In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on its content in 2023. The online document covering the entire decade can be found here.
The Acorn in 2023 featured some important deep dives into the toxic reality of a world run by global organised crime.
One of these was a special report entitled ‘Chemicals, cancer and corruption’.
Having been contacted by a whistleblower who had worked for the British state, we revealed that “thousands of adults and children could be suffering from cancers and other serious illnesses because of the UK’s collusion with the powerful chemicals industry”.
Terry Edge told us: “I’ve tried to back out of this issue, but I won’t give up while the entire population is being poisoned for profit”.
The scandal involves the use of toxic flame retardants in home furnishing, which are used to meet legislation imposed in Britain and Ireland but not in Europe and the USA.
As well as poisoning people in their homes on a daily basis, with children particularly vulnerable, they also worsen the overall effects of fires, as they did in London’s 2017 Grenfell Tower disaster, which killed 72 people and left many others with long-term health problems.
When The Acorn looked to see who was behind this outrage, we discovered the involvement of the Israeli chemicals industry and of Vanguard, part of the Rothschilds’ global empire.
Another deep dive was my piece ‘Cogs of corruption and control’, based on a look at a supposedly African “privately held” business called Vanguard Economics Ltd in Rwanda.
The firm’s interest in Rwanda was made clear by the way that it regarded young people, who make up more than 60% of the total population, as “valuable resources for the country’s development” – as human capital, in other words.
I discovered it had just launched the Vanguard Economics Young Impact Associate scheme in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, that its bosses had a background with the World Bank and the international “development” scene and that its “partners” very much reflected that same affiliation, including as they did the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank.
And I remarked: “One single multi-faceted self-concealing worldwide public-private empire is behind this vile agenda”.
Another important issue addressed in The Acorn was the alarming prospect of a world without mothers.
We reported: “The eugenicists behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now have their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs which would cut women out of the reproductive process”.
We quoted an article by Silvia Guerini in a special edition of the French review Ecologie & Politique in which she argued that while the current justification for the technology was on medical grounds, helping people who could not have babies naturally, the long-term goal for the industry was no doubt to make artificial reproduction the norm.
Guerini warned: “The use of your own body would be considered a sign of social inferiority and poverty. A natural mother would be considered potentially irresponsible, like mothers who currently opt for home birth, refusing the hospitalisation and medicalisation of the process… Natural childbirth would first be treated as irresponsible, then criminal”.
When this excellent edition of Ecologie & Politique was published, four members of its own editorial committee publicly attacked the contents.
They labelled the contributors “reactionary”, tried to imply some kind of connection to “the rise of the extreme right” across Europe and dropped in a random reference to “nostalgists for fascism”.
All of this, we pointed out, was to say that the dissident contributors had “a moral duty to shut up and toe the authorised ‘left-wing’ line”.
The attacking authors insisted: “The alliance between feminist movements, LGBTQI movements and environmental movements can only be made by getting rid of a retrograde vision of nature, including human nature”.
It didn’t take much researching to discover that all four of these propagandists worked for the French state and associated “think tanks” or “foundations”.
The same kind of smears were also being rolled out against those opposing embryonic smart city projects in the UK.
This movement was gaining some momentum, with The Daily Mail describing “a growing revolt” against 15-minute cities and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and the expanded Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London.
There was a big rally in Trafalgar Square, surveillance cameras were sabotaged here and there and in some places people set fire to the planters being used to close local roads.
Like the Covid freedom protests, these acts of public rebellion had to be tarnished and marginalised by the system.
The BBC was later forced to admit that its claim that “far-right” groups had been involved in protesting against ULEZ was nothing but a lie.
In Oxford, the presence of one or two members of the “far right” in a diverse protest allowed the same smear card to be played.
This alleged “threat” was also used to manipulate people from the “left” into forming a small “counter-protest”.
Another claim from the back-to-front “anti-fascist” camp was that anti-technocracy protesters had uttered “anti-semitic tropes”.
We wrote: “As we know, this is now applied to any reference to a threat from globalised central control or any mention of the Great Reset, openly launched by Charles III and yet still described as a ‘conspiracy theory’ by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be”.
Over in Commonwealth Canada, the system’s media were likewise desperately trying to depict opposition to 15-minute Cities as unfounded paranoia.
We looked at one ridiculous propaganda piece in a local paper which complained that “conspiracy theorists have expanded their scope beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on another convoluted web of misinformation”.
And we also reported on an alert issued in Australia over the dangers of censorship, following the attack on dissident publication New Dawn by Commonwealth neighbour New Zealand, as previously reported on the Winter Oak site.
Sonia Hickey wrote: “If we are determining that something is ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ simply because it argues against a popular, majority-driven narrative, or presents a divergent, perhaps contrary point of view, then we might as well say RIP to democracy”.
US journalist Helen of desTroy weighed in with some articulacy on the issue, warning: “The idea is to graduate a generation for whom privacy is alien, dissent is criminal, obedience is a competitive sport, and turning in your parents for wrongthink is second-nature, all justified by the vague nonspecific crisis that has been looming in the background since they were born.
“The censorship of New Dawn, the university witch-hunts against Dr. Coles and both Millers, the absurd white supremacy conspiracy bill, are all symptoms of the same totalitarian virus gradually sucking the will to resist out of humanity”.
I myself was targeted by a few unpleasant paragraphs on the Montreal Counter Information website.
In predictable fashion, this condemned my exposures of the agenda behind the Great Reset, including the collaborative role of “anarchists” and the “left”, as “full-throttle conspiracy mongering”.
Moreover, because I had dared to criticise the Rothschilds and challenge the transhumanist/transgender industry, I was apparently guilty of “propagating far-right conspiracy theories about Jewish bankers and trans people”.
A little digging revealed that behind the smears against me and fellow dissidents lay the usual global mafia networks.
I concluded: “The lesson from all of this is that people, particularly those on the ‘left’, urgently need to wise up. They have to understand that the smears against us dissidents are false flag operations.
“They appear on ‘anarchist’, ‘environmentalist’ or other ‘left’ websites and are couched in the appropriate language, passing themselves off as condemnations of the ‘far-right’, ‘antisemitism’ or ‘fascist drifts’.
“But the source of the propaganda is identical to that of the funding channelled furtively down to these public-facing groups and individuals.
“Both money and smears issue from a secretive global network of ‘philanthropy’, ‘charity’, ‘impact’, ‘umbrella groups’, ‘consultancies’, ‘foundations’ and ‘funds’ closely tied to national and international institutions.
“The likes of Montreal Counter Information and Freedom News like to pretend they are punching ‘up’, against a threat emanating from some kind of international ‘far-right’ conspiracy, whereas in fact they are punching ‘down’, against free-thinking rebels, on behalf of the ruthless global criminocracy”.
A similar note was struck by Dr Phil Bevin, in a piece we quoted in The Acorn: “In their alliance with the NGO-intelligence complex, the climate activist Left has become what it has claimed to oppose; it is the twenty-first century successor to Rhodes and Rockefeller and constitutes the vanguard of Western imperialist crony capitalism”.
Meanwhile, the system was again flexing its authoritarian muscles in France, in the face of a conclusive public rejection of its pension “reforms”.
We commented: “The government ignored weeks of massive and peaceful protesting, forced the law through parliament without a vote and then started banning demonstrations and mutilating protesters with military-style repression.
“This looks less like a ‘liberal democracy’ than a colonial government of occupation, determined to ‘put down the natives’ at any cost.
“And this, of course, is exactly what it is! France is not run by representatives of the French people, but by representatives of the global money power, the criminal gang which owns pretty much everything, everywhere”.
The invasion of the BlackRock HQ in Paris by a crowd of angry protesters and strikers suggested that people were well aware of the identity of their enemy.
In England, thousands turned out to protest against the move by a wealthy hedge fund manager to limit public enjoyment of Dartmoor.
And a Festival of Resistance against corporate arms dealers was staged in London outside DSEI, one of the world’s biggest weapons fairs.
Campaigners said: “This is where those who profit from war, repression and injustice do business. This is where we can stop them”.
The Acorn reported on, and I also spoke at, an anti-WEF conference staged in London by Real Left and the fifth international “Three Days Against Techno-Sciences” event in Italy.
We expressed solidarity with Acorn contributor Jan Goodey, jailed for protesting, under the draconian new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, and passed on Katherine Watt’s warning that “the World Health Organization is not a health organization, it’s a military organization”.
We also wrote how French mathematics professor Romain Couillet had called for all research on AI to be halted and for the digital world to be dismantled, declaring: “This world is beautiful and we should be grateful for it, develop our capacity for empathy and return as far as we can to a direct relationship with nature and against artificial and technological development”.
Following a key article on the Winter Oak site exposing the reality behind BRICS, The Acorn confirmed its conclusions by looking at the 2023 BRICS declaration, in which the term “sustainable development” featured no fewer than 21 times and “inclusive” 17 times.
It even promised: “We will look to identify solutions for accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
We commented: “Again and again, the Great Reset programme crops up in the declaration issued by this supposedly brand-new and independent alliance of nations. This is quite clearly the same old system that has been running the show for a very long time now!”
Alongside this, we ran a most enlightening report from Corporate Watch UK on China’s SAFE Investment Company.
One of China’s sovereign wealth funds, ultimately owned by the “communist” People’s Bank of China, it was revealed to have shares in the likes of Shell, BP, AstraZeneca, GSK, Rio Tinto, Tesco, Lloyds Bank, the UK’s National Grid and the London Stock Exchange.
These insights were reinforced in the November issue, which featured articles entitled “China is globalist” and “BRICS and the bankers”.
That same Acorn included an article by David Rovics called “Gaza: manufacturing consent for slaughter”, summarising propaganda techniques being used to excuse Israel’s land-grabbing genocide that had just got underway.
For instance: “Whenever discussing the history of Israel and Palestine, always focus on the Nazi holocaust that caused so many Jews to want to leave Europe, and tie this in with the history of Jewish settlement of Palestine in such a way that suggests an inevitability about this whole process, and some kind of suggestion of a connection between Palestinians and Nazis, despite no historic connections really existing”.
We pointed readers to an interesting video interview of former British MP Chris Williamson by Mike Robinson and Vanessa Beeley of UK Column, which explored the subversion of real democracy by the Israel lobby, the military-industrial complex and the deep state.
And we shared an important observation from Iain Davis: “No national electorate on Earth has ever given their democratic mandate for the UN to create a global governance regime to serve the interests of private capital. But that is precisely what it has done”.
We also featured Davis’s warning about the threat to our freedom from central bank digital currency (CBDC), Elizabeth Nickson’s startling revelations about Natural Asset Companies (NACs), which “will be owned, managed, and traded by companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and even China” and Nancy Robertson’s identification of a BlackRock/Vanguard “metastasizing monopoly“.
The ever-increasing exposure of its nefarious activities, despite all the censorship and smears, was evidently rattling the global mafia.
We noted that the WEF’s Global Risks Report 2023 identified “worrying developments” that were apparently “eroding the resilience and stability of the global system”.
Among these was “mounting citizen frustration” which it warned could lead to “secession and anarchism”!
The Acorn endorsed writer Paul Kingsnorth’s conclusion: “The modern experiment has failed. The tower is coming down. There are opportunities to be found in all of the cracks that are spreading upwards from its foundations. In the rotting of the old world is the seed of the new”.
Certainly worth repeating are the following 3 quotes...
Helen of desTroy: “The idea is to graduate a generation for whom privacy is alien, dissent is criminal, obedience is a competitive sport, and turning in your parents for wrongthink is second-nature, all justified by the vague nonspecific crisis that has been looming in the background since they were born.”
Dr Phil Bevin: “In their alliance with the NGO-intelligence complex, the climate activist Left has become what it has claimed to oppose; it is the twenty-first century successor to Rhodes and Rockefeller and constitutes the vanguard of Western imperialist crony capitalism”.
Iain Davis: “No national electorate on Earth has ever given their democratic mandate for the UN to create a global governance regime to serve the interests of private capital. But that is precisely what it has done”.
"The Acorn endorsed writer Paul Kingsnorth’s conclusion: “The modern experiment has failed. The tower is coming down. There are opportunities to be found in all of the cracks that are spreading upwards from its foundations. In the rotting of the old world is the seed of the new”." I really hope this is true. It's strong resilient local communities which will 'do their own thing' and make 'the controllers' irrelevant that is so important.