Jun 19Liked by Paul Cudenec

"We are all living inside a vast racket, a scam, an artifice that has been manufactured to exploit us, to reduce and restrict us, to steal from us, to disempower us, to rule over us."

And the raison d'être of mainstream media news as well as all other social control constructs is to gain compliance by deploying relentless concocted narratives, or by instigating a series of manufactured crises to sustain constant tension resulting in cognitive dissonance.

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Thank you. Very good article.

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Cudenec

Interesting early pic of Spaghetti Junction with the Nechells 'B' power station in the background.

Now a leisure complex with a McDonalds...


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Jun 22Liked by Paul Cudenec

I love me some good Beatles tunes, but two things really stand out as dead giveaways that the phenomenon was a construct: The most obvious is that they were knighted (the excuse given being that they "brought in a lot of tax revenue"); the second being that the instant they arrived on American soil for the first time, when most of us had barely heard of them if at all, tthere was that incomprehensible epidemic of screaming, bawling fangirls which was plastered all over national media. NOT organic, not even close. And actually, I suppose a third related issue is the reverse-language that was eventually revealed in some of their recordings.

Thus, hearing the term Tavistock associated with the Beatles is more confirmative, for me, than upsetting.

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A fine article, as usual, BUT...

I just had to check out Chris Rea's "fascinating" article. Sadly, with respect to the fab four, I suspect that the author is in fact indulging in actual conspiracy theory. Clearly, his piece is not aimed at pop music historians or anyone with in depth knowledge of The Beatles. What he says does not ring true. At all!

I would love to hear Chris Rea's response to Gary Porter's comment. Porter's comment is coming from someone who appears to be quite well-informed with respect to The Beatles ... Chris Rea, not so much. And that's being polite.

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"Actual conspiracy theory" = theorizing about an actual conspiracy.

So important to not let orwellian mind-twisting prevail.

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Yes, probably not the right wording. What I was trying to suggest was conspiracy theory as opposed to conspiracy analysis.

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Jun 22Liked by Paul Cudenec

Ah I see. Thx for clarification :)

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Thank YOU, for pointing out that what I wrote could well be misunderstood, and for allowing me to clarify.

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Like Red Pill Poet (didn't we end up with the blue pill in 'The Matrix' after all?), I thought Rea's bit on the Beatles bit the dust. Apart from lonely hearts club bands, however, simple dismissal of genuinely progressive and liberatory movements of the 60s echoes reactionary rackets of backlash to reverse real gains for people then, as if there was nothing but sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll from Laurel Canyon, counter-cultural pseudo-revolution from the Frankfurt School, and controlled opposition from COINTELPRO.

Values to which we're committed must be combined with critical analysis of course if we're not to fall for the routine betrayals of noble lies like Progress in bourgeois modernity, now wokewashing its way to techno-fascism. (In this respect, I also wonder about Tolstoy's tirades over slavery against his own aristocratic background within Russian serfdom.) But blackpilling everything and everyone in effect if not design, which I don't think is necessarily the case with your casual reflections here, is the kind of doom-and-gloom falalism masters/monsters of humankind want from us.

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I sometimes also suspect that some 'conspiracy theories' about Establishment control over the so-called counterculture movement are psychologically designed to influence people against that movement, by associating it with the deep state etc. - in other words simply discrediting genuine anti-Establishment rebellions and associated ideas.

So the media of the time promoting the Laurel Canyon scene and the Beatles and the Stones etc., rather than evidence of conspiracy, might simply be explained by the desire to make money out of an emerging youth movement, both from the press' point of view and the record labels. In fact we do see this kind of cyclical thing in the history of pop music/culture, perhaps in 10 year phases, where you start with genuine innovation, then the commercial labels pick up on it and create second rate copies to profit from the bandwagon (and dumb it down likewise), to which there is then another reaction 10 years down the line with new innovation. For example we have that counterculture scene, 10 years later punk and new wave etc., followed by the commercialised 80s rubbish, the reaction to which in the late 80s/early 90s is another new wave of indie music (& grunge etc.), then we have manufactured britpop and boy bands and shit like that, then another sort of new wave in the early 2000s. Of course now they've got everything captured by streaming services and algorithms it's much harder for a new new rebellious wave to counteract that cultural dumbing down.

Maybe we should adopt a policy of providing every 14-15 year old with a vinyl collection consisting of, say, 50 classic LPs in the counterculture/anti-establishment mode... Obviously the powers-that-shouldn't-be would never allow such subversion.

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As a nonist, I have long considered myself to be a reenactment of some lost other. That other could in my case be termed 'a person edged out of the frame formed by mum, dad and the little fishing port we lived in which I, as a child, found too spectral to fully materialise within'. Personarising one fictive thing into another, and finding power in that persona, as if something previously out of reach had translated word for word, as it were, I launched my own critique. Hence nonism. The challenge from here, of course, is to find one's tribe or polis. If everyone else is as 'removed' as me (by which I mean displaced whilst too young to know what was going on by ideology and its representations as coined within received postmodern 'reality'), then we are as characters in a novel who must first discover, expose and defeat the author/demiurge before we can experience authentic intercourse with each other. Joyce's Ulysses, I mean the book not the Bloom character within it . . . We are adrift in something not unlike that text. We are like fish moving through a sea of shifting registers and styles and thus tend to seek our centre within fantasy, internal narrative, etc. and that can make us cold and remote. It distances us from each other and makes polis or commune seem like an impossibility. It is through discourse - currently on substack, but we need to assume it will, having been scraped for evidence, be turned off eventually . . . but it is here for now that we can write our own parts, as it were, in order to materialise the spiritual part of the organism that we are and make it actual.

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Make it actual by writing it out. I'm doing that on my substack. It seemed to me to be the real use of this "thing" which will be turned off eventually, as you wrote, but the experiences of reading others thoughts and experiences will not be turned off. Does this have any value? I don't know though I know it's true and being true has the value of truth.

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If you replaced 'transgenderism' (which doesn't exist) with 'transhumanism' (which does) then I'd definitely give you a like for this otherwise superb and succinct article. It's ironic, though, that you mention the little narratives the cabal use to distract and agitate people, yet you seem to have taken one particular side in the so-called culture/identity war (woke vs. anti-woke), when surely it should be obvious that the criminocracy, as usual, have deliberately created this fake conflict and control both sides.

It's those who are stoking it up and reinforcing it on both sides who should be our targets, not the innocent people who are the subjects (black people, trans people, intersex people, immigrants and refugees, and so on) - none of those people have an agenda or an -ism, unless 'I just want to be treated with respect' is an agenda/-ism. Besides, denying any of these groups' existence is a denial of basic biological reality - nature organically tends towards variety and variation, not homogeneity. And some of these rare variants have been mislabelled as 'conditions' or 'syndromes' or 'psychological disorders' by 'modern medicine' when in fact they are simply natural variants of the human arising out of developmental variations.

Having said all of this, I am suddenly finding it organically spiritual that many of us are focusing on the same specifics, independently, and in our own way. For example I'm currently preparing a little article about the psychological effect of dystopias (like 'civilisation and its discontents') but specifically how it's maintained by suppression of ancient, spiritual, pagan, organic ways of viewing the world which kept people in that desired state of 'harmonia' as the ancients called it. The symbolisms, imagery and such like of organic spirituality and folk tales and the like is what anchored people to their own nature as natural beings. Part of the industrial 'progress' has been about eradicating all of that and producing an inhuman materialistic world (see also Marx).

Anyhow, still a great article as usual.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

RE: Williams argues that it was simply not possible for the band to produce such a quantity of original music in so short a time.

The main argument Rea gives is that the recording of Rubber Soul could not have been done in a month. This guy must not be musician. Pro musicians could definitely do that. Whether or not the Beatles were a construct is a separate question. But the main argument his rambling article rests on, is not convincing in itself. As to "rambling" he covers too much ground and does a disservice the other topics he touches on. As to ruling class constructs, why are these people clinging onto the Left/Right dichotomy - "The Real Left"?

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Yes and the real left article gave me hope!

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Fuck the government it is a dumpster fire 🔥 I will not comply and I no longer consent to be governed..As a 45 year truther I agree with you every thing that they say is a lie and their god Satan is the father of lies..Reject the state and detach from the satanic matrix.Come to understand that we are powerful spiritual entities that don’t need a government to protect us God through Jesus Christ is our father and his children are our family.. I pray that you all come to know Jesus and understand that with out him in our lives we are doomed..All glory to our Lord Jesus 🙏

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I don’t believe this was the case with the early Beatles. Most of their early songs were about traditional song content- love and relationships. But I’ve always hated Lennon’s “Imagine” - a near perfect rendering of the globalists’ goals. I read somewhere that his assassin was related to one of America’s political dynasties. Was it the Bushes?

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I will never believe that about the Beatles. I've done so much research on those guys, I'm probably an expert, and it sure sounds like a sowing of discord/mindfuck/tearing down of the Good of our culture to me. I've heard something similar to this not so long ago, and it makes me both sad and angry. Sure, pick on dead guys. Jealous? Evil? wtf. It's a sad thing, a sad time, when people try to destroy some of the most creative, most FUN, most interesting and productive people, and I don't mean just the Beatles, from so much of our history. I see a thread over the "covid" time, of trying to turn everything we've always loved into some sort of sham. The SHAM IS THE "ELITE" assholes trying to bring tyranny of the worst kind down on us. How ugly that is. I feel like I've been dipped in a sewer.

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When the whole "covid" thing was going down, it just didn't make any sense at all. Why not treat symptoms? Why were good doctor's going along with the BS? Why did they lock everyone down? If you keep asking Why, you eventually get to the answers and its really difficult to comprehend. But once it happens you inevitably start digging into everything else. Then it becomes obvious. You see the lies every time you turn on the TV. Any approved "pop culture" of the past 100+ years is obviously propaganda. Simply compare the Beatles to Frank Zappa. 9/11 was a big one. See AE911truth.org for the undeniable exposure. Goes at least as far back as 1913.

We must realize, if enough people are awakened to the reality, they will proceed to burn it down as the chaos creates cover. Get your families ready.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Why do I need to resist? These murdering clowns don't have the right to force me into doing anything. That's the law of the universe. All beings are always free.

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Hello Paul, in reading your essay, a question came up for me. How do you think the label of “conspiracy theorist” helps to support capitalist realism?

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The label is certainly used to suggest that any analysis departing from official wisdom is mistaken, even total fantasy, and that the only "reality" is the authorised one we are spoon-fed by the system, if that is what you meant? The same role is played by the device of defining politics perpetuating the status quo as "centrist" and those opposing it as "extremist" in one way or the other. In reality, there is nothing more "extreme" than the vile and murderous globalist dictatorship. But I'd add that terms like "conspiracy theorist" and "extremist" can also be embraced ironically and their intended effect thereby subverted.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. If we are told that there is only one “acceptable” interpretation of reality, then this is indeed a powerful way to exert control.

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