Thank you greatly Paul. You've got a lot more eyes on what is happening in Australia and NZ under stealth, meaning the average Australian knows nothing about it.

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Pacification program is going well then 😂

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Growing up in Australia there was one thing you learned to NEVER rely on….and that was the weather forecast!!!!

There is an Australian film called The Castle that showcases the Aussie battler who takes pride in his home (even though it is located at the end of an airport runway) and fights the corporation who wants to take it from him. He wins.

I am hopeful but skeptical how much of that fighting spirit is left in this country 😔

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I believe that's true everywhere. I live in the US and the weather forecast is usually more wrong that right. They can't even accurately forecast the weather for the next few hours but I am to believe they can accurately forecast what the weather everywhere will be in 50 years?

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I believe that demons exist and believe their power and influence has been increasing at an alarming rate for at least since the end of WWII. Otherwise, how can one explain the almost daily exposure of one more plan (out of thousands) those in positions of authority and the obscenely wealthy come up that will destroy human lives which demons clearly want to do?

As an American, I had no idea about this going on in Australia but it seems to me to be a most vile plan to force people out of their homes on the pretext of the sham "climate crisis" which to me is one of the most demonic scams ever to be accepted by millions of people.

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Here this article translated into Spanish:


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Ah, great! Thanks

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Thank you! This will be helpful to those who are protesting the same agenda here in Costa Rica.

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I must confess: I'm guilty of cheating, twice — first by reading Kate's original, then reading this one in The Acorn.

I believe Fairbourne, in Northwest Wales, was a sign of things to come.

And of course, all against the in-your-face galactic-level gaslighting/mockery backdrop, of the criminocratic gang behind the relentless apocalyptic fearmongering, snapping up prime waterfront/beachside properties.

"Do as we say, not as we do."

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Climate change is an "existential threat" to the Palestinians whose coastal land is being stolen by billionaires like Jared Kushner who is obsessed about displacing the indigenous population to construct luxury oceanfront properties.

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Perhaps there are no limits to the growth of our civilization and the techno-optimist’s dreams of perpetual technological “progress” will lead to us finally achieving complete dominance, quantification and control of nature… maybe the technologies that people like Steven Greer talk about which can unlock sources for endless renewable energy will (regardless of what utopian vision he depicts) be tapped into to expand our industrial civilization across the entire face of the planet, removing all those ‘dirty forests’ and ‘virus spreading wild animals’ and replacing them with more civilized, clean and uniform feeding lots, mining operations and manmade environments made of concrete, plastic, glass and steel. Our monocultures can produce perfectly predictable genetically modified clone plants that give us just enough nutrition to keep us alive while we use VR goggles to escape the world of monotonous soul crushing uniformity we have created. Perhaps people like Elon Musk will succeed in microchipping most people’s brains and hooking them up to his 5G A.I. Skynet (Starlink) satellite grid so that even our thoughts can become a monoculture and then civilization can become really “sustainable” under the watchful eye of the transhumanist’s AI overlords.

And if there is no limit to the growth of industrial civilization, the question we should then be asking ourselves instead of “will this make humans go extinct?” is “if we are capable of either creating a world that is a giant feeding lot, garbage dump and mining operation, or a place of wonder, beauty and diversity, what kind of world do we really want to live in?”


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The real growth of a civilization is what it does to not inhibit man's ability to get to the eternal place he was created for. We call it heaven.

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Thanks for the comment. How do you define civilization?

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The adherence to and protection of the Natural Law and Divine Revelation. Loving the one, true God-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost with all of your mind, heart, soul and strength and then loving your neighbor as you love yourself. These two things bring life into conformity to God's will for every human being which gives them true freedom, joy, and peace. This creates a civilized society (i.e., not chaotic, not warring nor divisions among people) where all people are equal in the eyes of God with inherent dignity and when the two tenets above are practiced, humans flourish and real caring and compassion for others makes a stable, harmonious society.

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House prices are too high here anyway so go at it, motherfuckers. By then the people will be organised to start up our own fire department co-op so fuck you 🤪

Sorry, feeling very sweaty and aggressive tonight haha.

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*Sweary. It's too cold here to be sweaty even with the menopause.

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Similar story in England and Wales with costal defences. It's called 'managed realignment', translated as: 'let the sea flood people's homes and farmland.'


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Michael Javick

just now

We the People must get the hemp rope ready!




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We the People must get the hemp rope ready!

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I recently learned that many countries leaders signed on to Agenda 21 back in 1992, and Canadian PM Brian Mulroney was one of them. The climate engineers will be using whatever technology is available to them (HAARP, GWEN towers, etc) to make areas inhospitable and free up the "Wild Zones" (no humans allowed) to harbour humans that remain into the SMART cities. The UN is already running local municipal counties in Canada and GATHER 2030 Substack by Maggie Hope Braun is bringing awareness as well as action plans together that help people to voice their concerns logically in front of mayors and councillors. Link to one of her recent Substacks here.


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Yes. Sabrina Wallace says they have all the new weapons in place they need 💔

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Piss on that and pass the pizza Theresa.

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I have heard from people here in NZ that only their house in an area is 'tagged' for changed status and it just so happens they are the people dissenting/challenging councils.

Other homes, at lower elevations are not so 'tagged'.

Must be co-incidence.

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Jun 30
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Thanks for the timeline proving an extended effort at fear-mongering and brainwashing using both an impending ice age crisis and when that didn't work, an impending global warming crisis which seems to have gained a lot more adherents who stand to become very wealthy or already have by promoting it. Plus, the "new world order" proponents have a lot more venues and access to avenues of brainwashing than the ice age crisis proponents did.

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