Thank you for this. I find most people do not understand about psychopathy. The attitude you describe pertaining to the “cabal” or “elites” or whatever “they” are called now and their blatant disregard for the greater majority of humanity is accurate. There are people who look like the rest of us but they have no capacity for empathy and actually relish in the suffering of others in a sadistic way. Your synopsis was spot-on. Thank you.

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Paul, thanks for this video (love the background) and thanks for all you do!

This kind of information is key to understanding the world and messages like this help awaken many to the reality.

The reality is that rich people run the countries and once people realize that then it’s easy to see how one decade were focused on this and the other decade were focused on that. Whoever’s paying the bills directs the nations.

Thanks for all you do and the resistance is occurring — even though it won’t be televised

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Cheers Franklin. Yes - it is happening and it needs to keep doing so, despite the endless distractions they throw our way...

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I am grateful for you and the work you do Paul to expose and inform those willing to listen. I believe it’s important , edifying soul work to fight for freedom whatever the outcome will be…we do have that obligation to the young and those yet to come. Keep fighting the good fight everyone in whatever way you can 💗

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Thanks Susan

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Wise words from a great writer!

Although people's personal debt from mortgages and borrowings is owed to these banksters, the 'national' debt built up by years of government deficit spending is owed to current and future social security recipients, and thus difficult to begin to dismantle.

I'm sure they have a plan to do it all by themselves soon anyway, so i dont spend too much time worrying about it.

I don't spend too much time worrying about macro, top-down solutions at all any more, although ideas come along that often seem promising and must always be judged for value.

We simply need to become unreliant on their banks, govenrments and corporations, so whatever they do has little effect.

When i say 'we' - it is only down to each individual to make these choices for themselves. Are you invested in the stock market idrectly or indirectly? Do you work for the government or major corporations? Do you buy a lot of their products? Are you in receipt of government handbacks? Does almost your entire life depend on their technology?

People spend far too much time worrying about the world at large, when if they shopped at farms and small producers, downsized, made everything at home and built a network of like-mindeds, their world would change instantly, and they would be changing the world one slave at a time as well.

The point is, any solution that starts with 'if only everyone...' is doomed to failure, because communism/collectivism sucks. But this is an individual solution where if I do it, it has great benefits to me and my family, but if you don't, it will have little effect on me.

I'll bet you can unpack this idea much better and much further than me. Peace :-)


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Yes, we need to cut free from their control in every way we can imagine.

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Thank you for this- I think just by being out pure beautiful selves, letting our souls touch others every day in big and small ways is a victory. I listed to Neil Oliver regularly and he gets it and is working to bring awareness. Substack is resplendent with writers lighting the way. There are many who get it, the enormity of the trap that’s been set by straight up evil fools. I truly believe that when team humanity is united (and not fighting amongst each other over issues supplied by the evil ones) there is no stronger force in the world.

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Brother Paul, what you have gathered/are gathering (understanding, grasping, seeing, and contributing) places you and I, and an increasing number of our fellow beings on the same page. It feels much like being neighbors, or like a fellow "neighbor has put it: co-hearts.

Your stand on the truth within as you have come to SEE it is inspiring. Every step one takes in the direction towards truth and the shedding of illusions is a help to humanity, mentally, energetically, and physically. I have heard it said that traversing this path is aided by possessing "three keys, Honesty, Humility, and Humor." I pray that we all keep these keys and the love of truth close at hand.

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Yes indeed. Thanks Ron.

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Thank you Paul. All my own research and reading through my life has led to the exact same conclusion, regarding the Rockefeller, Rotschild conspiracy / global mafia. Also - David Rockefeller thanked the MSM /NYT for not revealing the plan they had been working on for more than 4 decades just before his death. They will not succeed. Never. And I believe they are themselves starting to understand it.

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Paul, thanks for the message. I am taking this information very seriously and have been for the past year or more working diligently on learning about these people and their criminal enterprise. I believe that it is no longer a question of who “they” really are. Who else could it be other than the people who control the world´s economies, the world´s resources and information? I.e., the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the British Crown. The truth needs to come out in regards to where this crime originates and by whom it originates. You and some others (Gary Allen, Jacob Nordengard) have exposed this criminality and now the world needs to become aware of these facts. We cannot fight what we cannot see or understand. Now in light of the overwhelming evidence, we can identify and understand clearly what has been transpiring. Anyway, thanks Paul. You are on the right track and I stand with you in defense of liberty and in defiance of the industrial hell they call progress.

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Thanks Joszef. Glad to hear it!

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I appreciate your words and the deep call to action which powers you….. you continue to be an inspiration to me, especially at those times when I feel isolated and misunderstood, out of place in the world where a deep part of my hidden essence longs for connection and community.

Thank you

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I also live with a hidden essence longing for connection and community. Luckily I have four adult children who didn't go to school and I can relate to them because they are free thinkers. Other than them, all my engagement with others is me hiding behind superficial conversations. I learned during the covid scam that people prefer to do as they are told and they don't wish to be liberated by my ideas.

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People can get quite aggressive when their comfortable-but-fake understanding of reality is challenged.

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You are not alone Juliette. I, and so many others, feel just the same x

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Thanks for your validation Juliette.....

I have a few folk in and around the greater Manchester whom I connect with.....though not many!

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I personally subscribe to the view that it's all such a horrendous mess out there at the moment because our planet is going through a radical recalibration of energies and all the shit has no choice but to exit out of every orifice! We are probably more in control of that than it appears on the surface.

Your work is incredibly important in bringing to light all the unhealthy control we've put ourselves under, Paul. I think you are playing a vital part - for some, at least! - in this revelation of an insanity that's thrashing around in its dying throes.

And maybe many of us are finding ourselves doing things we never expected to, to address your final rallying call to do what we are here for. I'm weirdly involved in saying no to council overreach regarding mobility restrictions, i.e. at least on the surface being very pro motor car, when I was very eco and campaigning to slow traffic down before 2020! 2020 definitely opened my eyes to the wider agendas out there.

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there is a silent majority that holds the real power and enact it quietly while these actors scramble for the "lead roles" in their play, not many bother with it. Thought and intention go out into the world daily from good people. Thank you for your research. it is revealing and shining a light on it all.

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Superb … not a word out of place!

Perhaps my favourite bit: “And as a result, we've got a very frightening world where we're living in a sort of somewhere between a theme park and a concentration camp, where everything on the surface is just lies.”

“You can see that through science, particularly in COVID.” — And especially in the CAGW meta-narrative.

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Thanks. Much appreciated. This was a spontaneous one-take affair but I think I said what needed saying...

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I don't think you could have said it any better. Nor have picked a better background/setting to say it.

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The setting was in my mind when I woke up this morning.

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Thanks for the clear words.

I read your work since some years now and its been helping a lot to make sense of the things happening. As i am native german speaking i can say that there is no one i know doing quite the quality of work you do in german speaking countrys. in recent times i did take the liberty to print your books and articles and share them with friends and like minded. still hard to grasp for most as you have to be quite fit in english to understand it all. So i did a try translating one article and will continue to do more. I understand its in all our interest to spread understanding.

Some basic information regarding self sustainable living from the land: there is a great writer called Wolf-Dieter Storl (https://www.storl.de/english-books-by-wolf-d-storl/) and the book: Culture and Horticulture is most useful.

thanks a lot for all the shared

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Thanks Erich - for the sharing, translating and recommendations!

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Thank you for this. All power to you. This is a brilliant feature documentary that explains the economic system: Four Horsemen - Official Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJU&t=129s

Always said we are living in a mob sandwich! Like your description of the dystopian theme park cum concentration camp... yes, we are all slaves... I did the induction to a mooc (massive open online course) at Lancaster Uni, it explained that bartering never existed, and there's actually no factual evidence of it throughout history... at all...! it is just a fallacy made up to justify the creation of money / debt slavery.

(Posting again as it looks like my original comment went awry.)

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Thanks for the link. Looks like more than one comments have disappeared, somehow...

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Yes, Substack can be a tad glichy, can't it!?. Glad that you have followed me back... Thank you. I'm also a professional non-fiction writer, specialising in acerbic natural health oriented pieces, that can go off-piste into economics (wholesale monetary fraud), politics (how self-serving career politicians are selling us all down the Swanny) and religion (don't get me started!)... I'm an advocate for critical thinking, and an even stronger advocate of original thinking... hopefully I employ both, along with a well tuned sense of humour, in most of what I write. (Been talking about E Musk recently, would love to know your thoughts on him, and his public persona... he seems to have a lot of people fooled, despite all the evidence to suggest he's part of the problem, and not the solution, all staring us in the face...!!!)

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People seem to be very easily fooled... Musk is blatantly on the side of darkness.

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Yes they do...! Even when they are literally standing in front of the reality, many still believe the false narrative! I can't tell you how many times I've had the conversation about the Eastern Europeans stealing our jobs whilst standing right next to a slew of self-service checkouts, (that I refuse to use, just in case you are wondering)... People get very perplexed when I explain that we are actually stealing our own jobs by allowing supermarkets to get away with replacing paid workers with us, in the self-checkout isles! And, anybody who buys something online is doing exactly the same thing... it's technology and us that are stealing all the jobs! But, a call to hate and blame others is just so compelling!

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Yes, quite.

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Dear Paul Cudenec


I would like to share this (republish) on my three free speech video channels (50,000 subscribers). So, if you would like to share, contact me. Thank you.


Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis

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Dear Paul Cudenec

So, I leave a comment telling you, your video was excellent. And, say I would like to share it on my three free speech video channels with 50,000 subscribers, so many thousands more will see it. And you don't get back to me... And, also, don't even give me a like (when I see you give 90% of comments, likes). What I am to make of this type of perplexing behavior? And people wonder why we are not gaining traction against the powers that shouldn't be...

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis

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Sorry Mark. I completely missed your original comment, for some reason. Yes, of course, feel free to share! All the best, Paul

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Dear Paul

Could you please contact me https://earthnewspaper.com/contact so I can get the MP4 from you (can't find it online). Then I will publish on my three free speech video channels.

Thank you


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Really nice to put a face to the man behind the Substack posts I've been reading. Thank you so much for the overview. Banksters, yes indeed. A money-as-debt enslavement system, indeed. I go back to the late 1980s & David Icke. It's not new to me, but boy is it becoming clearer and clearer for those who have even half an eye to see.

I really liked your observation something along the lines of being somewhere between a 'theme-park and a prison-camp'. Yes, a combination of Huxley's Brave New World, and Orwell's 1984 - both of which were required reading when I was at school in the 1960s - an attempt I guess to make us aware enough to not let it ever happen again - especially after the huge sacrifices of two world wars under whose shadow I was brought up.

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Yes, it's clearer to more of us than ever before. How far away are we from a critical mass?

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The thing is, when a 'critical mass' is reached, how does it actually play out? Mass non-compliance (eg: with vaxxes, tax returns, ceasing unnecessary consumer purchases, a General Strike)? Or 'French Revolution style? Or endless protests and marches (eg: 1960s Civil Rights)? Or 'next level' action in our own consciousnesses by processing our own fears, hatred of 'The System', despair, etc? Would a collective shift in consciousness be enough to 'fizzle out' the psycho system, and bring in an era of wise eldership and governance?

I'm genuinely puzzled what to do. Meanwhile, we moved from U.K to Portugal some years ago to grow food, live mainly off-grid, and contribute to building resilient community. Which seems like a cop-out at one level, but I don't know how else to 'resist'. I find attempting 'self-sufficiency' (not entirely successful) is the best I can do - but meanwhile watch from the the sidelines the rest of the world go to pot.

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Everything you mention there is a form of resistance. Even just dragging your heels, refusing a smart meter, digital ID, jabs... Spreading info to others, never watching or listening to "the news", encouraging others to do likewise. Taking to the streets, too, at moments of particular collective energy - and staying there. Others may opt for postering, graffiti, sabotage... It's all about resonance and the refusal to submit to their future.

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I rather wonder about those books too, there is a requirement for the adverse force to announce what it is they are intending to do to avoid karmic repercussions from breaking uiversal law. They've become more subtle at it in the past 50 years; they now have access to more exotic technologies than just novels! More often than not the plans are conceived decades in advance, I suppose intending the announcement will be missed by our fascination with social media distractions available on fart (oops!) phones!

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I don't have a smart-phone - just a 22 year-old Nokia. So far so good. But there'll come a day when maybe not, and I'll need to buy one. I hate this 'forcedness' of technology closing in, making operating in the world increasingly difficult if you don't buy into the technology.

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