Yes, those child hunts are described. The film certainly deals with the trauma, and the way this is used as a tool for ongoing control, but I'm not sure if specific schemes like MK-Ultra are mentioned - perhaps not. It is encouraging that the film is being widely seen in France - there needs to be a breakthrough where a critical mass of people realise that this stuff is really happening and is not the invention of "conspiracy theorists". Yes, this could finally bring them down.
To confront 'Evil beyond words' we must confront that which is, in Nietzsche's opinion, 'beyond good and evil'. We must realise that evil is not merely the absence of good, it is of itself a void, a vacuum, a nothingness, a nihilistic, completely amoral black hole which resides at the heart of humanity, like that which lies hidden at the heart of every shining galaxy. Most of us stellar beings orbit that hellish blackness never knowing what lies beyond the event horizon, shining briefly for our allotted span then winking out of existence, blissfully ignorant of what hellish evil forces govern our orbit. To stare into that dark heart is to invite insanity and risk the involuntary abandonment of what we like to notionally call our 'humanity'. These women survivors are divine messengers from another world beyond our senses. They offer us the opportunity to become whole, to confront and to ultimately conquer the festering dark heart which beats at the core of humanity, if only we are brave enough to tread where angels fear. If we do not, we can live our lives on the bright side for now, but eventually the darkness will swallow us too and we will never know what we could have become had we been brave enough to confront our deepest, darkest fears turned reality.
Remember, and never forget, that it was for but for the tamest of glimpses — twenty-some minutes excluded from the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut — into the moral depravity that is embraced in “elite” circles, that Kubrick would appear to have been offed, exactly 666 days before the start of 2001.
“But I for one never wanted to think about this too much, didn’t really want to emotionally embrace its reality, even though I accepted it intellectually.” — Ditto!
“But how can we digest the fact that members of this same global financial power also enjoy raping, torturing, dismembering and murdering little children?” — Clearly, with great difficulty, if at all. Unfortunately, the level of natural disbelief such activities elicit in the general public, is the very same that makes the general public unable to see blatant psy-ops/false-flags such as covid, “climate” and 9-11 for what they are — how could any persons or entities be SO evil? To the average normy, it's quite literally inconceivable — something TPTB (rightly) bank on.
One of your deepest and best, I think, PAUL! I look forward, with a tightening stomach, to seeing and hearing the women survivors. Since researching " '9/11' " from 2001 onward I've come to know better how horrific are the Banksters and their associated Ruling Few. Abuse intimate and global, unto mass murder of 9 among 10 of us, is their Agenda under different guises. Thank you for the eloquent reponse. Today I became a paid Subscriber. This 'Refusing the Great Reset' of February 2021, "Monsters Mentor Monsters ...', gets into Sir Edward Heath, John DeKamp's The Franklin Cover-Up, and more.
Thanks Don Paul. You know, I don't think I am ever going to activate the paid subscriptions option - the whole point is to communicate with as many people as possible, in my view - but it is very encouraging for me that you and others value my output enough to be ready to pay for it. Much appreciated!
Thank you, PAUL. Well, exchanging Currency can be a form of respect and gratitude and that's how I feel about a lot of your work. Do you want to exchange books? I'm in New Orleans and I guess you're in France. I'd very much like to have your book about the network centered in Rothschilds and in-laws. My book The World Is Turning, combining two about " '9/11' ", is available as a PDF here--
I have to agree. I pay $49 a month for Internet service as it is, then $60 for the phone, and then if I had to pay every subscription for five dollars a month each or whatever it is, it would be. Most people just can’t do it now. There are too many to read, even paying a couple of dollars each would break the bank.
That seems very high to me. Have you thought about using a phone as your internet connection via "tethering"? Here in the UK you can get a SIM-only contract with unlimited data for about £15 a month; ~$12. It works pretty well but can be quite hard on the phone battery, so budget $30 for a new one of those each year, Also, though you may not have it in the US, there are data-only contracts (with unlimited data) running off the mobile phone system where they give you a tiny router and it's only £7 per month. The downside of that is that you are reliant on public networks if you take your laptop out because the router doesn't make phone calls (though, conceivably, you may be able to put it in your pocket).
Reading that article is one of the most harrowing and disturbing things, so I can only praise you for sitting through that film. For me, I really don't think I could watch it because there'd be triggers.
The Network as described here forms a significant part of the ongoing story I have on my own Substack as it happens. The intention is to expose it of course.
When we talk about exposing the criminocracy I personally believe that the Network is the thing that really would finish them off forever if the general population knew about it (hence their need to whitewash the child abuse enquiry in Britain). To use oblique, nebulous terms like 'category A' or 'bestiality' or even 'snuff movies' doesn't do it justice. It's quite frankly pure evil, as you say, and in my view it is the real proof that these people are not human. Humans simply could not do these things. I've said it before that we can say they are a different species because their brains must be wired differently. It's why I call them monsters.
Exposing the Network is the way to bring them down, as I say. Obviously the intelligence services (any intelligence service) could expose the whole thing tomorrow if they wished. This, more than anything else, shows that any conflict or war is fake - if Russia wanted to bring America down from within then just expose the Network, and let the people's righteous anger do the rest. So they must be part of the problem. Same for China.
Shows the intelligence services themselves are part of it. The Dutroux affair article shows clearly the links with those powerful NGOs, like Bilderberg, and le Cercle.
Anyhow, I don't think I can bear to think any more about it right now. It's beyond shocking. Thank you for highlighting it, though. It needs to be done.
To become a member of the “Elite” you have to join their hunting games, according to Dutch investigative reporter Micha Kat, who is right now still in prison. Maybe there will never be justice because many people can’t handle the truth. It’s so much easier to call us crazy.
I don't know what to say?? Thank you for the is just too easy to forget (or at least shift way back in the mind) that this exists. Remembering helps to sustain the fight in me for justice and peace. I am going to leave this email at the top of my inbox to be sure I don't forget again. 🙏🏻
Thank you for post this Paul Cudenec. It takes a strong stomach, and heart, to confront this stuff. Is this film in English, and if not does it have subtitles?
These atrocities occur as an outward projection of an inward condition. The individuals having rejected their spiritual reality MUST act in opposition to Oneness and God. To maintain their sense of power after completely removing the connection to spirit they have to take not give. They need to worship power outside themselves NOT within, bodies attacking bodies. Everything physical and lost to the mind.
They must cover their guilt with shared associations.
They increase their sense of separation by more sinful acts. This leads inevitably to hiding like rats.
‘What profit the man who gains the whole world and lose sight of his soul’. No profit. Destitution. Sickness. Death.
Does the film mention another evil thing they do, namely the child game hunts? That's mentioned in the Dutroux article, and I think I can verify that one.
The other important aspect to mention is the multiple personality disorder of course. This is almost ubiquitous for survivors of the Network (can also be linked to Monarch/MK-Ultra). Does that come out in the film? Young children do not have a fight or flight option, so dissociation is the only 'escape'.
I am probably going to have to brace myself and watch it at some point. I would have to be in a very strong and safe place first, though. So it might be a while. I've bookmarked the article though - again, thank you for highlighting this issue. As I say I think it really could be the thing that eventually brings them down if it was widely known, because the natural human reaction would simply eliminate these monsters once and for all.
Thank you for bringing this film to my attention. I have often shared my story because, although it was much tamer than the horrors these survivors mention, I could clearly sense that my rape was highly organized and coordinated. I have long known that these things go all the way to the top.
Clearly the ability to murder millions callously and to dominate and subjugate the planet comes from the same drive: these who would do such things do not in any way see other human beings as equivalent to them. So they can be used and slaughtered like farm animals. No consideration is given to the human soul, which they would viscerally hate.
They do rely on most people being unwilling to accept this reality. They could even be an alien species for all that I know, but I am sure by this point even if one were to endorse such a theory that they would be hybrids by now. This evil is in all of us. Yet we all live on.
I have been looking for somewhere to bookmark this comment made on Hacking the Afterlife, and this seems like the most appropriate place:
Q: According to you how strong stand those few scientists have who are involved in research about afterlife like reincarnation and NDEs against other thousands of scientists who says life after death is not possible?
Richard Martini: Galileo was right. Giordano Bruno correct. One recanted because they showed him the instruments of torture. The other said he couldn't recant his experience traveling around the galaxy after a near death event. It happened. So they torched him.
Joan of Arc bypassed the filters on the brain, saw and heard from someone offstage. Couldn't convince her to recant either.
Proof of the Afterlife is reflexive. Ive been filming people accessing this information, bypassing the filters on the brain that block information not conducive to survival for the past fifteen years.
Its not opinion, theory or belief. Its footage.
One wants to argue opinion. People who haven't had an experience cannot prove to someone else their experience. We aren't using the same syntax, nomenclature to describe telepathy, interdimemsional awareness.
People report consistently being able to communicate with people offstage. In the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE, 20 scientists, clergy, doctors use a simple guided meditation to access people offstage. Learn new information from people they didn't know existed. (Two neuroscientists, one from Harvard.) Doesn't get more mainstream than Harvard.
Or the DOPS lab from UVA Medical school. Decades pf peer reviewed studies. Dr. Greyson's book AFTER, Dr Tucker's book BEFORE based on fifteen hundred historically accurate reincarnation cases referenced by Ian Stevenson, Dr Kelly’s CONSCIOUSNESS UNBOUND or IRREDUCIBLE MIND based on 100s of peer reviewed studies that demonstrate consciousness is not confined to the brain.
Dr. Presti’s MIND BEYOND BRAIN or Dr Mario Beauregard’s EXPANDING REALITY demonstrate consciousness is not confined to the brain.
Thousands of skeptics can have an opinion about skydiving until they step out of a plane.
As Dr Greyson notes in his book AFTER, he was a skeptic until he realized his bias was preventing him from seeing the data. Data doesn't change because someone doesn't like it.
Footage either.
Examples are in the Netflix series SURVIVING DEATH, the documentary AFTER DEATH. The documentaries Flipside, Talking to Bill Paxton and Hacking the Afterlife on Amazon.
However of one hasn't read, seen or had an experience, they are welcome to believe whatever they choose.
This is all truly fascinating....I also wonder if all of HUMANITY could UNITE through their consciousness, could we all overcome the evil of these monsters in our world? That is the key to me...I feel like we have sooo much power within ourselves and the fact that history has been kept from us, and changed as well as religion as a way to control many, I feel that the awakening that is happening is very strong and that is why the evil parasites seem to be quickening their timeline...just my thoughts.
Crash is the one I'd pick. What a truly horrible film! I can't remember the name of that actor but he has made me queasy even since; weak, slippery, corrupt and utterly perverted. Lynch too is pretty sick-making.
(For those fortunate enough not to have seen it, it's about getting your sexual kicks from watching and being in car crashes. Nice, eh?)
Of course it was! David Cronenberg hasn't crossed my mind for probably 20+ years but I knew you were right the moment I read his name. Things are not quite as accurate and tidy inside my head as I imagine. Still, they're obviously both disturbingly depraved.
As for JG Ballard, I seemed to have slipped onto another timeline with him. I remember a very classic BBC radio series, set in India I think, that we listened to every morning at some period in the mid '70s. I can't find a mention of it anywhere at all. It was anything but edgy and boundary-pushing, though that now seems to be what he's known for. (Aren't ya just sick of it? It's been this way ever since those angels thought it would be a good idea to teach mankind about fire, weapons and makeup.) :)
Yes, those child hunts are described. The film certainly deals with the trauma, and the way this is used as a tool for ongoing control, but I'm not sure if specific schemes like MK-Ultra are mentioned - perhaps not. It is encouraging that the film is being widely seen in France - there needs to be a breakthrough where a critical mass of people realise that this stuff is really happening and is not the invention of "conspiracy theorists". Yes, this could finally bring them down.
Demons who feed off the defilement of innocence. The spiritual battle for the soul of humanity is real.
To confront 'Evil beyond words' we must confront that which is, in Nietzsche's opinion, 'beyond good and evil'. We must realise that evil is not merely the absence of good, it is of itself a void, a vacuum, a nothingness, a nihilistic, completely amoral black hole which resides at the heart of humanity, like that which lies hidden at the heart of every shining galaxy. Most of us stellar beings orbit that hellish blackness never knowing what lies beyond the event horizon, shining briefly for our allotted span then winking out of existence, blissfully ignorant of what hellish evil forces govern our orbit. To stare into that dark heart is to invite insanity and risk the involuntary abandonment of what we like to notionally call our 'humanity'. These women survivors are divine messengers from another world beyond our senses. They offer us the opportunity to become whole, to confront and to ultimately conquer the festering dark heart which beats at the core of humanity, if only we are brave enough to tread where angels fear. If we do not, we can live our lives on the bright side for now, but eventually the darkness will swallow us too and we will never know what we could have become had we been brave enough to confront our deepest, darkest fears turned reality.
hi posted this assuming your name is your handle ..
"evil is not merely the absence of good, it is of itself a void, "
>> The Void begets Greed. Greed begets Usury. Usury begets War.
Remember, and never forget, that it was for but for the tamest of glimpses — twenty-some minutes excluded from the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut — into the moral depravity that is embraced in “elite” circles, that Kubrick would appear to have been offed, exactly 666 days before the start of 2001.
“But I for one never wanted to think about this too much, didn’t really want to emotionally embrace its reality, even though I accepted it intellectually.” — Ditto!
“But how can we digest the fact that members of this same global financial power also enjoy raping, torturing, dismembering and murdering little children?” — Clearly, with great difficulty, if at all. Unfortunately, the level of natural disbelief such activities elicit in the general public, is the very same that makes the general public unable to see blatant psy-ops/false-flags such as covid, “climate” and 9-11 for what they are — how could any persons or entities be SO evil? To the average normy, it's quite literally inconceivable — something TPTB (rightly) bank on.
I know we should confront these horrors, but I don't think I could watch that film.
One of your deepest and best, I think, PAUL! I look forward, with a tightening stomach, to seeing and hearing the women survivors. Since researching " '9/11' " from 2001 onward I've come to know better how horrific are the Banksters and their associated Ruling Few. Abuse intimate and global, unto mass murder of 9 among 10 of us, is their Agenda under different guises. Thank you for the eloquent reponse. Today I became a paid Subscriber. This 'Refusing the Great Reset' of February 2021, "Monsters Mentor Monsters ...', gets into Sir Edward Heath, John DeKamp's The Franklin Cover-Up, and more.
Thanks Don Paul. You know, I don't think I am ever going to activate the paid subscriptions option - the whole point is to communicate with as many people as possible, in my view - but it is very encouraging for me that you and others value my output enough to be ready to pay for it. Much appreciated!
Thank you, PAUL. Well, exchanging Currency can be a form of respect and gratitude and that's how I feel about a lot of your work. Do you want to exchange books? I'm in New Orleans and I guess you're in France. I'd very much like to have your book about the network centered in Rothschilds and in-laws. My book The World Is Turning, combining two about " '9/11' ", is available as a PDF here--
Yes, sure. The essay on the Rothschilds is included in The Great Racket -
I have to agree. I pay $49 a month for Internet service as it is, then $60 for the phone, and then if I had to pay every subscription for five dollars a month each or whatever it is, it would be. Most people just can’t do it now. There are too many to read, even paying a couple of dollars each would break the bank.
That seems very high to me. Have you thought about using a phone as your internet connection via "tethering"? Here in the UK you can get a SIM-only contract with unlimited data for about £15 a month; ~$12. It works pretty well but can be quite hard on the phone battery, so budget $30 for a new one of those each year, Also, though you may not have it in the US, there are data-only contracts (with unlimited data) running off the mobile phone system where they give you a tiny router and it's only £7 per month. The downside of that is that you are reliant on public networks if you take your laptop out because the router doesn't make phone calls (though, conceivably, you may be able to put it in your pocket).
* it would be overwhelming.(I don’t know why that word disappeared.)
I don’t either right now. Yes you’re right. It never hurts to ask.
Some of the content of this film must be related to the Network described in this igsp studies article:
Reading that article is one of the most harrowing and disturbing things, so I can only praise you for sitting through that film. For me, I really don't think I could watch it because there'd be triggers.
The Network as described here forms a significant part of the ongoing story I have on my own Substack as it happens. The intention is to expose it of course.
When we talk about exposing the criminocracy I personally believe that the Network is the thing that really would finish them off forever if the general population knew about it (hence their need to whitewash the child abuse enquiry in Britain). To use oblique, nebulous terms like 'category A' or 'bestiality' or even 'snuff movies' doesn't do it justice. It's quite frankly pure evil, as you say, and in my view it is the real proof that these people are not human. Humans simply could not do these things. I've said it before that we can say they are a different species because their brains must be wired differently. It's why I call them monsters.
Exposing the Network is the way to bring them down, as I say. Obviously the intelligence services (any intelligence service) could expose the whole thing tomorrow if they wished. This, more than anything else, shows that any conflict or war is fake - if Russia wanted to bring America down from within then just expose the Network, and let the people's righteous anger do the rest. So they must be part of the problem. Same for China.
Shows the intelligence services themselves are part of it. The Dutroux affair article shows clearly the links with those powerful NGOs, like Bilderberg, and le Cercle.
Anyhow, I don't think I can bear to think any more about it right now. It's beyond shocking. Thank you for highlighting it, though. It needs to be done.
To become a member of the “Elite” you have to join their hunting games, according to Dutch investigative reporter Micha Kat, who is right now still in prison. Maybe there will never be justice because many people can’t handle the truth. It’s so much easier to call us crazy.
I don't know what to say?? Thank you for the is just too easy to forget (or at least shift way back in the mind) that this exists. Remembering helps to sustain the fight in me for justice and peace. I am going to leave this email at the top of my inbox to be sure I don't forget again. 🙏🏻
Thank you for post this Paul Cudenec. It takes a strong stomach, and heart, to confront this stuff. Is this film in English, and if not does it have subtitles?
No, it's in French. Not heard of a subtitled version yet, but hopefully that will follow.
These atrocities occur as an outward projection of an inward condition. The individuals having rejected their spiritual reality MUST act in opposition to Oneness and God. To maintain their sense of power after completely removing the connection to spirit they have to take not give. They need to worship power outside themselves NOT within, bodies attacking bodies. Everything physical and lost to the mind.
They must cover their guilt with shared associations.
They increase their sense of separation by more sinful acts. This leads inevitably to hiding like rats.
‘What profit the man who gains the whole world and lose sight of his soul’. No profit. Destitution. Sickness. Death.
Does the film mention another evil thing they do, namely the child game hunts? That's mentioned in the Dutroux article, and I think I can verify that one.
I forgot to mention another good resource on the subject, which is Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill, a pdf copy of which can be seen here:
The other important aspect to mention is the multiple personality disorder of course. This is almost ubiquitous for survivors of the Network (can also be linked to Monarch/MK-Ultra). Does that come out in the film? Young children do not have a fight or flight option, so dissociation is the only 'escape'.
I am probably going to have to brace myself and watch it at some point. I would have to be in a very strong and safe place first, though. So it might be a while. I've bookmarked the article though - again, thank you for highlighting this issue. As I say I think it really could be the thing that eventually brings them down if it was widely known, because the natural human reaction would simply eliminate these monsters once and for all.
Thank you for bringing this film to my attention. I have often shared my story because, although it was much tamer than the horrors these survivors mention, I could clearly sense that my rape was highly organized and coordinated. I have long known that these things go all the way to the top.
Clearly the ability to murder millions callously and to dominate and subjugate the planet comes from the same drive: these who would do such things do not in any way see other human beings as equivalent to them. So they can be used and slaughtered like farm animals. No consideration is given to the human soul, which they would viscerally hate.
They do rely on most people being unwilling to accept this reality. They could even be an alien species for all that I know, but I am sure by this point even if one were to endorse such a theory that they would be hybrids by now. This evil is in all of us. Yet we all live on.
I have been looking for somewhere to bookmark this comment made on Hacking the Afterlife, and this seems like the most appropriate place:
Q: According to you how strong stand those few scientists have who are involved in research about afterlife like reincarnation and NDEs against other thousands of scientists who says life after death is not possible?
Richard Martini: Galileo was right. Giordano Bruno correct. One recanted because they showed him the instruments of torture. The other said he couldn't recant his experience traveling around the galaxy after a near death event. It happened. So they torched him.
Joan of Arc bypassed the filters on the brain, saw and heard from someone offstage. Couldn't convince her to recant either.
Proof of the Afterlife is reflexive. Ive been filming people accessing this information, bypassing the filters on the brain that block information not conducive to survival for the past fifteen years.
Its not opinion, theory or belief. Its footage.
One wants to argue opinion. People who haven't had an experience cannot prove to someone else their experience. We aren't using the same syntax, nomenclature to describe telepathy, interdimemsional awareness.
People report consistently being able to communicate with people offstage. In the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE, 20 scientists, clergy, doctors use a simple guided meditation to access people offstage. Learn new information from people they didn't know existed. (Two neuroscientists, one from Harvard.) Doesn't get more mainstream than Harvard.
Or the DOPS lab from UVA Medical school. Decades pf peer reviewed studies. Dr. Greyson's book AFTER, Dr Tucker's book BEFORE based on fifteen hundred historically accurate reincarnation cases referenced by Ian Stevenson, Dr Kelly’s CONSCIOUSNESS UNBOUND or IRREDUCIBLE MIND based on 100s of peer reviewed studies that demonstrate consciousness is not confined to the brain.
Dr. Presti’s MIND BEYOND BRAIN or Dr Mario Beauregard’s EXPANDING REALITY demonstrate consciousness is not confined to the brain.
Thousands of skeptics can have an opinion about skydiving until they step out of a plane.
As Dr Greyson notes in his book AFTER, he was a skeptic until he realized his bias was preventing him from seeing the data. Data doesn't change because someone doesn't like it.
Footage either.
Examples are in the Netflix series SURVIVING DEATH, the documentary AFTER DEATH. The documentaries Flipside, Talking to Bill Paxton and Hacking the Afterlife on Amazon.
However of one hasn't read, seen or had an experience, they are welcome to believe whatever they choose.
Galileo still exists. Bruno as well. Ask him"
This is all truly fascinating....I also wonder if all of HUMANITY could UNITE through their consciousness, could we all overcome the evil of these monsters in our world? That is the key to me...I feel like we have sooo much power within ourselves and the fact that history has been kept from us, and changed as well as religion as a way to control many, I feel that the awakening that is happening is very strong and that is why the evil parasites seem to be quickening their timeline...just my thoughts.
Those pictures are by David Lynch? I guess he is a pretty disturbed individual.
Don't know, but his films are often very dark indeed, particularly Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.
Crash is the one I'd pick. What a truly horrible film! I can't remember the name of that actor but he has made me queasy even since; weak, slippery, corrupt and utterly perverted. Lynch too is pretty sick-making.
(For those fortunate enough not to have seen it, it's about getting your sexual kicks from watching and being in car crashes. Nice, eh?)
That was David Cronenberg, in fact. Based on J. G. Ballard's novel. But I agree with your reaction!
Of course it was! David Cronenberg hasn't crossed my mind for probably 20+ years but I knew you were right the moment I read his name. Things are not quite as accurate and tidy inside my head as I imagine. Still, they're obviously both disturbingly depraved.
As for JG Ballard, I seemed to have slipped onto another timeline with him. I remember a very classic BBC radio series, set in India I think, that we listened to every morning at some period in the mid '70s. I can't find a mention of it anywhere at all. It was anything but edgy and boundary-pushing, though that now seems to be what he's known for. (Aren't ya just sick of it? It's been this way ever since those angels thought it would be a good idea to teach mankind about fire, weapons and makeup.) :)
[ .. ]
@jaimejessop "evil is not merely the absence of good, it is of itself a void, "
>> The Void begets Greed. Greed begets Usury. Usury begets War.
As I recall here in murica a rope and a tree served Justice to a thief riding a stolen horse.