Feb 24Liked by Paul Cudenec

Thank you so much for this. I am 82 and aim to be like the girl in the story. Inspiring!!

A Canadian Grandma

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This point about myths is an important one; it is a theme I have inherited from my philosophical mentor, Mary Midgley. One diagnosis of our contemporary condition is the construction and reinforcement of the myth of the necessity of suppressing every myth except itself (one possibly name for this myth is technocracy, although there are others). It is from this circumstance that we get such bizarre concepts as 'misinformation' and destroying democracy in order to save it.

Stay wonderful!

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Paul Cudenec

Love it — "rainbow-coloured jackboots"!

"... through the invisible, underground, mysterious nervous system of our collective organism." — can't help but conjure a sort of mycelium network for humans.

"This is why, incidentally, it cannot allow a work of art to speak for itself and always requires endless words, from the artist or by critics, to reduce to its limited understanding something that could only ever be said otherwise." — imagination restricting mediation ... and its fellow travelers, postmodernism and deconstructionism, I suppose, as paradoxical as that may be.

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Yes. Restriction of our imagination, prevention of our full being.

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RemovedFeb 23Liked by Paul Cudenec
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Thanks for sharing those thoughts. There are no paying subscribers here, by the way!

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We already tried all of that, and yet... here we are more degenerate than ever.

Our Thought is the source of it (the persistant degeneration), and it is doing a pretty good job in preventing us from evolving.

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