Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Paul Cudenec

Just single them out. Don't worry about if they're Jewish or not (they may not be by now).

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Apr 15Liked by Paul Cudenec

" ...This issue has now been satisfactorily cleared up by events in Gaza – or rather by the lack of humane reaction to events in Gaza by governments across the world."

You hit on something here, as apathy manifested in "lack of action" reveals the duplicity of creepo rulers in the East and West.

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Apr 15Liked by Paul Cudenec

The wealthier you become, the more bored you are and the need to dictate to humanity how it should live and act. If you have acquired wealth, the greatest threat to you is losing part or all of it. Ever know of a wealthy person who didn't want more and more? In order to protect your wealth, you need to become a control freak and a pretend expert at whatever needs "experting".

Other than perhaps death, your greatest fear is losing a dollar of wealth. What a pitiful life. These clowns are nothing special as they will die like the rest of us...paupers floating into the next world. And from there, religion, ancestry, heredity, color, wealth, creed and all else are meaningless. Naked, we look all the same.

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Apr 15Liked by Paul Cudenec

Kudos for Paul !

I continue to be impressed by your brilliant writings.

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It does strike me that - as you suggest - the ridiculous and absurd lengths to which people go to associate criticism of the Rothschilds with 'anti-semitism' is a very strong piece of circumstantial evidence for what you're saying here; if it quacks like a cover story/smokescreen, looks like a cover story/misdirection, then I personally am gonna keep calling it a duck.

It also explains the similarly absurd lengths the bad guys go to make 'anti-semitism' the worst possible crime that any human being could ever commit in the history of crimes. It means that even, erm, even-handed academic theological/psychological critiques of Judaism are seen as 'virulent anti-semitism' - yet we go back to the Enlightenment 200 years ago and this kind of philosophical critique was not only de rigueur in academia but never associated with what modern people would call 'anti-semitism'. Today, people have a deliberately skewed image of anti-semitism, such that they simply can't distinguish between 'justified' philosophical critique and, say, a bunch of fascists physically attacking Jews. And yet we are still perfectly 'allowed' to do exactly the same kinds of 'critique' directed against any other 'religion' or 'ideology'. So, clearly, there's something not quite right here.

As an aside, the fact that my spellcheck is redlining 'anti-semitism' says a lot. It doesn't want people to think there may be such as thing as 'semitism'. There isn't really such a thing as semitism (also redlined), but that old Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is somewhat relevant here (language informs beliefs). This linguistic analysis is insightful when it comes to German anti-semitism - in German you have 'Jude' for Jew and Judaismus for Judaism. In English they drop the 'd' for the word 'Jew'. A German, then, would conceptually see a 'Jew' as 'someone who is a Judaist'. English doesn't do that - so we have, say, 'secular' Jews. Whereas if English dropped the 'd' from Judaism to make 'Jewism' then you can see how this makes a huge conceptual difference (same as 'semitism' - apparently the spellcheck doesn't mind 'Jewism' but doesn't like 'Semitism' ah - correction, it doesn't like it with a lower case. Weirdness.). 200 years ago, as I suggest, certainly in Germany at least, there wouldn't have been a concept of a 'secular' Jew - it would've been a contradiction in terms (likewise 'wrong kind of Jew'). I think this explains a lot about how anti-semitism came to be most prevalent in Germany rather than some other countries.

This is one reason why I've sometimes referred to the 'anti-enlightenment' movement - as an obvious pushback/reaction to this kind of permitted philosophical (and historical) research/discussion. The irony of calling themselves 'the illuminati' in that regard seems to be lost on a lot of people. And of course the anti-enlightenment movement needed to 'infiltrate' and 'subversively corrupt' the enlightenment movements (in the same way Marx did with socialism).

So I do think you are on to something here - it all just seems too, erm, exaggerated, to be anything other than a kind of misdirection...

In the meantime, I reckon I'll stand with those 'wrong type of Jews' you mentioned at the end of the article...

My supporting the mighty Spurs (except last Saturday) gives me a slight get-out card here too possibly.

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Yes. Right. Over. The. Target.

Careful Paul Stripe will start hassling Substack if you keep this up.

I write a rap track about Bankers n Covid


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Apr 15·edited Apr 17Liked by Paul Cudenec

Another dang fine post!

As per your final remarks, it would seem that the third rail of politics that is criticism of Zionism/Israel/TheLobby is losing some of its current. Hopefully that trend will continue.

Speaking of the Rothschilds, are you aware that Stanley Kubrick, died 666 days before 2001 (his most famous movie) rang in, and the various connections between the Rothschilds and Kubrick's last film "Eyes Wide Shut"? The criminocracy does not hide its fondness of symbolic numerology.

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Apr 20Liked by Paul Cudenec

New to this stack. More to read and learn. Thanks

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God bless you. This article is fire.

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Thank you. Yours is the second clear call-out of the Rothschilds I have seen this week, the other being John Hankey at the end of his 10/7 Inside Job video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMXllVmTuKQ&rco=1

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We have 16 years of “civilization” left. Just try to enjoy it. Actually make the charging of interest illegal and incomes taxes and printing money would solve our problems

After the collapse around 2040 that’s where we will be anyway

They say young men in America have stopped planning for the future and are partying down

Also buy some gold coins lol

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I always wondered; if Hitler hated the Jews so much, why didn't he take out the Rothschild?

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Waddesdon Manor is owned by the National Trust apparently, so we had best focus on New Court.

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