difficult at first. But we are at the point where fascist authority and arrogant global psychos do not want humanity to survive in its present form. We may get to the point where we have nothing to lose.

I would assume that most people do not want to give up their digital prisons. We might still have some of these things, but they would not be centrally controlled. Would breaking free be a generational affair over the long term, or a quick pitchfork revolution?

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The crypto anarchist manifesto of Tim May, still worth a few minutes to read, points the way to jail-break devices and freedom from digital oversight. Part of the reason for what you are seeing from the authoritarian cabals is their fear of our total digital independence. They started planning for the plandemic when the total value of all crypto currencies hit $2 trillion. They fear we are already out of control.

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The most concerning element is the inevitable backlash that authority will metre out. There is no valid justification for breaking free of the capitalist system. Such an idea is heresy and punishable by death. They make an example of anyone who tries. This is not to say it’s impossible but it will be brutal.

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That's the way it's been up until now, for sure. But their system will come crashing down at some point and this might not be too far away...

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Very good, Paul, thanks...Leaves me sad, though, because it remains mental as long as we don't ourselves have our hands in the sacred earth. I recommend looking at my friends in Colombia whose earth wisdom project is just that...Arkadelatierra.com/get-on-board and also livingearthwisdom@gmail.com

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Yesssss this worded what I want and wish for and see perfectly. I shared the link individually with many friends.

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Brother Paul, as I see it, you both nailed it and through it open for exploration and as a challenge. I received much confirmation from the ideas you have set forth in your brilliant essay. THANKS!

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Ok. Good. Don't televise it. Otherwise it won't be the revolution.

I am very comfortable with not knowing in detail how it looks. I know that people are able to solve problems. So I don't need you to give me a plan for a sewer system or a market place or community defence. It's all been done many ways.

Transitions are tricky. So I think that part needs additional thought. Imma do some thinking on it.

At some level you have to choose how much you need everyone else to do what you are doing. How much of the great North beyond the roads and railroads do you need? How much of the bureau of land mismanagement land do you want? Why not get started?

How much of what exists has to stop before you are free?

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Yep... Just a minute... Throwing a few things into my pack. Be right there!

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