Apr 18, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec


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Here translated into Spanish: https://www.counterpropaganda.info/p/recordar-quienes-somos-paul-cudenec

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When I view MSM news or many of the Independent social media platforms it's like watching an event in an ancient Roman Colliesieum where numerous proles are killing each other over manufactured cultural wedge issues, while contented pyscho ruling elites are sitting in sumptuous chairs laughing and mocking the battling fools.

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I´m really happy that you´re feeling the Springtime vibes, Paul! If anyone deserves to be happy, it´s you.

I for one feel no longer feel like the world is closing in on me, and Im definitely excited about what the future holds. I always did like epic stories of good vs. evil.

Now that we can stick a fork in post-modernism, I think the pendulum will swing away from cynicism and nihilism towards earnestness and candour. I´m looking forward to that.

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Oh, YES.

Merci. ^_^

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In order to ENJOY life, ENJOIN with it.

We are social animals. All we do aims toward social activity. This is the wisdom of astrology.

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Sincerely sublime reawakening of simplicity with its greatest delight. Thank-you for reminding the world of the joy in unity most essential to life. It is in itself, of the Divine and the greatest protection for the soul allowing maintenance of genuinely calm composure in the storm.

Sharing joy, laughter, tears with those of good will is the greatest protection from the infestation of the paranoia the Psycho/Sociopaths seek to instill as evil always sought to do and will. When we choose to remain authentic, responsive to others, strong, and loving in the face of evil it just can't feed and dies on the Vine of Poison-Ivy; unable to choke-out anything of God.

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