I'm encouraged by your thoughts here, Paul, although also wary of this corrupted-uncorrupted divide - this is tempting, of course, but it amounts to accepting that some are 'pure' and others are fallen. I rather suspect we are *all* corrupted but to different degrees and in different contexts. Purity is an ideal to aspire to rather than …
I'm encouraged by your thoughts here, Paul, although also wary of this corrupted-uncorrupted divide - this is tempting, of course, but it amounts to accepting that some are 'pure' and others are fallen. I rather suspect we are *all* corrupted but to different degrees and in different contexts. Purity is an ideal to aspire to rather than a state of being.
However, what kindles my hope in this piece is your acute awareness of the broad coalition that we must forge if we are to defend diverse visions of the good life, and the recognition of the problems that our well-cultivated divisions bring to this project. This is the problem I have been working on in philosophy (even before I joined Substack), although it sometimes feels like guarding the back door while all the action is in front.
I'm encouraged by your thoughts here, Paul, although also wary of this corrupted-uncorrupted divide - this is tempting, of course, but it amounts to accepting that some are 'pure' and others are fallen. I rather suspect we are *all* corrupted but to different degrees and in different contexts. Purity is an ideal to aspire to rather than a state of being.
However, what kindles my hope in this piece is your acute awareness of the broad coalition that we must forge if we are to defend diverse visions of the good life, and the recognition of the problems that our well-cultivated divisions bring to this project. This is the problem I have been working on in philosophy (even before I joined Substack), although it sometimes feels like guarding the back door while all the action is in front.