For decades China has been a Rockefeller/ Western social engineering project. In 1915, the Rockefeller Foundation setup a medical school in Peking.

It was probably considered a perfect place to test all allopathic toxic concoctions.

That being said, much of the 21st Century surveillance systems were tested in China prior to being deployed in the West. In fact, early on Google/NSA designed China's internet which censors and bans any info threatening the communist party, which in actuality is closer to a state-capitalist technocratic surveillance state.


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Find the lie about, "CHINA DEVELOPING ITSELF" in the last 40 years as merely the 'amuse bouche' of sarcasm creating an exquisitely delicious post.

Roughly 5 years ago, read a book and several articles pertaining to China and the ORDERS OF THE ROTHSCHILDS to the U.S. Investment Bankers; BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street to bring the full weight of Corporate U.S. into the fold to DEVELOP THE CHINESE MILITARY, ACADEMICS AND OVERALL TECHNOLOGIES ACROSS ALL INDUSTRIES with U.S. Retirement Funds as well as LAUNDERED U.S. Taxpayer $$$ at the same time as they moved U.S. Industry into the Chinese Markets costing U.S. Intellectual Property, U.S. Industry and the U.S. Economy.

I haven't been able to locate the materials read at that time of researching into variety of investment opportunities...Just didn't keep the information as didn't plan to use it mandating documentation of resource for verification for any personal writing...Even in Substack in 'Comments'. You're touching upon the information found at that time...Do you have your Bibliography pertaining to this post?

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There are various references in the original articles, linked from this piece...

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Brilliant article.

But why bother with the pivot to Asia as all roads lead to the same benefactor or is it simply a case of milking public funds for all that it's worth?

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Different means to the same end, yes.

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That way they maintain their hold over political power - while a true humanitarian alternative is denied the chance to shine time after time.

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I think some of those directors & shareholders of Chinese companies who are not Blackrock/Vanguard/State Street might also have Chinese names for appearances sake only.

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I wouldn't rule it out - however what needs further clarification is how many different empires are we dealing with as it's been made to look like several empires in competition against the Zionist empire or are we all being played and it's really only one?

One of the signs might be that most nations on the planet all bought into the plandemic like a carefully choreographed theater which is suggesting that we already have a one world government in place - the few nations that didn't buy into the plandemic were swiftly dealt with - heads of state died while a WHO friendly alternative was found in no time.

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Thank you for this. If this is the case and indeed the full picture then I wonder how would you explain (if you would) the very clear amd very intense hostility of the US-centred empire (including EU and UK and Aus) and its media (as well as so-celled "altrrnative" right-wing media) against China and the very likely coming military attack on it (likely after Trump enters office in 2025), and the very clear economic decoupling of the west from Chima and the intense eonomic war on it, to say nothing of the vast CIA propaganda and regime-chamgennetworks operating around and inside China and that for example organized, funded and initiated the Hong Kong riots and the fake 'uyghur genocide' concocted narrative, and that occupy and arm Taiwan against China ?

From every angle you look at it, militarily, economically and culturally, there is a very very intense hostility from the west towards Chima and a very clear and obvious push by the west to undermine China in any way possible. So I am just wondering how does this sit together with the thesis here that China is part and parcel the western corporate-capitalist empire?

It seems rather contradictory, no? Curious how would you explain these apparently contradictory movements?

Is it just a case of the ruling capitalist elites fighting among themselves over resources (as they always do) ?

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Firstly, it's not a mere "thesis" that China is part of the one and only global system - it is quite evidently the case, unless you are trying to claim that the evidence set out in the article is fake? Secondly, the apparent hostility between China and the USA (no doubt genuinely felt at a certain level of each society) is ultimately just the usual theatre. As with every modern war, cold or hot, the "sides" are two aspects of the one worldwide racket, which endeavours (and often succeeds) to conceal its existence behind such (useful) conflicts. Look at the reality behind WWI, for example. The war, and associated hostility, was real enough, but it was all deliberately contrived for ulterior purposes. See: https://winteroak.org.uk/2022/10/14/a-crime-against-humanity-the-great-reset-of-1914-1918/

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I hear you and fully understand what you are saying here and i do tend to agree that in the ultimate sense this might be true, yet at the same time it seems to me that perhaps a more nuanced perspective and approach is required here if we are to account for what is happening on ALL levels of reality, not just the highest ultimate perspective of only one empire stirring up everything to hide the fact that there is only one empire in charge here and no true adversity between 'sides'.

This indeed might be true, but still - real human beings are dying and going tjrough unimaginable horrors and traumas in these conflicts and wars (even if they are all just theatre manufactured by one empire). Very severe brutalities and injustices are still happening in these "theatre" conflicts, and human beings are being severly traumatised, to say nothing of what the earth goes through in these conflicts, even if it is all just "theatre" and even if ultimately both sides are on the same side.

For example, the post-apartheid government in South Africa is incredibly corrupt and indeed an integral part of the global corporate-capitalist syatsm, and in that sense (the ultimate sense, of the one global empire ruling the planet) is not fundamentally different from the pre-apartheid government of South Africa. They seem to have been both an integral part of the global empire. So does that mean that we shouldn't have objected to the unspeakable horrors of the apartheid government in South Africa (because in the big picture and ultimate sense both governments, pre and post apartheid, are part of the global empire)?

Wouldn't a more nuanced approach be required in such a case (to recognize the ultimate rulers over both governments yet STILL not relativize or diminish from the horrors of apartheid and do everything in our power to stop it) ?

Or another example, the Palestinian authority is incredibly corrupt and basically a puppet of the zionist and american NeoCons and as such an integral part of the global corporate-capitalist empire. So does that mean that we should completely abandon the Palestinian people to let the maniacal supremacist zionists do as they wish with them, and to complete their decades-long project of dispossesion, annihilation, robbery, dehumanization and erasure of the native people in Palestine? All because the palestinian authority is corrupt and ultimately part of the same global empire that the zionists are?

Do you see what I mean? Yes, in the ultimate sense, both 'sides' are on the same side. And yet, ordinary people are still going through unspeakable horrors and traumas in the empire's 'theatre" conflicts and wars.

How do we respond to such profound inhumanity, horrors and traumas? Do we say 'it's all just theatre of the one empire and as such inconsequential in the ultimate sense?

Isn't a more nuanced approach required here, in the face of the profound inhumanity, trauma and horrors of supposedly 'theatre' conflicts and wars?

Not saying yes or no, just wondering aloud.

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They sure ain't freedom loving, that's for sure. They will do anything to topple the US.

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China is a very Old society... After Millennia of existence the present day Chinese know perfectly well how to handle the mere secular Ruling Families of the West. These might soon go bust while the Chinese will persist. They are just doing what any degenerate uman animal with a smart Brain would do.

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