
Thanks Graham!

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You state so well--in a few well chosen words--what we're about and what we're up against. And the critical barrier is that insufficiency of political speech, or perhaps any words, to truly capture the essence of this world view. Maybe that's because it's the mystic heart of life that almost by definition is beyond definition! :) The spirit that animates this "party" seems to prefer being nameless, to insure its protection from our inevitable (and therefore forgivable) corruption of it.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec

Yes indeed. This mystic heart of life IS life. I don’t think we need a party. This whole thing we’re already doing IS the party. We just need to keep doing the next right thing and have faith. Faith.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec

Paul - I have considered myself a “real anarchist”since my teens (I’m now almost 50). But as you write, it goes deeper. Until I found you, Gary Snyder’s “Practice of the Wild” was the best written summation I knew of my world understanding and approach to life. But it lacks the framing that you capture so well of the global fascist borg monster which we are all up against. At least we’re not living in boring times! Blessings and prayers to you, fine sir. And endless gratitude. -graham

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec

You speak for all of us who are not blinded by...propaganda, monumental challenges, etc. Gracias. I try to make a dent with my activism in S. America.

This is a multi-headed hydra that we are all facing, and we will need to join forces to slay it. That in itself is a challenge, how do we unite? There are apps that now exist that are much more secure than before and we can invite trusted colleagues to join, perhaps, to coordinate our efforts and strategies, while recognizing that at some point it will be infiltrated.

Another realization is that we will always be "governed" by criminal elements as long as the governing structure is vertical, simply, because it is so easy to corrupt, subvert, and control which it inevitably is. Moving to citizen participation, authentic democracy, transparent, virtually incorruptible, horizontal governing is no easy task. Constitutions need to be rewritten, cities, states, and villages would need to be confederated to ensure autonomy within the parameters of the new agreed upon constitution, and people need to become aware of this concept, since most have never conceived of the idea of horizontal governance and are caught up in false reality of "left" and "right".

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec

Thank you Paul, I completely share your point of view. My aim and goal is to help people with different means to free themselves, first and foremost mentally, then emotionally and in the end physically.

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Hey great job at pointing to this thing. Promise I’m working on it too!!! We working on an ‘outlaw country’ music type variation of it as I am in KY and working on regional food system

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Paul Cudenec

Oh man, I needed that this morning. Balm for the weary soul....thank you.

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Alive and well in this heart 💖🙏🏼

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The "Left/Right" paradigm is a security state construct meant to polarize huge segments of the population with contradictory messages.

This has especially been the case since the scamdemic. The Left who were always skeptics of the pharmaceutical industry became Pfizer devotees in 2020. And how about the Libertarians who were medical freedom fighters over the last three years and dubious about the Ukraine mess, but are now bloodthirsty Zionists; go figure.🤔

I personally, would forget about "untrustworthy" political labeling and analyze each situation as it arises trying to understand the interconnection between all political/economic events.

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Anything named is not what it really is. It is just a reference point for the everyday existence of humans. We use names and descriptions for practical reasons. You may call me by my name, refer to my religion, my possessions, my social status or whatever, buy none of those things are who I am. I may be human as opposed to some other being, but that is not what I really am. Just like a soul or spirit that we refer to as being apart from human existence, we still do not know what it really is.

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This right now. Excellent. Thank you.

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"Color is where the mind meets the universe."

-Paul Klee

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I’ll read this over a few times. Hard for me to think in abstracts but I’m curious where you’re going. Feels a bit like a cliffhanger. Was looking for more depth I suppose. Also one point made felt dogmatic which seemed to jump off the page and felt different than the rest….anyone guess what it was?

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