Thank you for your goodness and for your consistent work for humanity. God bless you and your family. Amen.

An interesting essay I read about six years ago mentioned recent archæological excavations near Gobekli Tepi in Turkey that found settlements from about 12,000 years ago. These places had no armouries, no central government, no overseers, and no evidence of chains or slavery. We truly lived together in peace. I believe that is our heritage and that is what God wants for us.

What you call "with-energy" and a sense of connectedness, I found very accessible at a Quaker meeting of the religious society of the friends of Jesus. We often call that same energy "the Holy Spirit."

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the ultimate goal is smart cities where transhuman people will live.

we already have the ISO of smart cities, now they just need to publish the ISO of their transhuman avatars.

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A small mention as thanks for the book - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/substack-sitrep-18-september-2023-russell-brand

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Cheers Mike!

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Thanks. I'll share the book link on Tuesday when I do my weekly roundup.

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Good...Glad to see the scope of your New International Resistance is as wide as possible. Instead of just banging on some lost "leftists" or in fact any sliver of broken, confused, paranoid, fearful humanity. Cause we're all in this together, we're all lost together, we're all victims of the awful wrong turn called monotheism, precursor of denial of pleasure, precursor of capitalism and (gag) the "work ethic." Ushered in by a class/caste system with the first Empires, the vice grip of militarism, the banishment of our ancient past alive with connection to spirit, nature, the Goddess. Or soon all of us will be gone, our dreary political identities included

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Criminocrats? Did the Democratic Party change its name. 😁

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Sep 11, 2023
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The more humans seek to establish the proverbial 'Garden of Eden'; the more Hell the Earth becomes.

"As much as things change, they remain the same."

The human condition will remain throughout life until Jesus comes again...Humans have NO capacity for peace even without the Universal Force for Evil as Adam and Eve so vibrantly displayed and their sons following them.

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Sep 11, 2023
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Indeed...Cops and those incarcerated for the worst crimes exhibit evaluations mirroring the other.

The only true honesty occurs within accepting both best and worst a human is.

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