So very true - and, may I say, so very British also. Unfortunately the vast majority of the British people have forgotten their true historical narrative, and have taken on a false Establishment narrative about British history - for example one which actually portrays all the monarchs of the country since 1066 as 'British' - despite none of them being that at all.
Then there's the watered down version of the Robin of Loxley story - I have a different version of that set in the year 1066, in which Robin leads the resistance against the evil fascist Normans - obviously, there's no 'merry men' involved and he's destined to fail, but it's the inspiration to resist that is the most important thing.
In my version he gets this from his wife, who is a Celt, and has told him all about Boudicca, who did not lose, she won, because she not only inspired a permanent understanding of the necessity of resistance into the British people (and, most likely, indigenous populations in Europe too) and also forced the Romans to stop their genocidal policy towards natives, instead turning to the protection racket which, at the very least, allowed their culture - and therefore their identity as a people - to survive. That's why she won. The story must survive. Because human beings see the world (and themselves, and their own identity, cultural and personal) through stories.
Again unfortunately, the British people have forgotten all knowledge of this - and furthermore the Establishment (the criminocracy etc.) have understood this psychological fact, and thus project a fraudulent, deceitful, manipulative version of history onto people (partly via the 'education' system). And this informs people's identity and of course opinions.
The best example or proof of this is that rather than voting for Boudicca as the most obvious (and only, in my view) candidate for 'greatest Briton who ever lived', the British people actually voted for the worst Briton who ever lived, Winston Churchill! (who, we should remember, was hardly even British). This is a perfect measure of the level of narrative control the cabal have over the people.
And it's not just Britain, of course.
Thus, I agree absolutely - we must regain control over the narrative. And part of that means exposing the falsehood and the deceitful purpose of the cabal's narrative.
This, lol, may also be why we become conspiracy theorists! At least, it should be...
Ah yes, the quest. If one does not see that they are already free, they never will no matter how many conquests. You see my point? You are either free from the get go or you are not. There is no getting to "free" because that would be an endless quest lasting a lifetime. Who wants that? There is no power on earth that can keep you from being free. True freedom is knowing your mind.
There is nothing that can be done until we get rid of public education and once again become an educated society with critical thinking skills. Otherwise it will be just another bunch of sniveling dogs scurrying to find new masters to run their lives.
So very true - and, may I say, so very British also. Unfortunately the vast majority of the British people have forgotten their true historical narrative, and have taken on a false Establishment narrative about British history - for example one which actually portrays all the monarchs of the country since 1066 as 'British' - despite none of them being that at all.
Then there's the watered down version of the Robin of Loxley story - I have a different version of that set in the year 1066, in which Robin leads the resistance against the evil fascist Normans - obviously, there's no 'merry men' involved and he's destined to fail, but it's the inspiration to resist that is the most important thing.
In my version he gets this from his wife, who is a Celt, and has told him all about Boudicca, who did not lose, she won, because she not only inspired a permanent understanding of the necessity of resistance into the British people (and, most likely, indigenous populations in Europe too) and also forced the Romans to stop their genocidal policy towards natives, instead turning to the protection racket which, at the very least, allowed their culture - and therefore their identity as a people - to survive. That's why she won. The story must survive. Because human beings see the world (and themselves, and their own identity, cultural and personal) through stories.
Again unfortunately, the British people have forgotten all knowledge of this - and furthermore the Establishment (the criminocracy etc.) have understood this psychological fact, and thus project a fraudulent, deceitful, manipulative version of history onto people (partly via the 'education' system). And this informs people's identity and of course opinions.
The best example or proof of this is that rather than voting for Boudicca as the most obvious (and only, in my view) candidate for 'greatest Briton who ever lived', the British people actually voted for the worst Briton who ever lived, Winston Churchill! (who, we should remember, was hardly even British). This is a perfect measure of the level of narrative control the cabal have over the people.
And it's not just Britain, of course.
Thus, I agree absolutely - we must regain control over the narrative. And part of that means exposing the falsehood and the deceitful purpose of the cabal's narrative.
This, lol, may also be why we become conspiracy theorists! At least, it should be...
Now if only Yuval Noah Hara-kiri would do humanity a favour and commit seppuku.
Ah yes, the quest. If one does not see that they are already free, they never will no matter how many conquests. You see my point? You are either free from the get go or you are not. There is no getting to "free" because that would be an endless quest lasting a lifetime. Who wants that? There is no power on earth that can keep you from being free. True freedom is knowing your mind.
There is nothing that can be done until we get rid of public education and once again become an educated society with critical thinking skills. Otherwise it will be just another bunch of sniveling dogs scurrying to find new masters to run their lives.