You are probably familiar with Sibel Edmonds the Turkish FBI translation expert. She wasn5 FBI but think contracted for it in the post 9/11 days. Her story became a novel after apparently bit being able to find publishers. I always thought it odd that her claim that the FBI official term for their Islamic terrorists folders/files was GLADIO B never got picked up by any researcher, even just to discredit it idk but whether it was true or not it makes sense to me that this whole thing is a stay-behind a-la Gladio, etc. Here in the Veneto region, back in the days when P2's membership list was leaked another group was identified as active specifically in the Alto-Adige (Sud Tyrol the German speaking area):

Rosa dei Venti https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_dei_venti_(storia)

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Gladio the gladiator. Read about him in Roman history. All flags are false as the real meaning behind them is a boatload of arrogance and presumption. Flags are nothing but waving in the wind mind tyrants.

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How does the app not have an edit feature jfc

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

So presumably if the power of the state is going to be reduced, it will be replaced by technology. A digital world where people live in city states like in ancient Greece but this time with blockchain technology keeping us in check and exploiting our humanity.


After the publication of Dr. Barber’s “If Mayors Ruled the World” (2013), cities and urban experts began to discuss the idea of a global governance platform that harnessed the collective power of cities.


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Paul, do you also see Bushnell as a "martyr"? To me, whatever was really going on in him, violently killing himself was staying within the paradigm of those he apparently said he was protesting against. He killed himself and wasn't killed by them, which would be my understanding of martyrdom, if such a thing is really useful anyway.

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It's a testament to Bliar's phenomenal evil that, by comparison, Bunga Bunga might pass for a choir boy.

Kropotkin: "...And the rich perfectly well know that if the machinery of the State ceased to protect them, their power over the laboring classes would be gone immediately”. — Which is why they bought up Big Gov ... it's Their Thing, or as I call it, La Loro Cosa (the establishment's version of the Cosa Nostra) ... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/la-loro-cosa

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