Russian thinker Alexandr Dugin (1962-) is often presented in Western media as being “the most dangerous philosopher in the world”, a radical critic of modernity.
I am ism-ed out. I mostly ignore all the various isms and live how I want with no attachment to any of them. If my way of living and thinking puts me into one category or another, that is for the loon-birds to decide. But I really don't care. I don't bother anyone and do not want to be bothered by anyone. Thinking apart from the establishment or the norm is good practice for remaining an individual as long as you do not try to force others or expect them to think the same way as you do.
Why do we need these people who pretend to be against the deluded corruption, but yet have their own delusions?
I never understood why people thought he was such a genius. He just repeats what's already out there. Nothing new, in fact it's kind of regressive.
Well, you firmly closed the lid on that, I must say! Like a-lister lefties, as you remarked over at Nevermore, there's a reason we know his name.
I am ism-ed out. I mostly ignore all the various isms and live how I want with no attachment to any of them. If my way of living and thinking puts me into one category or another, that is for the loon-birds to decide. But I really don't care. I don't bother anyone and do not want to be bothered by anyone. Thinking apart from the establishment or the norm is good practice for remaining an individual as long as you do not try to force others or expect them to think the same way as you do.
He's one of those philosophers of Power, they possess fascinating erudition, but in the end they serve the power. Hegel for instance was one.
it is all money laundering when you get right down to it